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  1. Well, Batya33, I'm rather curious just about everything, and that includes my partner's past. Though most important is the fact that I believe that a relationship is based on trust and love, and I want to know about her past in order to know who I will be sharing my life with. What disturbs me about her past is something that I guess it is actually MY problem, and that's what I'm seeking to solve. Because if she really worked herself out of her promiscuous life (before me, and after her "colorful" life, she's had two other boyfriends who she stayed with little less than a year after being dumped), then she deserves a chance to demonstrate that she really changed for good. And I really love her, so I don't want her past to bother me. We actually do have different values when it comes to being sexually intimate. While I simply cannot have sex with a friend or a simple date (I need to love somebody to have sex with that person), she's the kind of person that separates the concepts of sex and love. But that doesn't really matter to me at all. We're simply two different human beings. Btw, she's been tested for STDs and HIV, and everything is perfectly right. I'm also kinda paranoid about that, too. ;-)
  2. I started dating my current girlfriend a couple of months ago, and ever since I met her, there's something that disturbs me about her past. She's 3 years younger than me (I'm 21), and has a very "colorful" past, with more less twenty sexual partners on her account. We've gone over this a few times before, and though reluctant to talk about the subject, she's told me as much as I think she's ever going to tell me: that she didn't feel loved at the moment, that she slept with these guys because she felt loved that way, and that she's ashamed of her past. As for me, I dated a single girl in the past, I didn't have any sexual experiences whatsoever until now, and I have the feeling that I would've wanted to have at least another experience. And since I won't be cheating on her, I feel in quite a difficult situation. I really love my girlfriend and feel trully happy with her, I won't be dumping her for such a thing. I know that what's in her past cannot be changed, and I certainly believe that it's not worth worrying about that at all, but I cannot seem to change my mind. I've been always insecure and I've had a very low self-esteem in my past (the main reason for my lack of experience). What do you think that I should do to overcome my feelings and accept her past?
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