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Everything posted by HellFrost666

  1. This is exactly what I was thinking when I read this...
  2. No, you are not wrong to feel this way. You have every right to be uspset. I wouldn't want to look at either of them either. Tell them both you are sorry they feel that way, and then leave it at that. That way you know you left the situation a bigger person.
  3. I don't think either of us have a foot fetish, but my girlfriend loves it when I suck her toes. It's not an all the time thing though, she has to be in the mood for it. But when she is it drives her crazy...
  4. Yes. I have never cheated, but anyone who knows my back story knows why I think it can be justified. Anyone who doesn't know and wants to then PM me...
  5. Personally, I don't really give a crap who knows me in real life or not. Its a matter of principles!
  6. This story would make an interesting movie... Be careful what you reveal about yourself on here... Sometimes it can come back to haunt you.
  7. Some people just have a hard time saying it out of nowhere. If he treats you good I wouldn't be worried. Actions speak louder then words anyway.
  8. Throw a party and invite all your co-workers...
  9. I can relate to this one. It pisses me off too.
  10. Go to work tomorrow and tell everyone about the big juicy filet mignon you had last night, how it was extra rare and bloody... KIDDING! Seriously, congratulations Hun. You deserve it. Knock Em Dead.
  11. You hate your current job, you will love your new job. Take the day off and get yourself another job.
  12. I wonder how many people are feeling closure replying to this thread.
  13. You haven't even lost your baby fat yet. And if it's that big a concern, you have the advantage of being young. It's easy to loose weight when you are young because your metabolism slows down with age.
  14. People come together a lot through mutual interests. Like I am really into music. I have met so many people through my local music scene it isn't even funny. I know a lot of very artistic people. Where I live has this huge Arts center where all those people go and hang out. My girlfriend has met a lot of people there, and so has my roomate, some to think of it. Basically, you could always find some place where like minded people hang out, and start hanging out there.
  15. So, it's been ten years. I am here in the US where you said I would never survive. And you are alive and unharmed, like you said you wouldn't be if I left. Threatening to kill yourself doesn't always get you your way. Obviously you weren't that serious, or else you would have done it. And threatening to cheat just out of revenge was just a plain stupid move. Did you really think I would drop and give you whatever you wanted out of fear of you sleeping with somone else? Control is not the answer. You held too tight, yet still pushed me away. Staying home would have made me miserable, and thereforeeee easier for you to manipulate. I guess you thought you had it all figured out, God were you wrong... You never wanted a real relationship with somone who was equal to you. All you wanted was someone to linger down below and worship you high on the pedestal you built for yourslf. I was not your ***** like you wanted. I don't think you will ever truly find what you want. And for that I feel sad for you. I wish you luck in life. I hope that in ten years you have grown up even if it's just a little. I know you probably won't see this, and if you do you probably won't realise who has written it or that it is even about you. But maybe you might remember the way you treated me and feel a small bit of remorse. But I doubt it.
  16. I am sorry I don't have more technical advice to give you here Hun. But I will say this, I really hope something good comes out of this for you. I know all the crap your current job has put you through, and I really hope you can tell them all to piss off really soon. When it comes to stating your onjectives, just be honest and word it as perfessionally as you can. Good Luck.
  17. Porbably a response that won't go over too well. Aside from what advice has been given already, realize this is all high school (I'm guessing) drama. It will all be halarious to you in a few years.
  18. He might feel worse when he talks to you. Maybe he did it to spare himself some pain.
  19. Is this a young mother? Is this her first child? I would tell her to go elseware if I were yu, but that is just my opinio. It might help you get more replies if you would break your post into paragraphs. Huge blocks of text like this are hard to read for most poeple.
  20. If I really loved somone a few scars wouldn't make a difference, really. Also, I am just a strange individual at times, and I would probably find the scars fascinating. On a side note, this is my last post as "member"... Woohoo, I'm climbing the ladder. Soon I'll achieve my goal of world domination, hehe.
  21. Yes, you are wrong. Yes, what she did is justifiable. My other half went through almost the same situation with her ex husband. He cheated all the time, and hit her, and called her names, and then she cheated. NOt with an ex boyfriend though. She cheated with me. Now they aren't together anymore, and I treat her like a princess. With the way you were treating her I can see why she cheated. I think a lot of people would in that situation. And as far as why she didn't leave you first... I am guessing you are also a controlling person. I could be wrong, but people who hit and call names usually are also controlling. She was probably afraid to leave you. I know my girlfriend was scared to death of leaving her ex because of what he might do to her. Maybe your girl just didn't think she could get away from you. I think you should get some professional help before you start another relationship. You obviously have some issues that need worked out.
  22. She didn't run when she was caught. Infacr she wasn't exactly 'caught.' She told him what she had done. He demanded to know who with. She wouldn't tell him, and she took one nasty beating because of it. He obviously was forgetting that he gave her permission.
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