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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. On the other hand, she may be wanting to start an office romance. Her marriage may not be well and she is looking to 'hook up'. Some affairs start at the work place. I'm sure you know what to do to put it to an end if it is...Good luck!
  2. While your there, get one for me too, I hear they smell very sweet!!
  3. I'm also sorry to hear of your sorrow. Take a deep breath and clear your head. YOU have a future, not that you can see it right now but the next step is to figure out where you are going to go from here. You deserve happiness and I hope you find it very soon. Good luck
  4. I finally got caught up and read all the way throught--again, and everyone GONE!! Ross, where are you at at this point-what direction are you going?
  5. Hi Twilight, Do you get yearly paps? Were they there when you had your last pap? Did the Doc see them? Yes, they could be warts and if they are you can pass them on to your partner. It has also been proven that condoms don't always protect you from catching genital warts because they can be located where a condom doesn't cover. Really get them checked out ASAP, some carry cancer!!
  6. I have my nose pierced and my friend has everything pierced and we haven't had any problems. She decided to lose the belly button one because it kept catching on everything and she almost tore it out on her counter. She now has a tiny scar from it but you really don't notice it.
  7. If you are looking for honesty from him than you yourself need to be honest with him and tell him what you did and why you did it. I hope it all works out well for you both! Good luck.
  8. OK, so what I've gotton so far is: Tyler has passion! Mac is the guy to look to write you a profile if the need arises! TRS is cheering them all on with great enthusiasm and uplifting spirits! Budman is llllaughingggg a lot and saying nnnnoooooo dude, not that profile! SB made a couple of comments that Pet did-not-like, but has since cleared the air! Ross REALLY wants to keep that profile up and is experimenting with JUST HOW LARGE HE CAN PUT THAT PICTURE UP ON OUR SCREEN! (wow, now that is a close up and no one can say they don't know what you really look like) doyathink says Ross, you are now coming alive, good for you buddy. Umm...but don't forget the 'passion'. haha
  9. You can also google this and get a lot of good advice from therapists who have been trained in this field and/or are counselling couples with infidality.
  10. Ha ha ha, your too far away, however, you can keep up the funny comments! I do so enjoy them
  11. Tyler, I don't think you have posted one thing yet that didn't make me laugh!! lol....I have my nose pierced and it hurt so bad that I never got any more. I would think it to hurt a lot!!!
  12. Again, I agree with Belmontboy. Apparently we think alike! We could all go on and on about who's opinions we think are right and who we diagree with but that is not helping the poster with her problem. When we enter a relationship we are agreeing to 'share' our space, privacy and secrets among other things,with each other. When you get the 'gut feelings', just how long do you need to continue to 'put it out of your mind' say it's stupid and have no right to be thinking these crazy thoughts. It's ' all in my head' they couldn't possibly be doing this 'to me'!!! You see little hints that could lead you to believe that not is all good, but you contiue to tell yourself that this person has no reason to cheat on you so again you chaulk it up to your mind it playing crazy tricks on you. Ten years down the road you are told by your partner that they want a divorce, they have been having a affair and are in love with someone else! Wow, I didn't see that coming?????? I never seen anything 'bad' to make me think this would happen???? It happens all the time where a partner is hit with the fact that their partner is having an affair and they never acted on their gut feelings because they told themselves that he/she didn't have a reason to cheat on them so of course it wouldn't happen to them!! I feel sorry for the naive ( which I have been before), they take life for granted sometimes and think their relationship is to 'happy' to go wrong. Yes, this did happen to me!! I walked blindly for several years thinking I'm happy, he's happy, life is great. I never 'snooped' didn't think I had a reason too. I dimissed all thoughts,all the little signs that there could be a reason he would want a fling. I was blind sided when ppl were calling me and coming to my house telling me he was cheating on me. Then I looked back at some of the obvious signs that I thought at the time were 'just in my head' and felt really stupid for not digging deeper! How stupid am I? This happened three times!! It isn't always in your head and if you find subtle little hints then by all means, don't quickly down play them to be your imagination. Some ppl think that their relationship is going way too good for their partner to cheat on them. Really? If this gal has a feeling that he is cheating then she has every right to protect herself from further harm and find out. There may be other clues that she is not sharing with us at this time that have lead her up to the snooping on his computer. I'm sure there is more to it than the small story she shared and now she is acting on it. How big of a clue does one need to leave to justify a little digging? Some say that pot is a door opener drug which leads a person to do harder drugs. Well, it isn't for everyone, some just stay with pot. Some say that porn is an opener for wanting the real thing, to want a little 'strange' on the side, but there again, it doesn't lead all to cheat. It's all up to the individual and what they can keep in control of.
  13. Either way tha boy would be missin' some skin and be a little chapped from my boot bein' up his crack!
  14. Oh yes Grand, You always have the right words. It's all been said right here!
  15. So..ummm....are you saying that you are not in love anymore and you could take it or leave it. That your just not happy being married to him but that you lack any ambition to leave because for one reason or another it isn't in your best interest? Kids, money situation, a place to live? Maybe 'not being in love' isn't reason enough in your eyes to justify a divorce? Whats really going on?
  16. hahaha, your all going to hate me but I have to take the "mom" approach here. You are 17 and still a virgin, I commend you. If you are not ready to lose it yet don't let anyone pressure you into it. Keep for as long as you feel you want too. Are you sure this is what was going through her mind when she said you were shy?? Do you know she is ready to give up her virginity? Do you have protection? I know you have talked about you being a good father but at 17 that would be a big challenge. It may or may not have been what she was meaning and at '10 weeks' that isn't a lot of time to know everything you may want to know about her. You have plenty of time to bring sex into this relationship, no hurry. ha ha, good luck!
  17. I agree with you Raykay, a person should have a very serious reason to snoop. I would ask first to see if they told the truth. If they did then it would be the time to make the boundries known, both ways to avoid later conflicts. I know what you mean that it would be hurtful, it would to a lot of people, if you gave no reason for them to mistrust you. If you give someone your absolute,unconditional love and then they turn around and think you maybe cheating in someway, it would be so painful for most. I should have made myself clearer, sorry. If you have very good reason to believe your partner is cheating physically and you have approached them with the situation and they lie, or you really feel you have evidence that they are lying than don't just lay down and take it. You deserve better and to know the truth. If..that entails snooping to prove they are, than snoop. I feel at that point you can do whatever you need to do to. But..if my s/o for some reason, thought he had a good idea to snoop he can at any point check me out.Maybe I wouldn't be as upset as some would. I would never cheat, I don't know how someone could be 'pushed' into cheating. I can't think of anything that would push me into someone elses arms/bed. I would already have to have cheating on my mind to persue it. Umm..I don't call it entrapment, I call it a test. But please understand, this is my opinion and only my opinion.
  18. I also agree with Bethany and Belmontboy. If you have reason to suspect your s/o is cheating than you have every right to keep your eyes open and investigate. Everything I have read on this subject says to do this. Thats why people hire private eyes!! If they have nothing to hide than they shouldn't mind. Of course this isn't going to be everyone's opinion but to each his own. I for one wouldn't care if my s/o checked up on me I have nothing to hide.
  19. wow, even Dako is upset. You rarely see this.
  20. My goodness, everyone has their own opinion. why is it lately that a lot of people are getting so offended so easy. I knew what he was trying to say but for lack of better words it came out wrong. I'm not curvy, I have a small flat butt...SO, this guy wouldn't be attracted to me! SO!! Who cares if this guy doesn't like 'thin' women. I think he was trying to let women who are not skeletons know that a lot of men like that 'fuller figure' type. SO!!!
  21. ok, so what is your hygiene like. I'm being serious here! Do you shower daily, brush your teeth, wear cologne? Maybe that could be it. We can all see ya but we can't smell you.Do you have B.O.????
  22. Sorry Bent, didn't mean to crash your party!!!!
  23. Holy cow! I can see why Budman threw up his arms and left the thread. I, personaly think that 'oral' is a form of foreplay and that unless you have had a penis in your va-j-j, than you are still a virgin. What, so some consider getting fingered a loss of virginity too? You can catch STD's from kissing ( genital warts for one) so I don't think that constitutes whether or not it is considered sex, just cause you can catch a disease from it. Intimacy is a whole other ball game. That can be holding hands, kissing, a stroll through the park but I have never heard that it is sex, it just usually goes with it.
  24. Aww, you dirty slit! I'm not fully awake I suppose. *slap* Ooohhh, I got it! LOL
  25. You also forgot to add, it makes you shake and thrust about uncontrolably! You make sounds that no animal can even come close to, and it wears you out more than the "relay for life" race!!
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