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Everything posted by Luscious

  1. Where there's a little a saying to marry the one who loves you not the one you love. I think its too early to decide who you should be with but you must remember he said he is attach to this girl because of her family. Its never good to break up with someone for another relationship because you know what you have but you don't know what you're gonna get. Its also not fair to your boyfriend to be sharing your feelings with someone else. Even if this guy wanna be with you its still a possibility that if him and his gf breaks up he will probably be seeing her on the side and still be attached to her. So be careful when it comes to making a decision on who you feel contacted to now b/c you and your bf could be goin through a test. In relationships sometimes one always want to give up after a fight but you was holding onto this relationship for a reason figure out what that reason is and then decide if being with someone else is worth it.
  2. Hey keep your head up there is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay in your books, grades matter if you want to live comfortably in the future you have to study the way thats best for you. Some people don't need to study and they still do well but you have to do what works for you. Don't cut your friends totally off but remind them that you have goals that you're trying to meet and have to sacrifice a few things to obtain them. If they're really your friends they'll understand. Hard work pays off!! You can do it!!
  3. When the break up is fresh we always feel that we can't get over someone but in time you will. You didn't get over him in a year because you didn't want to, you still wanted to be loved by him because you loved him. But if you put your mind too it you can do it. I think there needs to be a no contact rule. He shouldn't be allowed to come into your life at his own convenience and then walk out. To me he's not worth your time or tears. Sometimes we don't want to let go but we have to and when he looks back at the situation it will be his lost and someone else gain. Keep your head up, you will miss him but in the long run you'll be glad that you let go.
  4. In your unconsciousness do you think that you stil wanna be with this guy?
  5. Whew. Thats alot to swallow but, it seems to me that something is definetly going on because his stories are not adding up. But like you said you have no solid proof, so you have to give him the benefit of the doubt. What I would suggest to you that whenever you question him about something don't give out any information that you already know. Ask him questions and let him answer you because when you give out info that you already know if he is lying he finds lies to cover himself and make you doubt what you know. For example. His car being home when he said he was working. You should of ask him what he had to do, in terms of fixing something then probably say if he couldn't have done it if you both were home together so yall could be killing two birds with one stone, that is hanging out and geting his work done. I just think you have to be a little bit tricky about the whole situation. You have think it through and think like they would so they wouldn't have no way to lie and their only way would be to tell the truth. Hey, the sex thing, guys LOVE it, so if he is not getting it from you and is always tired he is probably getting it from somewhere else, especially if two times already he said he wanted you and nothing happened. You don't wanna push him away but you also don't wanna close your eyes to the situation.
  6. Not being able to trust someone is an integral part in a relationship. Its hard to love someone at the same time and not trust them b/c even though you may love him you will question everything that he does in the relationship. Its up to you if the relationship can stand a chance, how much are you hurting, are you hurting enough to try or are you at the point where you can't take it anymore? IF you are at the point where you can't take it anymore and its hurting to much or driving you insane walk away b/c your sanity matters more than your love for him. There's a saying if you love it let it kill ya, I disagree. IF he is not willing to do the things he once did to earn your trust again, LEAVE!!! It will hurt to go but I'm a strong believer in TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS. Be true to yourself and put YOU first and everything else after.
  7. Hey, I think you should have a talk with him first and let him know how you feel about the whole situation, telling him that you just came out a serious relationship and you have a no tolerance level. You need to ask him again what he really wants and tell him not to answer you with a whatever b/c its annoying. You need to find out what he's thinking because even though he hasn't really been in a relationship before he shouldn't treat like that. After this conversation you will then be able to make a decision on whats best for you. Good luck! Remember no one deserves to sacrifice their happiness for someone else.
  8. Hello Sasha12, I personally don't think that not finding what exactly you're looking for is striving for less. Alot of times we as human beings are very precise and picky in what we want in a relationship but b/c their is no perfect being it is almost impossible to finda a perfect relationship. Not finding what you want exactly doesn't really equate to settling for less. However you can find someone close to what you're looking for and you can always work on the things that you don't like about a person, and I don't mean change a person but you can agree to compromise. Alot of times we never get what we looking for b/c something is always missing from that person. But in order to be satisfy with someone else you must be content and satisfy with yourself.
  9. Its a 50:50 chance that it may or may not work out but its up to you if you really want the friends with benefits. Personally I think that friends with benefits sucks, and a person shouldn't be allowed to have the best of both worlds (you and seeing other people). No one can tell you what to do but you have to think about yourself and your HAPPINESS like I mentioned before. Sometimes our hearts tells us to stay but deep down we know its time to move on. And you also deserves more than just benefits, so if he can't give you that maybe you need to be with someone that can. Yes, you are young, but being young doesn't mean you don't know what you want and who you want. We are women and we do mature faster than men! But remember everyone deserves the best and friends with benefits isn't the best!!!
  10. Do you think you're her soul mate? Long distance relationships are usually the hardest to maintain, you and her need to decide if its worth it. IF it worth the arguments and the separation for now b/c you both are unable to see each other. Also families do mean well but you can't allow them to chose for you.
  11. I can only reply from experience...If you love him as much as you say you do its gonna be difficult to continue to be friends with benefits and their is no committment on his part. Its gonna hurt you when he starts dating other people b/c you're not gonna want him be around anyone but you. When my first love and I broke up I couldn't be friends with him because I still loved him, I couldnt stand the thought of us not being a couple, it hurt enough with us not being together so talking to him on a friendship level I figured would have only torment me even more. I always agreed with Deborah Cox song, "We can't be friends if I'm still in love with you" it was not until I fell out of love for him that I could of continue a friendship. But everyone is different. But what I can say is that its hurting you now that you'll are not together it will only keep hurting you if you continue the "friends with benefits" thing. Your love will only get stronger and at the end of the day it will be even harder to get over him just in case he doesn't committ any time in the near future. Yes you did give him a time limit, but what will happen after that time has expired, you will be right where you left off but only with added pain. If he loves you as much as he say he does, and he knows you are the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with, then why does he have to explore his options? Yes, you love him but what I would suggest is that you protect your heart, because his decision can go either way. If you'll are not together spend less and less time with him because who says after he has dated other girls that you would want to be with him. Remember at the end of the day your happiness will matter to you and his to him. Be careful and Good luck.
  12. Everyone has been hurt in the past some more than others but whenever a person goes into a new relationship they may be careful before trusting the other person only if the other person doesn't gives them any reason to not trust them. I agree with fides75, because even if he is not cheating he would be considerate enough to call back knowing that you'll had plans but he is not, how much longer do you'll have to be together before he gets use to telling you his whereabouts. To me it seems that he definetly has something to hide and obviously he never has time for you or the relationship. This is only the beginning of the relationship are you willing to wait a lil while longer to see if it continues? Is it worth it?
  13. Its gonna be hard to trust him because of your past but you shouldn't take it out on him especially if he don't give reason to doubt the relationship. I would suggest that you don't take anything for granted if it bothers you that much and I mean don't be naive. But you should give him the benefit of the doubt that he's not doing anything. Also because he doesn't question you about who you're with when you'll are not together doesn't mean he does not care it simply means he doesn't have a need to do so or that he trusts you.
  14. I understand your anger, it hurts even more when you've been with someone for awhile and he/she claim to love you and he/she moves on in a week after a separation. Then you start to wonder did she/he really love you or not. Why doesn't they relax first...I've been through that before...and all you want is to see them hurt but after awhile it doesn't matter anymore...they don't matter and nothing they do seems to affect you. But this only happens with time. It hurts, but when you realize that she is not worthy of you or your love you're gonna be fine. Its gonna be okay, you'll see!
  15. Steve, Its only natural to feel such anger, betrayal and deceived. Because it was someone you knew she was friends with it only hurts even more. But anger is a way to get over someone only if you're ready to get over her. But you probably still loves her and wonders why couldn't she have just been honest enough with you. Honestly you're gonna be mad and its gonna hurt for awhile, its up to you if you're gonna let it affect you.
  16. I agree with Beec. A lie is a lie no matter how small or big it is, but when its smaller you have to wonder the reason why he/she lied. But most people forgives and never forgets its up to you, if you want to move pass the lie?
  17. Was it a difficult breakup or was it a mutual depart? Anyway everyone gets over traumas in their life differently. If you know that there is no way in hell of yall getting back together then you have to make your mind up that your going to move on and life will continue. Yes you may never stop loving her but you can get over her to the point where she doesnt stop your flow of living. Because you loved her she will run through your mind that is only natural but as time goes on when you think about her it won't phase you at all. Whenever you think about her think about how she may have already moved on which will make you more determine to get over her. Time heal all wounds is a true saying because in time your wounds will heal. Good luck!
  18. Honestly how much more can you take. If he's different around you when his friend is there he doesn't respect you. I don't mean to be harsh but is your self esteem that low? Yes, you love him but sometimes we as women need to let it go. You said yourself that u can't forget or forgive him for what he did it hurts too much so you need to move on thats the only alternative. It was once said if you love it let it kill you... but do you love him enough to keep hurting? Honey you need to love yourself and realize you don't deserve such treatment and obviously he don't deserve you. Let him know that you're not there for his convenience and you're definetly not a doormat. Leave him alone because its hurting you too much to stay!!!
  19. Hi, I suggest that you take this relationship a bit slow because from your story I gathered that your not ready to handle another relationship. Date around, meet new people. You shouldn't get into a relationship just because of convenience. What if you meet someone down the road and later you think you should of waited. Don't rush it, everything always seem good at the beginning. Enjoy single life because your gonna miss it when it is taken away. And also you wanna be fair to the lady, when you get involved with her you wannd make sure its all for the right reasons. Like you said the last GF you had wasn't understanding enough and was inconsiderate. Being in a relationship is alot of hardwork and committment so make sure that the next person you get involve with understands that it maybe hard sometimes to spend time with her because your also a student and finishing school is a priority. Good Luck
  20. When she asks about your actions I think she should let her know that your taking everything slow because she always leaves and come back and its hurts. So you don't wanna rush into anything. Remember you're not trying to hurt her but you wanna show her that your feelings matter just as much as her. Being honest is always good, you shouldn't lead her on. If you want to be intimate with her you maybe sending her mix emotions and thats never good. So if you do decide to be intimate with her make sure thats what you want.
  21. I think you and this girl are on two different levels, the same page but in two different books. You said that she is mature in some ways but from what I read I think she is totally immature. Yes, yall was broken up but if she really love you why would she go out and mess around, even if she needed a break she would go out and have some clean fun. She doesn't know what she really wants, she's hot then cold, you're not a yo-yo and she shouldn't play with your feelings like that. You need to be careful she may only hurt you again, some people don't realize what they have until they have already hurt too much times. I can't tell you if you should get back with her but if u do protect your heart and hold the keys cause obviously she's careless with them. Good luck!!
  22. Nanell wrote: It sad to know that you have put yourself through it all and also have place another person in it (husband). I can't begin to understand what you're going through but you need to let this married guy go even if you do it because your husband don't deserve such treatment. I hope you do seek counselling on it. Good luck.
  23. Being with someone thats already involve with someone else gives that person to have it all. He's knows that you know he's married and he's thinking that you're accepting it. It may be hard to let go but you have to put your foot down. Why should he have the opportunity to have both women. They're right on this forum if he hasn't leave her yet he's not going to. When she gets him mad he calls you and vice versa. Sometimes in life we know whats right and wrong but we tend to listen to our heart that always stems us in doing the wrong thing. Yes you love him but aren't you worth enough to have someone love only you. You must dig up that self esteem and say to yourself that you deserve more and more is out there. Its goin to be hard to move on from anyone when love is involved but if you try hard enough you can do it. Do you love him enough that his happiness comes before your own?
  24. Things happen to us sometimes and we just can't understand why. But, maybe it is a blessing in disguise try and keep your head up and remember God NEVER puts more on us than we can bear! Things are gonna get better, you'll see!
  25. Get plenty of rest so you can be back in full force!!
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