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Haunted in Florida

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  1. Thank you coollady1957. I appreciate your care and concern..... Sincerely, Haunted in Florida
  2. Thank you sonjam for your words of support. I appreciate your concern. Things seem to be a little better right now, but so much has happened in such a short space of time, I seem to always think some other horrible thing is going to take place. I really do try not to dwell on these thoughts, but it's always at the back of my mind. Your thoughts, care, and concern are greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Haunted in Florida
  3. Thank you Hope75. I truly appreciate the support. I am feeling a little stronger now, but I realize that's only because I haven't had any recent tragedy befall me. I sit around wondering what will happen next. I try not to be that way, but to say the least, I'm a little paranoid. People who know me tell me I am a very strong person, but I don't feel that way at all. I may look calm on the outside, but inside, I'm a bundle of nerves, always worrying what will happen next. It's wonderful to know that somewhere out there, there are people who care. For someone like me, it means everything in the world. I may not know any of you, but the care and concern I have witnessed on behalf of my post has helped me through a very, very tough time. I am forever grateful..... Haunted in Florida
  4. Thanks to you Coollady 1957. Your concerns and thoughts are greatly appreciated. Hopefully my husband will continue to respond to the treatments, and the doctors at Moffitt can keep him alive for many years to come. Only time will tell..... Sincerely, Haunted in Florida
  5. Thank you DN. I somehow have found the strength to keep going through some of the darkest days of my life, and I don't know how I did it. I'm just grateful that I was a little bit stronger than I thought I was. Thank you for your thoughts and concern. Even though I do not know you, or any of the other people that have replied to my message, the thought that someone out there cares is more comforting than you know.... Sincerely, Haunted in Florida
  6. Thanks Hope 75. I am feeling a little better now that my husband appears to be responding to the treatments. I still have this feeling of impending doom, but it is not as bad as it was. I appreciate your concern. It's nice to know someone out there cares.... Sincerely, Haunted in Florida
  7. Thank you LD25 My husband got the results of his first round of treatment yesterday. Some of the tumors in his lungs have disappeared, others have become smaller. The tumors on his adrenal glands have not changed, so the doctors consider him to be stable right now. As long as he shows no excessive growth or new tumor development, they will keep him on this clinical trial. He will start another 12 week cycle next week. The doctors said they can keep him alive indefinitely as long as he continues to respond to treatment. Today he went back to work, but I worry about him. I don't know if he's strong enough, but he's determined to try to get his life back on track. I'm proud of him, but don't want him to push himself too far. I appreciate your concern. It means more to me than you know..... Sincerely, Haunted in Florida
  8. Thank you LD25. I appreciate your concern. I do try to be strong, but sometimes I feel like a lost little girl. I like being in control of situations, I feel stronger that way. Regarding my husband's illness, I have no control whatsoever, and it drives me crazy. I do the best I can, but I never feel like I'm doing enough. I'm reading some books about being a good caregiver, and I am learning a few things that might help me. Thank you again. Haunted in Florida
  9. We came home Friday afternoon. He started getting sick shortly after I got him home for the weekend. By the time I got him to the hospital, his temperature was 104.4. The hospital treated him and now he is back on his way to Tampa. They are not sure what is wrong with him this time. The local community hospital was so shocked by his condition, they told me they had no choice but to send him back to Tampa by ambulance. I'm so worried. It's almost like something is wrong and they're not sure what it is. They have to do something. I don't think his body can take much more. He's so young - only 41... Way too young to die like this. If he dies now, I will truly be lost. When will this nightmare end? How much more can I take? I feel like I'm at the end of my rope, hanging on by my fingernails. My brain is so addled by all this heartbreak, I don't know how much more I can tolerate. I'm truly worried I'm not going to make it mentally. Haunted in Florida
  10. Thank you hosswhispra. This past Monday, while at the Hope Lodge, I had to call 911 because my husband was having chest pain and said he thought he was going to die. It was terrible, and I was terrified. The ambulance took him to a local emergency room, where they wheeled him out into the waiting room where we sat for over three hours. I kept pleading with them to take him in the back and give him some IV fluids, but they wouldn't listen to me. Finally, I called Moffitt Hospital and pleaded for a room for him. They told me to bring him immediately. I got him to Moffitt at 3:00 a.m., and they started helping him right away. He is feeling better now and they discharged him Wednesday afternoon. Sometimes I just don't know how to be a good caregiver. I try my very best, but I never feel like I'm doing a very good job. I've read some books about caregiving, because I want to do the best job I can, and do everything I can for my husband. Despite everything that has happened between us, I love him more than anything. He truly is my strength. If he doesn't pull through this, I will certainly be lost......
  11. Thank you Coollady1957. It's been tough on me, and sometimes I have good days, and a lot of bad days, but I try not to wallow in self pity, because I know it's a waste of time. I just feel lost, and often don't know where to turn or who to turn to.....
  12. Thanks to everyone for their care and concern. It's nice to know that there really are people out there that care. Haunted in Florida
  13. doyathink Thank you for your reply. I was working for an environmental consulting company, so I am very aware of nature, and do try to get a little time to enjoy it when I can. Your compassion is very comforting to me. Thank you.....
  14. mmmending Thank you for your reply. You're right about my children, they are the light of my life. Right now, I am consoling my two eldest children due to the tragic loss of their father, and doing my best to help my youngest child deal with his father's grave health issues. I love my children, and will always be there for them. Maybe that's why I've been able to hold it together, so they have the best chance to heal from the trauma they have had to endure. I have looked into many religions, trying to find one that connects with my own personal beliefs, but can't seem to find anything that comes close other than Hindu, but I am going to look into the book you recommended, because I am looking for any kind of guidance I can find, and it doesn't matter to me what religion it is, as long as it will help me be a more productive person.
  15. DN I appreciate your words of compassion. God knows I could use some right about now. My mother and sister do their best to be there for me, but they don't live near me. I know they love me, but they are both the kind of people who pity me so much, they can't look through that to help me find a solution to my problems. They just feel sorry for me and expect me to "wallow in self pity", and sometimes I do, even though I know it's not productive. I feel blessed that some people replied to my post. It may not sound like much, but I am so down and out right now, any amount of compassion and consolation is extremely valuable to me. I will be spending the entire week in Tampa, Florida at the Moffit Cancer Center, staying with my husband at the Hope Lodge, which is funded by the American Cancer Society, and unfortunately I do not have a laptop computer to take with me. I will do my best to check on replies to my post, but I know it's going to be a bad week. The cancer treatment my husband is going through is harsh and brutal, and I am his primary caregiver. I just pray I continue to find the strength to keep going. Sometimes I doubt myself, and wonder how I've kept going through all this. I worry that my strength is going to "run out", and I'm going to fall apart.
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