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Everything posted by HellFrost666

  1. But, circumstances are circumstances and things don't always end up that easy. No I have never cheated, but I have been a third party to cheating. My girlfriend was married when I met her. He cheated on her all the time, not to mention all the abuse he put her through. He bit her, pulled her hair out, called her every name in the book, and flaunted his infidelities right infront of her. Then he made the mistake of giving her permission to cheat on him. She did, with me.
  2. At 28 I've had three. My roomate who is close to my age has had 30+... This is a hard question to answer because everyone has a different opinion. Also, if someone has 'too many' people think badly of them, but i someone has 'not enough', people also think badly of them, so what difference does it really make anyway?
  3. You probably just caught him off guard. I personally think everyone thinks about the same sex at some point. But most people (especially guys) would never admit it.
  4. It sounds like you are overanalyzing it. Since he is such a confident person he probably doesn't think anything of making comments about other guys.
  5. Nice guys finish last... But you seem to have a good handle on things. You glanced at her, but that is human nature. You did good not letting her break NC. She comes there because she wants to torment you. Don't give her what she wants.
  6. Blood and cum are still bodily fluids and they still can transmit diseases. A lot of women are just as grossed out by cum as guys are by blood. My gf very rarely has periods because she is on the pill. But the one and only ocasion when she did I didn't mind it. Also, you may want to tell him that women bleed druing sex even when it isn't that time of the month. So chances are he has probably gotten a little blood on him in the act and didn't even realise it.
  7. I agree you should change your screen name here. As far as releasing anger a lot of people think exercise is a good way to release anger.
  8. I am sure you cross his mind. When you were with someone and they were a part of your life, it's hard to go without thinking about them once in a while. Since it has only been five months he probably thinks about you pretty often. One question... Did he want you to catch them in bed together? Was this a malicious thing?
  9. My ex new early on that I was thinking about going to college in the US. But when I actually got serious about coming here we started drifting apart, with good reason. BUt when she was trying to convince me to stay one of her reasons was that "Americans are Stupid." IN the end she threadtened suicide if I didn't stay. She wasn't serious. People who do that usually aren't.
  10. Coollady, you and I must have been typing at the same time... MY roomate used to work in a department store where a Klepto shopped regualrly. When this Klepto came in they had someone follow her around, write down everything she took, and then they would send her the bill.
  11. Yes, but one day you will be caught if you keep it up. Have you ever considered getting professional help? You may have Kleptomania.
  12. Mewskitty, Do this for me... Think of your most prized possession(s), things that are sentimental to you, think that make you happy, things you love... Now think how you would feel if someone came along and took those things. Think of how hard you have to work for money, now imagine someone who didn't work for it coming along and taking it.l Now, last thing, think how much trouble you would be if you got caught.
  13. I told my girlfriend I loved her for the first time on the loading dock at a bar I played at. We had been seeing eachother for about three monsths. But, crazy as it sounds I knew three weeks after I met her that I loved her. I just didn't want to scare her off by saying it. (If anyone really wants proof of that go read some of my old posts, heh...) It was a really good night. We played a good show. After getting all the gear loaded back up her and I were just wandering around the load in area by ourselves. I don't know why I decided to say it then and there. It just felt like the right time.
  14. Luka, She's a wackjob. That is all there is to it. She sounds like a real mooch too. I can't believe she would ask you for some of your dead relative's stuff... Since you work with her you can't really distance yourself from her. But you can be aloof to her at work. When she sits with you on break don't say anything.
  15. To fear change is just human nature. We feel safe within the realm of familiarity. You were confortable at your old job, and now this new job presents a whole new set of challenges. The only constant is change. Good luck.
  16. Well for one everyone has a different definition of Kink. The best way to find out if it is right for you is try it. Start out small then find out where your limits are.
  17. If the two of you were so in love and saw how you were meant to be, why would you decide to see other people? It seems like an oximoron to me. Did Jen know about Lisa when you started dating her? If she did then she shouldn't be that hurt if you break up with her... that just comes with the teritory when dating someone who is already involved. Another thing, how old are you? I am just curious because your post sounds very young.
  18. Well, I am fortunate to have friends who don't do this, but I wasn't always that lucky. When somone starts pushing their beliefs on me, my first instinct is to tell the to piss off. But I don't do that. I listen politely and then be on my way.
  19. My sister was going through something like this a while back (she told me in confidence). She drove herself crazy trying to figure it out, and she finally realised what it was. She wanted someone she could be friends with as well as lovers. She had never really had this with any guys. She felt very close to this friend of hers, and wished she could have all that closeness with someone who romantically loved her. I know this is probably confusing. It made sense when she told me though. And believe me, my sister is definitely not gay.
  20. You are wasting precious time... How much time do you want to piss away in this bad relationship? You could be away from her and happy if you had the courage to do it. Break it off, block her e-mail, don't answer her calls, and if she shows up unwanted at your house call the cops. Get a restraining order if you must. Don't give in to the begging. I do feel for you though. I was in a relationship simalar to this ten years ago.
  21. Well firstly, your girlfriend shouldn't have said that if she didn't mean it. The way I see it you didn't cheat, you were broken up. If she would just say that to make you "get your act together" are you sure you want to be with her in the first place? That seems like a pretty manipulative thing to do. I wouldn't worry about your friend either. The guilt will pass. Good Luck.
  22. I don't know where this came from, but I've been wanting to late at night on my porch. I'll have to see if she's up for it... especially if there is a storm going on.
  23. I know this one is probably overdone and not that strange, but my strangest place was the bathroom of an airplane. It was a long flight and we both were a little nervous about the trip. What better way to relax...
  24. I've been meaning to post an update on this for a week now, sorry. Yes, she came to the party. She tagged along with someone who was actually invited. (Don't ask me how that happened, I don't know.) I asked my girlfriend if she wanted me to ask M to leave. She told me M could stay as long as she didn't start any trouble. But my gf avoided her accept for when she first got there. At one point I was in the kitchen getting a drink all by myself and M walked in. She said "I'm feeling a lot better now." I said "How so?" She said "I had a breast reduction two months ago." I have no idea why this was relevent or why she would be telling me this. Like I care if she had a breast reduction... But, J and I could only expect some trouble before the night was through. M started preaching at someone for lighting a cigarette. This turned into a little argument. So J told her to leave. M started throwing her little fit. It ended with M leaving in a huff, and J telling her that the next time she contacts her the cops will be called. So far we haven't heard or seen anything for M. MAybe this is the end of it.
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