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Everything posted by Luscious

  1. I think that if he is interested he will initiate what exactly he wants to happen. But there is a question to ans. Is he ready now for a serious relationship and has he grown up? Is he now good enough for you? These questions should be asked if he is interested in inflaming the fire. Yes, I think that you deserve a thorough explanation on what happened and maybe you should find out if his friend is still in his life.
  2. Hey, most of the times being a good listener actually helps situations similar to yours. Women love guys that listens to what they say and that is a good conversationalists giving sincere advice when ask to. Yes, you did ask her to go out with you, but at this time she is not interested because she is interested in another guy but be there for her as a friend and maybe she will see you in another light.
  3. OKay...,I'm gonna be honest with you, there are people at parties that have ambitions and all those stuff but most people at parties don't go to them to make friends they come with friends. You shouldn't try to hard to make new friends just cherish the ones you have. Many people try to come of as real but alot of people are artificial. Just relax and alot of friends ain't good for you, stay focus on the things that are much more important and you already said you have a few friends so be happy with the ones you have. And don't try to change who you are.
  4. I agree with what everyone is saying, yes she should of talk to you about any misgivings but she chose a second route. Trust is the easiest thing to gain but when its lost its hard to get back. I'm gonna speak to you from experience, at the end of the day it doesn't matter what everyone else says or feel about the situation it only matters what you feel. Yes she did hurt you but are you ready to give up on the relationship, call it quits for GOOD? Many people say what they would have done in a situation similar to yours but you never really know what you would do until you're the one in that situation. Yes its gonna be hard for her to gain your trust back, but you should speak to her and let her know how you trully feels now she has broken the trust that both of you shared. Let her know that the relationship is not gonna be easy now and as a result of what she did your gonna get jealous and think the worst before you think of the good, and that you'll always be wondering what she's doing when she is not with you. At this stage in the relationship communication plays a key factor if this is gonna work inspite of the situation at hand. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is how you really feel!! Do you want to give it another shot because you love her? After a break up do you know what torments us the most, IF WE FAIL TO TRY!! When the relationship is over you want to think back on it and say to yourself you tried all you could, you gave it your best (being 100%) and it didn't work out. You don't wanna ever think back and say WHAT IF I gave it another shot! P.S Inspite of everyone thoughts do you wanna try again?
  5. I think that you should continue to be friends with her, because you never know where friends may leadin the future. But, I suggest that you stop falling for people so quickly, yes you have been hurt in the past so you need your wounds to fully heal. All of us at one point in our lives wants to be love by someone so I know how you feel. But when you meet someone new for the first time build a friendship and see if this is someone worth knowing on that level because the relationship may work better as friends. Remember don't ever jump straight in a relationship because it seems like this is the right thing to do and when you're at a vulnerable state. You wanna know for sure what you're doing so take it slow sometimes thats where you can always protect your heart. Don't give anyone the keys to your heart unless they're going to cherish it and safe guard it like its the most important thing in the world!!
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