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  1. Hopefully if I write here, none of my friends nor relatives will have to see nor heard what I'm feeling like, with no life and sorta depress. I think I may be a commitment phobic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truth is, I'M NOT NORMAL for sure. I know if I was dating a single guy and he were to state his real feelings and even dare to drop the "L", I would totally freak out and already get very bored, or even become g/f and b/f but end up cheating on him very faster and instead move on to a guy that's taken, even marry. Then again, if I'm alone, that's it, no life at all, I mean yes, just graduated, do work, do have a scholarship, and a car but still no life but being always the other girl going for few of my best friends' men. Yesterday I was chatting with one who's marry and says he wanna meet me sometime next week and well they did cyber. All I know it's already starting to get bore, I wish I can commit and I'm not happy right now, in fact I been overeating and drinking lately. Only no one sees this, I don't show it, to everyone, I'm very happy.
  2. Go meet him, or tell him where you live.
  3. Seriously is that all you think about, only think about a guy and not something else?
  4. Hell yea, lots of time, and will cheat, I don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Just wondering if anyone here was the other person and found it cool. I'm the other girl and seriously, to tell you the truth I have no remorse over it, no such regret. I mean, it'd not like I have sex with them, now that would be disgusting, scewing someone you just want to fun with and have no deep connection. It never goes further cuddling and making out. tomorrow I'm go date two of my best friends's b/f. I may be kinda wild, but at least I'm virgin. This is the reason why I cannot be in a commited relation yet, if I was, I know very well that right away, I'll end up making out with another guy and prollie won't care that much. So, no I'mm stay single for a while, agh, don't feel like dealing with troubles. I heard there were trust issues afterwards and losing privacy, arg, too much of a headache. If I had a relation, I would tell him that if he wants to then it'll be open, if not then bye. Often worry if it's normal feeling good about being the other person and having fun. I try doing other things, but it's no fun comparing to dating taken guys. And yes, one of my best found out once, and guess what she took him back, lol. That dude's been ignoring me since, in fact was mad at me, lol, oh well, it was fun with him until it lasted, haven't talk to my friend since and don't really care. I feel like I have nothing more fun to do than dating the taken guys, if I ever get this out of my system, then I'll be ready for a relation, but until then, no. I'm I shallow, self-center, etc. I'm assuming all ya gonna say those things. Guess wut, I don't care about your damn comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I got self-esteem and confidence.
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