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Everything posted by AntiLove_SuperStar

  1. Congratulations! I'd say..I dont know, I was never a father, obviously. Well not in this life. Think about anything you wish your father did better, or what he did well, that could be a starting point? Just follow instincts as well, theyre good things..
  2. Ive never sneaked around to have sex, I feel slightly better about myself knowing I havnt done that! thanks for reply.
  3. I am so, so sorry to hear that. You really couldn't have stopped her though, and you really care/d. Again, my sympathies.
  4. Hmm does he forget ALL dates like that, as in his parents birthdays/easter/xmas? If so it aint personal..but I know it must be annoying. Buy him a calendar for HIS bday?
  5. Id say within a couple of days. I dont in for this waiting-around stuff..and between 7 and 10pm.
  6. Well...the easiest way to be more open/spontaeneous is meant to be, focus on the other person more than yourself. You may have to remember that if the real you -thinking, sensitive etc- isnt what shes looking for, thats no ones fault, and you two just arnt compatible. Dont assume you'll have problems, it might become a self fulfilling prophecy if you do. If its any comfort, I definitely think too much, and my signif other likes that about me, she may well do too.
  7. Mmmm, things will seem better if/when you have a car and independence.. Well the first thing I can think of to say is that you seem an intelligent, well-educated person, that alone is a reason to have hope! 1 month with a girl...you've saved yourself a lot of bother. Don't worry, you have many years to have lengthier relationships, enjoy the peace and quiet. What are your plans for the next few years, do you have an ultimate career aim? When you start college your whole life will change, just think of all the new people..
  8. You arn't going insane, I think you are heading for *burnout* though, where its not one particular thing, it's just so many things all building up... How do you like to release emotion? Theres no rule that says you have to keep it all bottled up inside you, how could you let it out?
  9. As some of you may know, Im not doing too good right now, and a lot of thoughts from my past are churning around in my head, and I feel so guilty for a lot of things. Ive been very good friends with a girl Ill call Kay since I was 14. Last year, I had a manic phase and went through a lot of relationships, some of which were very weird/unhealthy. Anyway, at the time, Kay was realising slowly that she is pretty much, well, gay. (usually goes for girls 80% of the time, over guys). Im bisexual and am comfortable in this. We went on a couple of dates and made out casually a few times (Yes, the strange world of me), she said she'd always found me hot, etc. I wasnt really thinking straight at the time. Even before all this, Id stay over at her house once a week or so, sleeping on the floor in her room. But a couple of times Id end up in her bed ((fill in details here, I dont think I need to explain them)), and her mom would come in in the morning and Id be completely blase about it. Her mom is homophobic but hadnt considered that Kay would be gay. After a time, she had a talk to Kay and said she'd prefer it if I slept on the floor in future. I just keep thinking...how could I have been so sickeningly disrespectful to her mother? Im also annoyed at her mother I guess for other issues, once I dropped out of college (although I started over elsewhere) and got a radical haircut, she wasnt sure how much of a good infulence I was anymore (she used to hold me in very high regard). Feeling guilty, feeling guilty, feeling guilty..Kay and I are great friends again now and its all fine (again..strange world of me..) with her, but I cant believe some of the incredibly jerkish stuff I did just a few months ago..thats just the tip of the metaphorical iceberg..urgh.
  10. Keep treating his daughter well! You know..respect her, respect her dad..be polite and attentive and just work on keeping feelings good between her family and yourself, thisll give the impression that you are agood person for their daughter to date. Although, there is no guarantee that her dad will never find out, youll just have to pray a bit on that one...but maybe if he DID find out, it'd be somewhat easier if you were a good boyfriend in every other respect for their girl.. nothing you can do, just go well, stay well from here! You will drink again in your life, but not until you are older.
  11. Then good luck! You write very well, I'd bet you are good conversation too.
  12. I'd feel extremely insulted in your position. You are being treated as the one she can always depend on to take her back every day/when she wants it, and to give her affection. She knows just how much you care for her, she has you trapped, and is thereforeeee using this to able to see other people (well one person, but the point is the same). Dont take it. Insist you sleep apart, and issue an ultimatum, of say 1 week, where she has to deicide what she wants. Although if she really loved you, why would she be seeing someone else..huh.
  13. I've been on both sides of this one, currently I'm the one my boyfriend thinks hes not good enough for. When he told me that, I laughed, and I would bet anything that your girlfriend certainly DOESNT think shes better than you, opr that you arnt good enough for her...she probably thinks she's lucky to have you. Maybe you could try to find something that interests you so that you feel like a more well rounded, interesting person? It cant hurt..and remember, you MUST be cool if this outgoing, lovely girl chooses you over many others! Hold onto that.
  14. I going to answer a Question with a Question ... is it really just friendship you want, or do you have tiny part of you somewhere that kinda hopes for an umm reunion? If you absolutely know 100% that you just want an old "we went to school together" kind of thing, write her ONE more letter, and if she doesnt reply, let it go, if she does, great. If you are unsure about what you want, steer clear or it'll get messy.
  15. As the Dr Pepper slogan goes.. Whats The Worse That Can Happen? If you feel like it, just do it. Not real forcefully or anything, though. I bet she'll be fine with it.
  16. He isnt the man of your dreams if he can bring himself to cheat on you with someone else a week before your wedding, the real heartbreak is you THOUGHT he was the man of your dreams.. As for what you should do now..I'd say *Leave Him*, because how can you trust osmeone again after they do something like that so early on? And...if you stay with him, hes *gotten away with it* and he WILL do it again, maybe not now, but later on..and you dont want your kid to grow up against a backdrop like that. (*resorted to* this forum?! We're all rather sane and wise on here..)
  17. I'm not so sure you are going to like my reply to this, but I think your problem is a psychological one. It's just that.. 1) 5ft 5ins, 110lbs..is very slim. As cellulite is basically fat, I find it hard to believe thereforeeee that you have cellulite *all over* 2) You have spent over $10 000...thats a tremendous amount even for a very much larger person 3) Its causing you major depression I think you really do have a problem..but it sounds more like Body Dysmorphic Disorder rather than cellulite. Just how it comes over to me.
  18. Everything sounds incredibly awful for you, I guess one possible positive thought is that *from here, the only possible way is up?* x
  19. As soon as I read *my parents made me eat*... the answer was there, for me at least. People can *make* you eat, but that never solves why you were anorexic or bulimic in the first place, because eating disorders are not about the food. Until you get the psychological and emotional aspects sorted, you will just keep relapsing, particualrly in stressful situations...like your pregnancy, that could have been your trigger for this episode. Get yourself an doc for the pregnancy monitoring, and stress how much you need psychiatric help as well. Otherwise, you're right, both you and the baby will suffer...time to sort those issues you needed to have done when you first got an eating disorder.
  20. Its not when you eat them, its just calories overall that count. If you need, say, 2400 a day from 12 midnight til the next 12 midnight, whether you eat them at 1am, 4am, 3.45pm, 5.34pm, doesnt matter. Ideally of courses you'd spread them out to balance blood sugar and yada yada..
  21. Bizarre, our lives are pretty much running in parallel right now! Advice..Im low on that right now, but Im going to try and be empathetic here, if nothing else. I had a dream about an ex I loved and still do lately, and that made me worse, like you rereading that convo. We are similar then...I too used to be ever so carefree and smiled a lot. And yeah..depression does rob you of that. It steals everything, doesn't it? I get the impression youve had this for several years and its got worse as time goes on, like mine. And it does get kind of scary when it reaches the stage where no amount of writing, music listening, running, venting or talking will solve it. My mother is sort of trying to make me consider meds, have you been taking any, and would you consider them? Im trying to remain drug-free ("If i can get like this without meds, I can surely get better without them"-style thinking) though. You know this etc, but remember alcohol will NOT help, as its a depressant. Although its better to abuse alcohol a bit than to get so low you kill yourself. Sorry I wasnt any practical help, just...people know where you're coming from. There is always the emergency room when you **really** feel like its all about to just collapse.
  22. I too have dreams about an ex, last night I had one in which we were just back together, kissing and everything..it was 20 minutes after I awoke that it hit me, in the stomach, that we were not back together and probably never ever will be. And it ended over 10 months ago, so yeah... it does take a very long time.
  23. Not a problem, be glad you like it! Obviously, if you are getting an upset stomach or whatever then cut down, but at the moment you sound fine!
  24. I'd be lying if I said you can pull yourself easily out of this. I'd also be lying if I said that I wouldnt be suicidal in your situation. But if nothing else...think of your kids. Think of all their life stages..you GOTTA stick around for that, think of all youd be missing out on..what theyd be missing out on...keep going, dude. Take yourself to the emergency room if its really really awful.
  25. I feel you on this. Once upon a time, there was a girl who did fantastic in school, hung out with the most elite academics we had in school (and I went to a special school for bright kids..so they were CLEVER!), wanted to be a doctor, did voluntary work, never drank...everything. Then it all went wrong, I spiralled into depression and a lot of other things..happened. And Im still adjusting..I now go to a college in the roughest part of my area (by choice ,kinda..long story), Im in midst of my 2nd breakdown..but what Im trying to say is, life throws us this stuff to put us on to other paths for a while (like you with the *losers*) and we can learn a lot...when this has passed, you might find you appreciate stuff a lot more and are more in tune with how the world works than if youd followed *the more expected route*. In meantime, coounselling is a must because you CANNOT move forward whilst still on weed. honestly.
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