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  1. Lita43

    Did He Cheat??

    Hi There!, I know that cheating is wrong, but you have to think about what you share together and have a constant respect for each other. If somebody gets mad about having non-attention or not having their needs met, then it is really not that out of the ordinary that they would look for their needs or validation elsewhere! Especially if you are very verbal about your expectations and desires. If this is going way wrong, then you need to connect on a real verbal and honest level. Cheating is cheating no matter what, but doesn't mean that (the person you cheated with) you Love that person and is just a temporary filling of need. The wrong mates in life might cheat and it's basically about their "Ego" and the talk of the "Other Guy's/Friends". True "SoulMates" may stray, but it's hard to stay connected at all times if you're not on the Same Page! When you've been together for a long time (15 years), then you get so comfortable together that the little things don't matter anymore. I mourn the "Dates" and time together, but he works so much! There is "Not A Chance In The World That I Don't Love Him With All of My Heart!!!!!" On one side, you may be totally "In Love! and it doesn't mean that your mate isn't, but communication is soooooooooooooooo totally key to make sure that you both get what you need. If you were meant to be together, you will work it out. Always, Lita~ XO
  2. I admire people that can think that deep and honestly say that I am sorry for your loss/mourning. The poem was very sad, but sweetly, absorbant, profoundly a pinning for a lady LOVE. Can't say that I can feel the loss of a Lover "By Death'', but know of lost Loves! I need new batteries for this keyboard and is my husbands computer. Got hit big by Trojan Horses and took out my "Systemworks" anti-virus. On my hubby's computer right now and have to start with square 1 on mine. We have 3 networked here. Hope you can find some solice and will try to get back to my own homefront "computer" and take a step further in the realm of poetry. Always, Lita~ Hugs!!!!
  3. Hi Hon, Wow you have some deep thoughts going on here and just keep on writing and is doing you alot of good!!! I am a huge believer in the sanctity in life, as God my father has given it to me and his choice as to when he takes it. It will never be my choice despite how much pain I suffer, as it is my path and have to follow through till the end! The definition of a martyr is one who submits to death rather than renounce his religion, but I have mine and that's just my opinion (not pushing religion on anyone.) I have more than everything to live for despite my long path of suffering and finally found the utmost of happiness through perserverance, patience and prayer!!! God has granted me many miracle's in my lifetime and will honor him till the end!!! My body is a mess right now and know it's for a reason, the reason I found this place. Despite that I still look fine, I have 4 herniated disks in my back, bad arthritis, high blood pressure, IBS, asthma and allergies, my life has never tasted or been this great ever!!!! I don't look for pity as there is nothing to pity me for!!! Just got shot up with 4 more steriods, so the body pain is at a very miniscule amount. Anyway, the point is that I do want to live and even though it was before my first steriod injection last year, I really couldn't handle the pain and thought of death. There wasn't any possible way to sit in the chair in the waiting room that was comfortable and just started to cry. I could hardly even breathe because I hurt so bad and kept imagining myself laying on the floor and screaming "Somebody Please Help Meeeee!!!!!" This is so surprising to me that there could be a pain worse than childbirth and did it 7 times with up to a whole day in labor (felt like dying then too.) Yikes!!! No I don't relate pity to compassion as there is a hug difference and never pity anyone!!! I feel nothing but Love and Kindness toward the human race and not a judge of anybody on this planet. If you are without sin, then cast the first stone! Not a stone thrower or try not to be as I am guilty of taking sides, so color me more sinful! Learn and live on!!! All I ask for is absolution, but not death. Glad it sounds like all is going great on your end, so keep on keepin' on!!! Always, Lita~ XO God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  4. Hi Hon, I know you feel like crap right now, but things will get better as time goes on and even though it's not easy, you made the right choice!!! Sooooooooooooo, your parents won't let you use their vehichles??? Maybe they are just doing this in protectance of you right now and don't want you going back to the abuser. Have you talked to at least your Mom about this??? Would they or do you think they would let you use one if you got a job??? I was stuck in the country for years and just learned to go out for a walk and think for myself. Notice all of God's beauty and creations? Are you just walking through the forest and not seeing the trees? Remember that the smallest things in life are the most important and when you are feeling most hurt or confused, there is solice in the smallest things in this universe and will learn that much more!!! God is with you, so just reach out and see all of the gifts that have been given!!! Just accept and not deny!!! Listen to a river or creeks water rushing by, the wind and poetry in the trees, the birds singing a happy song and the endless heaven's above your head. What God has given will heal your heart and soul, but you just have to reach out and accept it! Just listen, as he gave us all the tools we need!!! You will find your true passage in life and though it won't be easy, you have the fight and spirit to succeed! Keep letting us know how it goes and will pray for you more! Always, Lita~ XO God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  5. Hey Hon!, I don't really think you want to commit suicide and wouldn't put threats or ask for advice on this. There are people that "Do Care!!!" and don't even know you as a person. Stop being so "mellodramatic!!!" I have tried suicide twice in my life and am sooooooooooooooo glad it wasn't successful, as I have 7 really awesome kids and 4 beautiful grandkids. Life is more than sweet and glad I'm still here. What a waste that would be if I had succeeded!!!! I found too much that was worthy to live for in life, so if you are going to be cowardly like I was and not find your inner strength, then I am so sorry for you and God find your soul!!! Are you really that weak and pathtic??? Get P.O.'d and fight back, cuz life is really worth living!!! After my few attemps, I just got mad about my situation and wanted to come back "Full Force!!!" Glad I did, cuz life has never "Been So Sweet!!!" Just hang in and there are people to support you!!!!!! You wouldn't even ask for help if you didn't want somebody to "Hear You!!! and I DO!!!!! I hope you take the "Emotional and Physical Challenge!!! This whole life isn't about any one person, but I care and you have much more to live for than you know. Think about your potential future and what you could give to the world, as we need all the help we can get!!! Be one who cares about the rest of us!!!! Sincerely, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  6. Hi Mateo!, Glad you're not feeling so suicidal now and everybody just wants you to feel happy in your life. So I take it that you are an athiest and haven't a belief in God whatsoever, right? I am a Christian of no denomination as I have not a name other that one who believe's in God and Christ. You have no belief in any higher power at all??? If not for God in my life, I would not have all 7 of my children be whole and 4 beautiful grandchildren in my life. He is the only reason I didn't die the 2 times I tried commiting suicide. I have a reason to be here and at my most desperate moments, cried out to him for help, as there was nobody else!!! My attempts were futile and with good reason as I am supposed to be here with great purpose. Two of my 7 children were born with birth defects that should have rendered them crippled and retarted (or dead), but through prayer they survived the odds. It's my "God Mission" to give back what he has given to me!!! I am meant to be here to try and save the children he allowed to be in this world and will do whatever I can to help!!! There's not a chance that I don't understand where you're coming from, cuz I've "Been There Done That!" Many times!!! Life was such a long hard road, but I stuck with it as hard as it was, because I always prayed for God's strength and guidance. I didn't stick on negativity or self pity, because there was more strength to find deep down in the very being of my soul! God gave it to me and couldn't do it alone, as I pined for lost loves and my first was for 4 years!!! It's one of the hardest pains to ever have to deal with, but I never hurt myself by cutting or any of those things, as much as I wanted to die!!! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and start talking to yourself in your own head and be positive with your feelings. It's hard and know you can do it and have more in you than you know!!! There's nothing worse than feeling like some desperate whimp or loser and it just ticked me off, cuz I knew I was worth a heck of a lot more than that! You got it! Fight back!!! Don't let the devil take you down!!! He wants your soul, so be bigger than the devil and "DON'T LET HIM HAVE IT!!!!!" You have competition here, so be the one who WINS!!! You can if you want and have faith in you sweetie, so "GO FOR IT!!!" and kick some Devil butt!!!! There are other people who care and just reach for us and we'll be there!!! Hugs, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!"
  7. Hey Hon, I guess it should never surprise me about how many don't have self esteem, but been there done that and learned from it. You really have to build yourself up in your own mind because, "Why Aren't You As Worthy As Anyone Else???" Who cares if you're dislexsic??? No crime, no blame!!!! The best people I have ever known in my life were "misfits" as I was one with no self-esteem for myself!!! I Loved all of the homely, fat and nerdy kids in my school and to this day at going 44 years of age, "Were the BEST FRIENDS and THE MOST REAL PEOPLE I EVER KNEW!!!!!" Now that I'm older I still Love the people that get cast aside. I am smart, I am cute, but don't judge people on looks, because I look for the inside "Beauty!!!!!" These are some of the most "Real, Honest and Beautiful" people I've ever known and are the most worthy to be my friends!!! It's ok that you are dislexic and would never judge, since it's more than easy to get the point and am getting worse in my spelling for every year I grow older and look up alot in the dictionary. Hehe!!! Please stop appologizing for your spelling, as I have read more stuff that sounds inane or somewhat stupified in concept, so get and be ok with yourself, ok??? Don't be lonely or adversive, cuz we are all here to support each other despite any slight impediment of dialoque. Not any problem to me at all, so give yourself a break already!!!" What is, is, what does, does and the most receptive of people will not have a judge of you, ever!!! You know even if you think they do, just blow it off, cuz then they are small minded and don't give people a chance to be real, It should never take you down!!! Who cares anyway!!! They aren't your true friends or somebody that you should care for their thoughts if they're gonna be that small in their minds and advice. People who have lived much are your true mentors!!! The most honestly "True People" do not place judgement upon those with a slight problem in life and my second husband is an amputee of his right leg and told me a whole 5 minutes after we met. I Love him unconditionally and it was not bother that he had half of his right leg cut off!!! We are going on 15 years together and think he's still my Angel of the Universe!!! Write me PM anytime and like to talk alot and have many experiences to share, ok? Life is only as drastic as you make it and have a mind of your own, so hope I'll get you thinking on the right track!!! Sincerely, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  8. Hi Sweetie!, Just checking on you and noticed you're not set up to received PM's. Firstly let me say that it is totally insane that people would egg you into commiting suicide or asking when you'll do it. Shame on them! Hon, these people are not good for you to be around and hope you don't consider any of these people friends. I will also say that every individual person is unique in their own right and it doesn't matter that you don't play sports or play an instrument. There are lots of things you can do to have a creative and fullfiling outlet. Make a list of all of the things you'd like to try or have interest in and focus on that list. Do you like to read? Write poetry? Draw? I spent a great deal of time reading at school and was super interested in reading mysteries and couldn't get enough. Even got asked by the librarian if I wanted to become an assistant. Cool! Then my friend at school used to buy really thick romance novels and would loan all of her books to me. Think I managed to get through 2 1/2 books a week and it was so fun to just imagine being in a far away land. That's what I alway's enjoyed about reading, because it fuel's the imagination. Also used to write alot of poetry and my earliest stuff is pretty angry, but a way to get my feelings out. I've since gotten rid of the angry stuff, because I don't want to remember my past that way. Also drawing or doing art is fun and who know's, maybe you have a hidden talent that you didn't know about. Do you have anyplace that you could go fishing? Both serene and exciting when you have a good fighter on the line. What about taking a go at cooking and is a fun and very enjoyable way to be both creative and another talent that you can adopt, so cut on those vegies instead of yourself, ok? My hubby is an awesome cook and the master chef on the grill and the combination of spices would knock your socks off!!! Yum, yum!!! Actually my whole family cooks and we do it together. Have your friend come over and cook with you, cuz it's really fun. Both of my son's have said at a young age that they wanted to grow up and become chef's, but my oldest is in college to be a school teacher. Do you have a pet? If not, maybe Mom will let you get one and I personally have 13 and mostly a rodent fetish, plus a cat and a dog. Having an animal that depends on you for it's care and gives love back is great therapy too! There really are many joys in this life, so find something that brings a happiness flow from your heart, cuz it's worth it! Get your PM set up and then I can blah, blah about a bunch of other stuff, ok? Hang In There and you can PM me anytime! Hugs, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!"
  9. Hey Sweetie!, Suicide is not the answer and you do have friends. You have new friends here that care and for one I would be so very upset! There were time's while growing up that I just wanted to end it all and so glad it was never successful, because life is much more than sweet now. There isn't a person in the world to die for and though you feel like it right now, in time the pain will pass. I know how much it hurts, but new Loves will come into your life again. So Sorry that your Mom is alway's working and you don't have a Dad there. Everybody needs parental support and so lucky I did have my Mom, since my Dad used to beat me up all of the time and was verbally abusive. Anyway, because of my Dad, I tried committing suicide when I was 12 and then at 18 over a guy that I ended up marrying. What a huge mistake that was, as I'm still thinking he is the son of the devil and one of the biggest losers on the face of the planet. Even for all of the hell he put me through, I would still feel sad if he died. Well I am married to my second husband and we are going on 15 years together now. I never knew how happy a person could be and was just a blessing that we found each other. This was on my 28th birthday and the best present I ever got!!! I have 7 awesome kids and 4 beautiful grandkids and they wouldn't be on this planet if I would have followed through and killed myself. Life can be a long crappy road, but so worth it when you hang in and stay strong. Please don't cut anymore, cuz one day you'll go too deep. Stick around and know that there are people that care, so just write to the forum and we'll get you through this rough spot. I have to get 3 of my kids up for school in a little bit, make lunches, etc. but I'll be back to check in. Didn't even have a cup of coffee yet and not all so articulate right now. Yikes!!! Hang in and I'll be back. Hugs, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!"
  10. Hi Hon, Please don't feel like that and even though I don't know how old you are, I am going on 44 and lived more crap than you could possibly know!!! Sometime's it's takes reading about somebody else's messed up past for you to think of what you can have in your future. I am not a judge to anyone and would never do any such thing, but want you to know that "I Can Hear You" and am here for you to vent. Please write me PM and can tell you so much to make you feel better, ok? Always, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  11. Oh Hon!, Been there done that years ago and I wouldn't expect any calls or a ld relationship out of it and usually doesn't work. If you put your heart and feelings out on your sleeve and didn't hear any of the words that you wished to hear, then it was just "booty calls." Some guy's are just pure dog's!!! I used to see this one guy that was soooooooo cute and all "Get Out" awesome, but only came into town about 2 or 3 times a year for construction work. He was really fun to be with and very attractive, but I was his call me once in awhile make me feel like a prostitue "girl!" Even though I alway's gave in and saw him, I knew it would never be anything more than that and went on for a couple 2-3 years. He even met my parents and they liked him a whole lot and was so down to earth, wild and crazy and fun. As much as it stinks, there are some things that just aren't meant to be and still when I think about him, it makes me smile as he was a fun person to be with!!! Some people touch our lives and leave little footprints in our hearts forever! Don't think this is your destiny hon, so move it along and will find your true soulmate someday. Mine wasn't till I turned 28 and was on my birthday. I have never had a sweeter present than that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going on 15 years and he's still "My Religious Experience!!!" Hehe!!! Rock On and Forward as the Best Is Yet To Come!!! Sincerely, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  12. Hi Sweetie, I have writen to you before and it's not strange at all to want to "Be Alone", but I found that I had a chemical imbalance in my brain and went on antidepressants. Life is so much greater for me now and I do Love my children sooooooooooo much!!! Been a long hard road and there are still time's that I like to be alone or feel lonely. Sometime's I think and wish I had 50 kids to keep me occupied and know how to do many things, since I learned much living pioneer style for many years of my life and then moved to the city. I Love city life too and have learned much, but would rather be here than be in the country again! I can go into the wilderness for about a week and then when we are on the way back and hit Milwaukee, I am sooooooooooooooo happy to be closer to home!!!! Have been in the sticks for most of my life and worked on farms, etc., and even lived in Florida for awhile. The north rocks for short visits and will never go back to Florida or have a care to see California. I've been lucky to travel around and for my retirement and I would Love to live in Montana. I know I could never do this, as my whole family (or most of them) are only a matter of 3 hours away and my grandkids are only about 5 miles, so here I stay and Wisconsin is actually pretty fine for me! Still Love Montana though!!! Oh gosh, it's always something in life, right? I'd still look into antidepressants and not pushing drugs, but could change a whole lot about your life. No shame, no blame! I talk about this openly on the site and don't give a fig if somebody will judge me, cuz I am human and just me!!! Let me know how things are going and will be here for you, ok??? Always, Lita~ XO
  13. Yessssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohooooooooooooo for you girl!!! I'm so with everybody here and listen to them, because you're not out of the woods yet. I was stalked by my ex too, so be very careful and do what the others said and don't be by yourself when you break it off. Good Luck in all and keep us posted!!!! Always, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!"
  14. Hi Hon, I've talked to you before about your relationship and now I will give you some advice that will hopefully get you along further. I know exactly what you are feeling and I too have had my time in the past to only feel like "A Piece of Crap!!!" Your Dad took all of your self esteem away as mine did to me and I am so sorry you have to go through this!!! Really, cuz it takes some time to get out of it! My Dad was physically and emotionally abusive to me, so only through the good grace of God and prayer I did survive and finally so happy in my life. I hated my Dad so much and when I was about 15, I lay awake in bed thinking of the most crazy things. Didn't even forgive him till I was 33 and he has mellowed alot, but will never forget. It's kind of funny how he always said that I would never amount to anything and have more in my life than he could ever have!!! He doesn't even own his own home and I had a career as a dental lab tech and even worked in a clothing factory. I made full garments for photoshoot in the company's catalogue. The last thing in the world that I am is stupid and he always made me feel stupid and even though I can be flakey at times, I am really not!!! I am not always articulate or sound like I have a brain, but geeeeeeeeeez if you are tired or stressed on a situation, blah, blah, it's Ok!!!! No judge, no crime!!! Don't care, cuz it's just me!!! Take care and write me on the site or PM, cuz I'm around here and there. Well I try anyway, since I always spend time with the kids and do have to clean the house, do laundry, etc. and have 13 pets. Let me explain as I have a dog, a cat, and 11 rodents, since I have a rodent fetish. They are all very spoiled!!! My babies are so cute and have the most awesome personalities. I have 3 degu's, 4 dwarf hamsters and 4 gerbils. High maintenance, but so worth it! My family is more than cool and wish you could find your way in life to get what you want, so you really have to get serious with what you want and "Go There!" No matter how hard you think it is and it will be, but have to make the move. I will support you all I can, so think about this and good luck!!! Let Me Know How It Goes, Ok??? Always, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "Every Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  15. Hi Sweetie, Just wanted to check up on you and when I didn't see anything new, I got so scared and had to walk away for awhile and think. I have such a really sick feeling in my gut and could just cry for you. God does everything for a reason, but I just want you to know that you were in my prayers and hope that you didn't die. What freaks me out even more is that in my religious beliefs (just mine and not pushing religion on anybody) that it is a sin to take your own life. God gave it to you and it is up to him when to take it, so I fear that anyone who does commit suicide that they'll go to the dark place. Yikes!!! Please God, "PLEASE" I hope you are ok and will write and let us know and will feel tortured until I do hear something. Maybe you did take the pills and got to the hospital in time and are in the hospital right now! Ok, I have to stop freaking out, but it won't be easy. I'll keep praying and checking. If your still with us, I'm gonna give you a big smack upside your head for scaring me (jk) and give you lots of hugs!!! Write back soon! Always, Lita~
  16. Hi Honey, I came to check and see how you were doing and it's not sounding so good, but I'm here, we're here to take you by the hand and help you. Just reach out and the pain will start to go away, I promise! There aren't any judges here and there's not anything that you may have done in your life that would shock me or make me feel anything but a love for one of God's children. We are all God's children and deserve all of the Love and Happiness in this world. Do you know that "FEAR" is your worst enemy? What do you have to lose if you push your fear away and give trust a chance? Could you lose any more of yourself than you have lost now? The answer would be NO sweetie!!! I'm just asking that you please give it a chance, because it will release this demon of pain that is eating you up alive. I know what I'm saying, cuz I've been there done that!!! Now if I would have been successful in either of my 2 attempts at a young age, I wouldn't have been so blessed to have 7 really awesome kids or be here to help you get through this too!!!! After growing up with an abusive father and getting married to my first husband that was just as abusive, I learned what I wasn't going to do to my kids and had to break the cycle. I Love my kids so much and they can talk to me about anything at anytime and they do! We have so much fun and even cook together, play games, watch Dr. Phil and Oprah together. My second husband is such an Angel and has also been a great support/Dad for my older 4 kids that had some problems from my ex whom I still think is the son of the devil! My oldest daughter was cutting on herself at the age of 12 and even though my only option at that time was to have her hospitalized, I fear she would have gone through with it if she went home with her father. The courts wouldn't listen to me and kept forcing my kids back, so I've been through quite alot over the years. Another one of my older one's OD'd and I had to have her hospitalized too and it was only out of my Love for them that it was necessary. Finally after all the years of pain that I went through for my kids sake, I'm happy to report that all is good with them now. My oldest is married with 4 beautiful kids and is happy in her life and the one that OD'd is in her 3rd year of college and doing great too! All 14 of us get together for holiday's and cookouts in the summer. It is pure joy!!! You can have it all too hon, but you have to trust. Trust me!!! Please know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just give of yourself and you will get more back than you could possibly know. Take a nice long breath and plung in! It's really not as hard as you think and so worth it! Let me know how you're doing PM or on the site, ok? I'll be saying prayers for you and you are not alone. Hugs, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  17. Oh Gosh this is kinda funny, since having relations with your mate shouldn't be all so serious about the fluid! We keep a box of tissues at one side of the bed and a roll of tp on the other side, so what's the major deal? If anybody wants to do anything else, then get up and wet a washcloth for your mate, wash yourself and get on with it! I hate having clothes on for sleep and have slept raw since I was 18 years old. The fact that I can be a tosser, turner, doesn't feel great to have a garment wrap around you in the process. Especially elastic on unders, but do it on my cycle. I guess I would say that if you're really into each other that you will find your common ground. All you have to do is ask "Why Are You Choosing to Put Unders on or Whatever?".......Especilly if there aren't any children in the house. Hmmmmmmmmmmm! Good Luck and Be or Have A Fun Relationship!!!! God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "Every Day You Don't Learn Something New Is A Day Wasted!"
  18. Yes Hon, Cut loose and you don't need to deal with this kind of "Will I Stay or Will I Go crap!" Having caring feelings for somebody is fine, but when they start dragging you down or making you feel guilty, it's time to find the words to disengage from the trauma and/or relationship! I sure hope you can get on your way in life and don't feel guilty if somebody is overly needy and there are plenty out there that need help. It isn't your job, so absolve yourself from any guilt as you need to go on with your life. The girl needs to find her own true self and maybe you could write the addy of this site for her, ok? Good Luck!, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  19. Yes Hope you are definitely right, and as a Mom of 7 through a great deal of reading my "Pregnancy Bible" also knew about apgar scores, so was alway's asking what they were for each child. It's cool that you have this job and must be really fulfilling!!! I am not wanting to "hijack" the thread, so sorry if I bothered anyone, ok? Sincerely, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  20. Hi Sweetie, Yes you are young and why in such a big hurry??? Sometime's the younger people will confuse Infatuation with Love and you don't even need to ask this question, as you will know when the time comes. You may not be able to sleep, have loss of appetite and have constant daydreams about "Her." Beauty comes from within and it isn't neccessarily what the outside looks like, so I hope you won't be shallow and give miss great personality a chance, cuz you will be able to see a beauty that would go unnoticed without the pretty wrapping. There really isn't any hurry and I would try to be friends with the girl you met that "Does" have a nice personality. What would it hurt anyway and you could get a really great friend from it!!! Just don't give her mixed messages "Please" and lead her on into thinking it would be something more if this is not how you feel. Enjoy some fun times together, but alway's be open, honest and upfront about your feelings. If you feel she's starting to be a cling on, be a gentleman and set her straight right away. It's never right to give a girl false hopes if you don't have the guts to step up and be honest. See, I'm getting all "Mom" on you now, but it's just some advice for the future, ok? Just be a good guy and treat the ladies as you would for a good Mom and not saying yours isn't, but hope she really is!!! Nobody can say when your "Soul Mate" will come into your life, but I think you will need to be older than 16. I didn't find mine till I was 28 and hopefully you won't have to wait as long, but give it time and it will come! Good Luck!, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  21. Hey Hon, Everybody here is really worried for you and as everybody keeps saying, your bf is very dangerous and you need to get out A.S.A.P.!!!! Can't you just pack up your things when he's as work and have your parents come and get you!!! What on earth has happened in your life that you feel like it's ok to be abused and forced into feeling like some worthless prostitute? You need to get away and hopefully you will have access to a computer to continue writing to all of us so we can help you much further. Don't let this man continue to rape your soul and very essense of being!!! Nobody deserves this kind of treatment, so please let yourself believe it!!! Run away, far and fast and PLEASE take everone's advice as we only have your best interests at heart and don't want you to wind up dead to only be another statistic on the charts. Sincerely, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  22. Wow Hon, I sure hope you didn't take those pills and even though you think that taking your own life is the answer, it isn't and you aren't thinking of all those friends, gf and family that would be devistated! Maybe you need to take some pressure off of yourself with the sports and kind of sounds like you're being forced into it. Don't let anybody make you feel like less of a person or human being for not wanting to do the sports right now. I know you said your Mom was crazy and yelling at you all of the time and you didn't mention Dad, but you need to tell her or Dad that you are depressed and have been thinking about suicide. How about a school counselor? Seriously I don't know what I would have done without mine and he was such a great support for me when I was growing up. Anti-depressants can do you a world of good and you can feel a little more relaxed and focused. Alot of people worry that if they go on medication that they won't be themselves anymore, but with the right one you will be yourself and better at coping with life. Stress and chemical inbalance in the brain doesn't do anybody any good, so please get some medical help A.S.A.P. Don't throw in the towel, cuz life can be more than sweet!!! I will pray for you and please let all of us know how you're doing. Hugs, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~
  23. Sure it's normal to feel sick after a break-up, but back in the day I didn't have a supportive place to go to "like this" and I guess You are just that lucky! Love pain hurts more than anything I can think of and I would say that it doesn't even matter who you have a Love for! Mom, Dad, Siblings, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Relatives or whomever!!! Love is Love, Pain is Pain!!! Having somebody to talk to about it is always a plus, but best directed to other relatives or people who know your family, as it's hard for us on the forum to figure out what the technical details are. I am an advocate on this site for preaching self-esteem, self-worth, talking things out with parents that have left you in the lurch and trying to get back to the family in letting them know how you feel. Whether this works or not, it's always worth a try, because they are your parents. It was a job that they were supposed to do and if they didn't do it some years ago, try them again!!! Hopefully they learned over the years and it's worth a shot!!! Good Luck and Try The Most Important Dialogue! You might have a change to reconnect with your family, so "Go There!!!!" Sincerely, Lita~
  24. Hi Hon, I purposely didn't read the others posts so I can stay on top of my own game here. Seriously I am never going to be a judge againts you and have been where you are, so all I can ask is if you have the ability/insurance to get some anxiety meds? I've been OCD for many years and even if I try really hard to get over an obsession, there will always be another to take it's place. I'm doing fairly great on meds, but still have my obsessive qualities of sort. Don't need to list them as I would boggle your brain even more, but have lived through a whole lot of stuff that even blows my own mind!!! It's hard to not have any parental support or even good friend who will understand you, so it's a matter of deep thinking, open communication or going on medication to help you along in life. Parents are the most important, so if you disconnected, be open and honest and try reconnecting. No matter how many kids want to ditch on their parents for many reason's, doesn't mean you should ever give up on trying. Good Luck and Hope You Can Get The Answers You Are Looking For!!! Sincerely, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~ Quote: "If I Could Scoop Everybody Out Of The Bowl Of Sour and Dump Them Into God's Bowl of Sweet,...It Would Be Everyone..." Lita~
  25. Hi Sweetie!, Firstly you are "NOT" a freak and if you aren't sure of your sexual orientation, you will find it in the future. Sounds to me like you are on the wrong medication and even though I know that there are anti-depressants with side effects, you might possibly need to change what you've been taking. Your parents obviously kept you and your sister prisoner of sorts and know this is one of the biggest reason's for depression and anxiety. Being there in my past, I know my Dad's biggest fear is that I would get pregnant at a young age and be a burden to him and the rest of the family. Even though at my age I understand the concept, it doesn't make it a very happy thought that I wasn't ever respected for my thoughts or even given the chance to be who I was or say what I felt as my own person! I got sick of hearing over the years on many different levels that "Kids should be seen and not heard." How absolutely "WRONG!!!!" That was somebody's lame comment/quote on giving up on the future generations!!! Anyway, I know you have not been able to use your voice and went out into the world confused and not knowing who you really were. You experimented and maybe though you might be gay as you just wanted to have somebody to Love You!!! Maybe you are or maybe not, but the medication may have done alot more harm than good. It's obvious that your parents were overly controlling and you weren't able to find your voice or self-esteem. Life is a long hard road if you come from parents that weren't supportive of your thoughts, interests in life or involved in anything about you, your school or friends. Think about these things and at your age, do you think you could open up the lines of communication with your parents and have a voice now? Don't be afraid, because in their disappontments of child rearing, maybe it's more than possible that they have learned more to be open and honest with you now! Just ask and can you really lose that much more than you already have? Being open and honest for some kind of resolution in your relationship might be more than you even contemplated, so I'd try it! I'd hate to see you continuously flounder when the answers or resolution may be closer than you know and right at your fingertips! I had a real "Hate On" for my Dad and didn't forgive him till I was 33 years old and you have a chance to get it rectified earlier. Let us know how things are going, but still look into changing your meds if you are still on them and you can PM me to let me know what you've been on. Over the years I've been on several and can tell you my experiences on the different one's. Not all good! Take Care and Will Pray For You, Lita~ God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me! Quote: "Every Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~ Quote: "If I Could Scoop Everybody Out Of The Bowl Of Sour and Dump Them Into God's Bowl Of Sweet, Everyone Would Be...." Lita~
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