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Everything posted by HellFrost666

  1. It doesn't bother me at all when she goes out with her friends. I love her to death, but we all need time to ourselves.
  2. You remind me so much of myself at your age. And I am a musician too btw, I play Bass.
  3. He is controlling you. The sooner you see that the better.
  4. Was he her first serious relationship? If he was, then she might expect all relationships after him to be alike.
  5. There is a difference between hearing gossip, and taking part in it. It doesn't sound to me like the OP is participating in the gossip. I am guessing not anyway.
  6. As far as relating to new people, why does this bother you. Are you afraid people might not like the changes in your personality? If anything, you may suffer from bipolar disorder. But personally I think Bipolar is just another crutch people use ti excuse their bad behavior. (Not saying you personally)... Now road rage is considered a mental disorder. Of course they don't call it road rage, they call it some complex psychological term.
  7. It sounds like you are moody, but it doesn't sound like you have MPD. Everyone goes through phases like this. No one is all the same all the time. I wouldn't worry about it.
  8. This daughter they have, is she theirs together? If that is the case then she (the mother) has the right to go to all the basketballs games. His parents also have a right to see their grandaughter without adding the drama of you being there. I am not jumping all over you. Please don't take it that way. My girlfriend was legally married when I started seeing her, so (even though my situation was a little diferent) I can understand what it is like.
  9. Are Annie and I the only ones reading this and actually getting it? I think Cynder is well aware that taking this further is cheating. She is asking for advice on how to handle the situation as it is, not if she should take it any further.
  10. Its called flattery and I don't think you have done anything wrong. It is perfectly normal to feel that way when someone pays attention to you. It doesn't mean you are going to cheat on your husband or (like the above poster seems to think) that you are gay. I would take Annie's advice and not drink too much with her, or be alone with her.
  11. IN the passed when I have ended a relationship, I have taken the Viking Funeral approach and burned everything associated with that relationship. And I mean this very littereally. Anything they gave me, any pictures, etc. This is a very clensing thing, both physically and mentally. Because in the act of having this ritual I find peace.
  12. My God woman. You need to start writing all this down and sell it to the Fox Network. But seriously, it is in the passed, laugh it off. The whole thing is a little funny when you think about it. Live well, that is the best revenge.
  13. I have known a few people who have tried the whole open relationship thing. From what I have seen it never works out. Just be warned and be careful if you decide to try it.
  14. Well, from what I have seen, for a no contact kind of agreement to really work it needs to be mutual.
  15. My girlfriend is a gorgeous redhead. And maybe I like my women a little firey.
  16. It wasn't that I wouldn't talk at all. If someone spoke to me I always answered them. If I needed to talk to somone there I always did. I always said "hi, bye..." to everyone. I just never got caught up in the social conversations. But my job got done every day and got done well. And if it was such a problem my boss could have comunicated with me about finding some resolution before outright firing me. Just my opinion though. Don't mind me...
  17. This hits home for me. I just got let go from my job because of "not comunicating well with other employees." What I did there really didn't require a lot of comunication. I am a quiet person and I didn't really have much a reson to talk to my co-workers. I didn't really socialize with them because we didn't have much in common and not much to talk about. But I never even realised this was a problem until I got called to the office and chewed out for it.
  18. You are obviously a very strong person and very secure. I commend you. Forgivness is not an easy thing.
  19. My sister is a genius... I have been like you in the passed, and she told me a specific combinations of vitamins to take that will help, a lot. PM me if you are interested.
  20. Well, unlike everyone else I don't hate my life. What is there to hate? So why do you hate your life? If you don't mind me asking...
  21. What you should do is obvious. Cut off all contact with this jerk. Tell him you don't want to see him or continue this anymore. If he won't listen contact the authorities.
  22. I skimmed through this pretty fast... It was closed when I tried replying before. Is this a parody post? It just seemes like such a far fetched situation...
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