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Everything posted by HellFrost666

  1. They may be that way with all new people. Also, since this is your first time working that kind of job they may just be concerned. It was that way for me when I started the job I'm at now.
  2. Maybe it makes her feel better to be around somone who is young and happy in a relationship.
  3. She is probably just one of those who can never be happy and has to bring misery to everyone else.
  4. And the sad part is that when we got caught it wasn't a risky situation. We were alone in a bedroom with the door closed. My sister aparetnly thought we were still asleep. She just came walking in and sang out "Hey! You guys up yet?"
  5. I never considered myself an exhibitionist, but after this passed Saturday I have started to wonder... Back in January my girlfiriend and I got caught by my sister. I can honestly say it was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. I couldn't even look my sister in the face for a while after. But this last Saturday I was at my girlfriend's parents' house. They were having a bonfire. Well the alcohol was flowing, and the mood was really relaxed, and before the night ended, her and I ended up in their pool. We weren't in plain view of anyone, and we weren't naked either, but we messed around. Even though we weren't visable to everyone else (they were all around the fire) anyone could have walked around the corner any second. I can't say this wasn't exciting, it was very exciting. I have been thinking about it all day today. So what is it about the fear of getting caught? This is such an exciting thing, until it actually happens.
  6. Edit: I'm taking this message elseware, too out of place.
  7. I would call mine a good relationship, but honestly I don't know how we do it. We just click really well I guess.
  8. If I were you I'd say Goth yourself out, a little. Don't go overboard. Do the dark eyes and lips. Maybe just wear black jeans and a gothy looking shirt. Are you sure you don't live in my town? The way you describe it sounds just like where I live. We had a porn shop here (until the local churches finally got it closed.) There was a goth girl that worked there and that is how she dressed while she was working. *And yes, I am not ashamed to admit I went to the porn shop, lol*... But this girl was also a big girl. Good luck. I really hope you get this job. Make sure you write me and let me know how it goes.
  9. I don't know why I reacted the way I did. She is coming home soon and I have no idea what I'll say to her.
  10. I don't think she even knew I was upset until after he left. I am curious, what is it you are trying to convince me of?
  11. Well she probably warned me so I would know what to expect. She has known this guy for seven years, I don't know him at all. It wasn't just her he was flirting with. My roomate's sister was over and he flirted with her too. She is one of those people who goes out of her way to avoid conflict actually. I was more upset with the guy, unfortuneately I took it out on her and my roomate. That's how I see it anyway.
  12. I called her at work earlier today, but her boss wouldn't let me talk to her because she was busy at the moment. It's probably better that way. Despite what some of you guys think I still think I over reacted. Apologies have never been something I am good at either. My roomate has probably forgotten all about it by now. I'm pretty sure my girlfriend hasn't forgotten anything. I know everyone argues. I know it will happen again. Thanks to everyone who replied
  13. It was bound to happen. Last night it did... My girlfriend has know this guy for about seven years. Three years ago (before I even knew her) he moved out of state. They still talk online pretty ofen and on the phone once in a great while. He is almost ten years older then she is. But they always had a close friendship when he lived here. About 5 years ago they were roomates, and there was a brief time when they were "friends with benefits." Well, this guy is in town for a visit this week. I have known he was coming here for a while now. I have also known the whole story about them for a while now. Well, the day he got here he stopped in where she works and saw her. Then he called her later on after work and asked her (and I) to get together with him. I thought this would be awkward. But last night the three of us and a few other people we all know went out. Then, like usual, when the bar closed everyone ended up back at my house. She warned me ahead of time that this guy is very flirtatious. He was flirting with everyone while we were out. BUt later on when he was in my house I was getting really annoyed with him. Here is this person staring at my girlfriend and making all kinds of flirty comments to her right infront of me. Knowing that he has slept with her obviously made it worse. But, she wasn't flirting back, or staring back or any of that. I would call her behavior friendly and that is it. I did feel lost during a lot of their conversation though. Because a lot of it was "Yea, remember that one party at so and so's house blah blah blah." This was getting annoying too. It seemed like all he wanted to do was rehash old memories with her. I went downstairs to use the bathroom and ended up staying down there for quite a while. She came down twice. The first time she asked if I was feeling allright. The second time she asked me to come back upstairs and I told her no. So the guy leaves. Everyone else leaves, and her and my roomate are upstairs watching TV. I made my way back upstairs. My roomate says "Hey, what crawled up your *** tonight?" That did it. I said something nasty to him and then went off on her. She didn't know what to say. I told her to come doewnstairs so we could have this little blowout in private. She said "Fine then, let's go downstairs and argue about nothing." So we went downstairs and argued about nothing. I thought I was OK being around this guy, but I guess I overestimated myself. And it was more him I was mad at then anyone else, and my girlfriend and roomate took the punishment. Now I feel like crap. I'm not sure how to make it right. She was pretty quiet this morning before she left for work. He was already gone when I got up. So here I am by myself thinking about this, and wanted some advice...
  14. That lesbian story was unsettling. It makes me want to go down and check the crawlspace. I guess I should fess up. The reason we know she is planning on crashing the party-- I went on Yahoo Messanger and asked her. I never lied to her about who I was, she was just too stupid to put it together. I basically IMed her and said "Hey I think I met you at *girlfriend's name's* party last year. Are you going to the one she's having in two weeks?" SHe told me she is going and that J invited her and they are really good friends. I know this was imature of me to do this. That's why I left it out of my original post. If we have to call the cops she might use that against me (if she ever figures out it was me.) J and I were talking earlier today about this. She suggested just inviting M outright. Maybe if M thinks she's wanted there she won't try anything stupid. BUt we both realise this is just a quick fix. It will just make things worse later on.
  15. The subject line pretty much sums it up... Las October my girlfriend, J (not her first initial) and a friend of hers were hanging out at a coffee shop when this other girl, M, started talking to them both. M said she was new in town and didn't know anyone. J, being a very friendly person, sympathized and gave M her number. M invited J and her friend to a "housewarming party" a week later. So they got there, and all it is is M and her Mom painting the living room. M told them both to "grab a roller and get to work. J went and sat down in the corner of the room. This was her way of saying "Screw you, I'm not painting your house." without coming right out and saying it. She also told me these people lived like absolute pigs. There was garbage everywhere, food dumped on the carpet, empty cans and cigarette butts all over the place, etc. J had already invited M to the Halloween party she was throwing. In the next few weeks to follow, M got obsessive with J. She was calling sometimes three times a day, sending e-mails constantly (and then getting mad when J didn't always reply. There was one night I remember when she called 4 times... So at the Halloween Party, J took M off alone to tell her she was getting uncomfortable with this. M threw a fit. She stormed through the kitchen crying and telling J to "shove it up your ***" I remember this pretty vividly because in her dramatic exit she ran right into me and made me spill my drink. So now it's all these months later, and M still is not letting go. She sends J e-mails saying things like "You know I was only nice to you because I felt sorry for you." and "I guess that's what I get for being caring." But lately we are getting worried. Her messages have become much more cryptic. She writes things like "Don't worry, I'll teach you a lesson for humiliating me at your party." M lives by one of J's co-workers and is always asking this co-worker what J is doing. J get's calls late at night where no one says anything, and the number doesn't come up on caller ID. And on more then one occasion she has been walking to work and M has driven by and honked. M has also said some pretty nasty things about J around town. She is stupid enough to say these things to people that we know, so it all gets back to either J or me. J is throwing a party here in a few weeks. We know that M is planning on crashing it. As far as how we know, that's another story in itself. Neither of us know really how to handle this. I don't think the cops would even take us seriously if we called them. And we are really hoping she doesn't have the nerve to show up at the party. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  16. I say do it anyway. You should express yourself. My parents never stopped me from looking a certain way (even though my mom hates my long hair, lol).
  17. It's safe. My girlfriend loves it in the water. She told me the water actually waskes away a lot of the natuarl fluids and causes a little more friction. Also, since water gives that waitless sensation it makes certain postions easier.
  18. Oh hell... I have to tell this story now. My friends and I always go camping labor day weekend. It's a tradition. Well one year my one friend and his girlfriend were in the tent messing around. Well, they didn't realise that all of us sitting around the campfire could see everything going on because they had a light on in the tent and it was casting shadows. Sometimes we still tease him about that. Him and that girl aren't even together anymore. Didn't mean to stray off the subject...
  19. Have you ever been cheated on? Has she ever cheated in a passed relationship? If you have no evidence she is cheating then don't worry yourself. I know this is easier said then done. I don't necessarily agree with everything in this link, but it might help you out a little. link removed
  20. Man, you've had it rough. Hopefully one day you will find someone who is a little more attentive in the bedroom. I got walked in on once by my sister. As if that alone wasn't bad enough she (my sister) wanted to fight with me about it later. Then she told my mom and my mom had a fit too. (Keep in mind this was just last January, I was a big boy at the time.) I accidentally poked my girlfriend in the eye once during sex. That was embarrassing. It really killed the mood. This one other time we were in the shower and I slipped. We both ended up falling down and I hit my head on the side of the tub. Man, I am laughing my a*s off typing this out...
  21. My roomate quit about six months ago. He called the tabacco hotline. 1-800-QUIT-NOW. It worked for him.
  22. If it continues call the cops on her for harassment. She deson't sound very stable. Don't argue with her though, she probably wants that.
  23. Mybe he does feel bead and just doesn't want to show it. It sounds like he is liking the power he has over you right now. He could be just as miserable as you are, you never know. It certainly doesn't sound like this guy is a happy person.
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