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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. It would be very hard to keep it at a friendship level if you found the other person attractive. And, don't ya think that looks would be a motive in choosing a friend of the opposite sex??
  2. I think we women have sat back and watch men do this for so long while we sit and cry in the corner over his leaving us. Maybe we decided "if ya can't beat em, join em". And hell yes- we like adventures too.
  3. Time. That is the only thing that has ever worked for me. It took you time to fall in love and will take you time to get over that love. You may always love him but it takes awhile to live life w/o their presense.
  4. Sometimes people grow apart too. Maybe she has "lost that lovin feeling" and points the finger at you so she doesn't have to feel so much guilt. It's easier for her to point out your short comings than to look in the mirror and confess to herself that she has caused all of you so much pain.
  5. Cut, for sure. It's seems to be easier to keep clean and it's very nice to look at !!
  6. and i think his women is the pocket device
  7. lol i'm kiddin. really never tried that, i'd wake the kids
  8. I'm just here to learn, you tell me. I tried the ceiling fan but you have to keep it on low speed. Don't like hitting the walls at full speed ya know
  9. We thought you were busy in the other room lol
  10. It sure is taking him a looong time in there
  11. he didn't even ask us if we wanted to watch!!!
  12. I wonder what that looks like...barkless lol lol
  13. well, now I found where all the exciting people are!!
  14. Believe it or not, some women prefer the quiet, shy type. I do...my husband was the quiet-shy guy in the crowd, that's what attracted me to him in the first place. When there is chemistry, you will find all kinds of things to talk about. Women like to talk about themselves so ask her a question and let her go.......
  15. You want to know if you are seeing things clearly? Well, ummm, He is clearly a married man. How clear do you need it? Maybe you should steer clear of him....just a thought
  16. I think I'll skip all the middle ground and just "beat the bark off his ***" LOL
  17. Well, it seems as though you have already planned out your future. WHAT COMES AROUND, GOES AROUND!!! Hope you are very happy now cause your future will be full of this coming back at ya. Wait till your so in love with a man and he finds your best friend so exciting that he can't resist her.LOL
  18. There will always be money problems and not enough sex problems whether you are married or not. The thing is, most people forget that marriage is a union of two people becoming one! Everyone still wants their own set of rules and forget compromise is the key. One or the other feel they need the other to give into their set of beliefs and thats that. Too much selfishness and disrespect end a lot of marriages.
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