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Everything posted by justsweetgirl

  1. Weeks would pass where I felt strong and then out of the blue, I would fall apart at work if I smelled my ex's cologne, hear her name or a song that we both liked. I constantly felt I was taking one step forward and two back. So I started changing song lyrics to words that described what a rat she was. I went from crying to laughing. It got easier. Now, when I happen to hear the songs that once affected me so profoundly, I smile because of how far I have come. Good luck.
  2. Did she tell you about the other "Justin" before or after you slept together?
  3. If she lied during the relationship and cheated five times, be sure she is telling you the truth about fathering a child. You really have no idea what motivated her to contact you. You are in a good, solid relationship. Don't jeopardize it. Be careful.
  4. I wish my own father had thought of it.
  5. Speak with your gf first. Tell her you are not being fulfilled sexually. This gives her the option to explore why she isn't as interested in sex and if she wants to work on that. If she does, great. If she doesn't, then you have the option to end things and look elsewhere.
  6. Maybe I am too traditional, but I wouldn't separate the kids. Do you really think you have a chance at repairing your damaged relationship with your daughter by only asking for your son?
  7. I still believe, no matter how appealing this employee is to you, she is married and you are not ready to become involved with someone new. What happens when her husband finds out? When the affair becomes public?
  8. She would be welcome in my house if her first priority was her children. It's not. And she's doing them irreparable damage. I think you may be too close to the situation to see it as clearly as those of us reading your post. Two wrongs don't make a right. Asking you to go out with other women while you both reside in the same house will only be even more confusing to the children. And seeing someone new and expecting them to be okay with all this is expecting too much. Someone has to play the part of the adult and responsible parent. There is no guarantee she will stop turning to you even though she makes other friends. At thirty, choosing partying over your children...the whole thing just makes me cringe.
  9. Number one, I would not be living in the same house with her. It is a very unstable relationship. She turns to you because she trusts you over all others, but she, herself, is not trustworthy. I think your post affected me more than any I have read because I have children. For you to say she does not want to have anything to do with them breaks my heart. And angers me. This is very selfish. Children are fragile. They tend to blame themselves when the adults in their lives have problems. Distancing herself will only reinforce for them that they are at fault. You don't like her behavior, understandably so, but allowing her to reside with you and carry on with other men makes you an enabler. Why pull up a chair and sit in the first row while she acts out? It is not healthy for you. You need to be concentrating on you and the children. She has chosen to opt out of the relationship and the family. You love her but loathe her behavior. Who wouldn't? You and the children need counseling. How does she feel about counseling? Since she has had made a dramatic personality change in a year, I would think more is going on than you know about. You are sacrificing the happiness and stability of three healthy people for the immediate gratification and self-indulgence of one sick person. She is incapable of making a mature, responsible choice at this time. So, you have to. I commend you for following through with the adoptions. I hope I have been of some help. Feel free to contact me. I wish you well.
  10. Birdgirl is absolutely right.
  11. I see, after the fact, that you were looking for a male persepective. Sorry.
  12. Sounds like uninviting him did not make things easier for him; it only served to confuse or hurt him. Dinner with parents can be a big deal. Now he may feel he is not as important to you as he thought. That may explain why he didn't want to hang out with you. Talk to him. Let him know your feelings have not changed. Good luck.
  13. How long did you date? How soon did he say I love you? And then, how often? How soon did he say he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you? People can be in love with being in love and infatuated. This sounds that way to me. How well do the two of you really know each other? You never cried this much or felt this much for a guy. Why? What's different? Is it the fact that he did the breaking up and not you? I need more info to get a better idea of what's going on.
  14. When I am confused, I take a step back and try looking at the situation from all angles before doing anything rash that can't be undone later. And I love the person more for what's inside, not outside.
  15. If you know she is seeing other girls, then it's not a secret. And if you are overwhelmed by this fact, are you sure she is right for you? You seem to have a lot invested in her emotionally ("I am afraid of how my life will turn out if I can't express my feeling to her before it's too late"). Don't you want someone who wants to be with you and only you? Especially since you consider yourself to be in love? Think about it. Good luck.
  16. Be proud of yourself for waiting until you feel ready. Believe me, there are so many, many more who wish they could go back in time and choose waiting over saying yes.
  17. Lesbian drama. Avoid it at all costs. Take it from someone who knows. Peace.
  18. I think it is best at this point to go your separate ways.
  19. Ok, let me get this straight...she doesn't appreciate a card and rose, she doesn't want to hear from you after you've been in a serious car accident, she doesn't call you the next day to see how you are feeling, she says you call too much and want too much from her, and she sends you pictures of the guy she wants to be with. First of all, stop all contact. It has to be less painful than this. She is making it perfectly clear she does not want to be with you. I know it isn't easy to hear and you feel you still love her. But this is cruel. She is disrespecting you all over the place. You have to keep busy with school, friends and family and move on. You have to stop letting her beat you down. There are girls who will treat you the way you derserve to be treated - when enough time has passed and you are ready to date again. You need to be good to yourself. What would you tell your best friend if he were in your shoes? I wish you the best.
  20. Looking outside the marriage will never resolve the problems within the marriage. You only multiplied your dilemma by thinking about doing something "unprofessional, immoral, unethical and illegal." This is what's known as caught between a rock and a hard place. Neither situation sounds ideal to me based on what you've described. I don't think you are ready to be with someone new. Have you and your wife considered going for counseling? Infertility can be one of the most devastating things a couple can endure in life and you should not have to go through this alone. Good luck.
  21. Masturbation is healthy and normal and has nothing to do with your gf. If she read up on the subject, perhaps her insecurity would be alleviated.
  22. You have to want more for yourself than to be in an emotionally draining relationship. Better to be alone and work on your self-esteem issues. Being with him cannot help you with this, as he is part of the problem. Good luck.
  23. You have to leave. His behavior is unacceptable. He is a compulsive liar and abuser, among other things, and you and your son are not safe. Raising your son in this climate will only teach him that it is okay to abuse women. Please break the cycle. There are hotlines and shelters available, if you have no friends or family to turn to. Also, it is not always safe to turn to friends and family, as he will surely know to look for you there. You and your son deserve a better life. I will say a prayer for you.
  24. I wouldn't call. She dumped you. If she wants to know how you are doing, she knows how to reach you. You offered her congratulations and were respectful and friendly in what could have been a very awkward situation. Be proud of how much you've grown and learned about yourself these seven weeks. You did very well. Leave it at that.
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