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Everything posted by HellFrost666

  1. That is exactly when I thought when I read the "There will always be racism" statement.
  2. I am blond, blue eyed and pale, and my life has not been perfect. I haven't been as unfortunate as CB's brother. White people have problems to is what I am getting at.
  3. For you to say that a majority of white people think this way is still stereotyping.
  4. I would probably be mildly annoyed and a little embarrassed, make some comment and walk off. But you are still cool BC.
  5. And who among us has the right to decide what is a "defection"?
  6. Well, there are two things you can do... You can go on beating yourself up and lowering your self esteem over something as superficial as skin color (and something you have no control over...) Or you can accept it and rise above everyone elses ignorance. It is your decision.
  7. Miami? Forgive me if I am wrong, but isn't the Miami full of Latinos and Cubans? Do the people around you act disgusted every time they see a brown person? You think they would be used to it by now. After reading your last post it sounds like a lot of this is in your head. People probably aren't as disgusted as you think they are.
  8. I will confess my own ignorance in missing the last sentance of your post... I do have to agree with ^ that does sound hipocritical. Sorry.
  9. Between 2 and 3... Not the best of my encounters.
  10. I'm glad I am not the only one who thought that, lol.
  11. Forgive me if this is out of line... but it's just the first thing that came to mind... Look how much money white skinned girls pay to go bake in a tanning bed and get skin like yours? I feel bad that you are surrounded by such narrowminded idiots, really I do. When I see a dark skinned person I don't think differently of them at all, and I am white as white can be if you are wondering. The first thing you have to realize is that the problem is theirs, not yours. And I wouldn't be so worried about going to college. Most people are surprised at how open minded everyone is when they get to college. College may be a refreshing change for you. I hope some of what I said helps. Don't let them get the best of you.
  12. Average/normal = boring in my opinion. What really makes a person eccentric? It is sad that our society is so narrowminded that somone who does not conform to the normal is given a label with such negative conotations...
  13. I wouldn't agree with this so much. Yes, it may get old, but we get used to it. I do anyway. I don't really mind being asked those kinds of questions. What bugs me is when people assume I am right off the plane... I have lived here ten years.
  14. Tell her you like her accent (I am guessing you probably do like it)... One of the first things my girlfriend ever said to me was that she liked my accent.
  15. Do you really think he is ever going to change? If you leave you could find somone who would treat you and your daughter like you deserve. If you stay your daughter will grow up in an unhappy home, think that all men are like him, and probably allow herself to be treated the same way by somone. The unhappiness of your relationship will start to eat at you, and you might even come to resent your daughter because of this... (Not saying that for sure, but it is possible.) Your daughter is too young to understand what would be going on if you left. And what if somewhere down the line he cheats again and leaves you for the other woman? Maybe by then she will be old enough to understand everything... imagine what that would be like for her.
  16. You don't sound like you would treat people like that. I hope it didn't sound like I was implying that.
  17. Wow... I can't imagine what that must be like. The only advice I can think to give you right now is live above his influence and don't repeat his behavior later on in life.
  18. Unfortunately there is no way you can know... You are in a tough spot right now... You need to do some real soul searching. Do you think this other person from your passed feels the same way? What if you left your relationship to persue them and they didn't feel the same for you? Then you will ne out in the cold. I am not telling you what you should or shouldn't do, but think carefully before acting.
  19. About 99% of the male race indulges themselves in porn. That is something you will probably never change about him. But if you know for a fact the girls in the pics are under age you have every right to be diturbed.
  20. You do get used to it after a while. But no matter how used to it you are the tention needs to be released somehow.
  21. This is exactly what I was thinking. Don't lose your head and screw things up with your 'not technically' girlfriend.
  22. Well aren't you cynical... I was single for a long, long time (9 years) and in that nine years I did it a lot. But since I haven't been single not nearly as much.
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