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Everything posted by HellFrost666

  1. When you find somone you are really comfortable with this won't be an issue anymore.
  2. She is a teenager... teenagers rarely open up to adults without a reason to.
  3. Something this trivial is dissolving your marriage...? When I was reading this I thought it was a joke at first. What is your daughter's friend's homelife like? Maybe she satys with you to get away from a stressful situation. When my sister was a teenager she had friends stay over a lot, and she stayed with friends a lot. I don't understand how something like this could end a marriage.
  4. I consider myself an intelligent person. I graduated college Magna Kum Laude... I don't even know my IQ, to be honest. But socializing has never been a problem. I am very shy, but that never kept me from having a social life. Maybe you are arrogant. When you talk to women what kinds of things do you talk about? DO you talk about them or do you talk about yourself and how smart you are? Are you serious all the time, or do you have a sense of humor? Keep this in mind... intelligence is a layered thing. Have you ever met someone who has a PhD, but can't figure out mundane every day things? And then there are people like Dave Thomas who only have an 8th grade education but have the business sense to own a chain of fast food places.
  5. In all seriousness, If I were single and met a female version of myself I still wouldn't date her. The reason... my sister and I look a lot alike, we are only a year apart and people have asked my mom if we are twins. We also have very simalar personalities and interests. So, if I met this female me, it would be like dating my sister. And that is just creepy.
  6. My biggest fear would be getting too drunk and taking advantage of myself. Then waking up the next morning feeling all dirty and ashamed.
  7. Even though Tom Waits wrote an superbly halarious song about this subject, no, I would not date myself. I couldn't have an intellegent conversation with myself because I know everything I would say, and so it wouldn't be very intellectual stimulating. I don't find myself very attractive either. I would annoy myself after a while, and I'M NOT GAY. Also, if I was dating myself my girlfriend would be all alone, and that would just be a crime.
  8. Can I post my case history even if I don't follow Christ?
  9. Sorry that my last reply turned into a slightly off subject rant, but in your situation I agree that her focusing on what you two have in common is a good thing, but if she doesn't see it as a good thing it is not helping your relationship at all. You haven't been together that long, so hopefully she will come around and accept you for who you are. If she doesn't then dump her. I know that sounds harsh, but what is the point in being with somone who wants you to change? If I was with someone who couldn't accept my beliefs I would drop them. I have been with my girlfriend for one year and three months, and we believe differently. But neither of us have a problem with that either.
  10. Have, I have spent time with holy rollers... I know exactly where SB is coming from. Thank Lucifer my family are mostly Atheists.
  11. Personally, I would not raise a child under any religious doctrine. I would want them to learn all they can and then decide for themselves. My parents are both Atheists, but they didn't raise me that way. They raised me with a clean slate (or tried the best they could anyway.) I am against baptising children also. A child isn't old enough to make that choice, and so the parents are basically forcing them into it and making a huge life decision for them. We are not a society that embraces arranged marriages, no one picks our future job for us as children, no one decides where we will live, how many kids we will have, etc for us... So why decide what somone will believe for them? I am just against it.
  12. Brings back memories of an old Juliana Hatfield song...
  13. When my sister was pregnant the first time she had them for the first three months.
  14. I read through your post pretty fast, but no, I don't think everything will be OK. You are not in the right place mentally to be doing this.
  15. I know it sounds corny as hell, but attitude is the biggest thing, confidence, intellect, all that. I think "cookie cutter" woman are the least sexy of all. By this I mean the girls who all look the same, and can't dress themselves without first looking around to see how all the other mainstream sheep around them are dressing. My girlfriend is a very unique looking woman. She has out of control hair, pale skin, she wears clothes that get her looked at funny a lot, and she has a good tatto collection going. But her eyes are absolutely gorgeous, and she carries herself in a way that has both men and women lusting after her. I still wonder sometimes how I managed to win her over. But to answer the question more specifically, a naughty schoolgirl is always a good thing. She has a couple naughty schoolgirl skirts that she wears with ripped fishnets and big black boots. *Okay, I need to stop typing about this because I might have a problem soon if I don't...)
  16. Think of it this way (I know what I am going to say doesn't help right now, but it might in the long run...) It sounds like his intentions were honerable if nothing else. And it isn't like he just up and dumped you with no hope of ever getting back together. If anyone is having doubts he probably is and just doesn't want to admit it to you.
  17. My resolution is to never make another resolution again. No point in making them, breaking them, and feeling bad about it.
  18. Sorry to put it like this... Yes, I think telling her was the right thing to do. It took guts. But if I was her I wouldn't talk to you again either.
  19. Have they actually told you that or are you just assuming that is the reason? I think you need to change your attitude about yourself before you change your looks.
  20. Why do you want to look that way? It sounds like you look healthy now. If you think guys will find you more attractive take this advice from a guy... Most of us don't find stick figures attractive.
  21. I hate to say it, but unless one of you converts and comes around to the other's way of thinking, I don't thin you can fix this. Religion is a very personal and deep seeded thing, and if the person you are with cannot accept/tolerate your beliefs there isn't much hope for a successful relationship.
  22. Drinking is no excuse. I don't even celebrate Christmas, but I think I would be mad if my girlfriend blew me off on any day and drinking was the excuse.
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