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Everything posted by Luscious

  1. I agree with everything TTSS said, if he loves you he will try to change to make you happy...you deserve more than a few good moments of happiness!! You must believe this because you said so yourself, sometimes we do not chose the people we fall in love with but you can defenitely chose who you share the rest of your life with. He says he's going to change and never does...he's not serious about you or the relationship. Ask yourself what do you love about him, and can you actually be in love with someone that treats you so bad. If you get all negative answers to the questions this then should be your motivation to move on.
  2. Friends are hard to find, good friends that is. So why would you even think about risking a friendship over a girl and all kind of fishes in the sea. You said it yourself if it was you, you would be crush so why are you considering doing it to someone else, also this someone you consider a friend. She knows that her boyfriend is your friend and she still flirts, I wouldn't mess with her if I was you because if she does it to him she can do it to you. Thats my five cents!! 8)
  3. You can show her your feelings and emotions by buying little cards when you're thinking about her, writing little notes and placing it in her bookbad or even buying her a favorite chocolate and tie a ribbon on it and say you were in the store and you thought she would enjoy the chocolate.
  4. You just defined it...serious relationship means being committed to the person and having the other person best interest at heart..but she didn't want this, whicg means there is no committment and whatever happens, happens.
  5. If it doesn't becomes a habit and he still gives you the attention then you shouldn't worry about it, b/c even though he's in a relationship he can't forget his friends and neither should you. It feels weird b/c yall are always together but I don't think its anything to worry about.
  6. The 1st one is better because if you really want to get over someone b/c they hurt you not seeing or hearing from that will leviate the pain you pain. You shouldn't have to tell them that you're doing the NC, they'll figure it out and wanna contact you to see whats going on.
  7. Why are you desperate, and why are you rushing yourself to get in a relationship? When you find that person you will know so don't rush things. Look on the bright side, at least she told you what she was all about before you got in too deep!!
  8. And becareful about the people you chose to become friends with, you don't wanna attract negative attention or anyone that will have a bad influence on you. But you'll know who to become friends with, it'll be a connection.
  9. I would think it means that are yall together in a comitted relationship because he don't want to introduce you to his mother if it isn't serious enough.
  10. I Know he's trying now but he has made so many promises in the past and then broke them..I love him but I don't think I can take anymore heart break. Sometimes I just wonder if its just better to start over again with someone that I can trust...b/c honestly I'm preparing myself for another let down. He's on his last straw and I think its gonna be burnt!!!
  11. I have been dating my b/f almost 3yrs now and we have been through alot in the time spent together, breaking up and making up. Most of the times we broke up b/c it was his fault...long story. Anyway now we've have gotten back together like the ending part of September of last year and things has been going good and he's actuallly trying to prove to me that he's now worthy of my love. But, I don't trust him and sometimes I find myself thinking about the problems we went through and the betrayal on his part, and it hurts. Its like I haven't never really forgiven him for all the pain he's cause me and I love him but I don't think our relationship will ever go further and thats, marriage. I know deep down inside we're not gonna make it so why I can't just leave? Also there's this guy that I've met but he's just recently came out a 3 year relationship for about 4 weeks now and I Know its too early for him to get into a next one but, I do like him and he doesn't know I'm in a relationship because I don't want to scare him away. He's so sincere and its like what I've been looking for...but I wanna keep the doors open until he is ready to be in a relationship b/c he likes my company. So what should I do? [/b]
  12. After you've already snoop, its gonna be hard for you to forget about it...so may you should build a conversation about what you're feeling and how you're scared of losing him and everything should flow afterwards but do not mention how you read his letter. When you're talking to him make sure your very calm and collective because communication is the key to a good relationship. Good Luck
  13. Its difficult to become friends after a breakup, especially if their are still feelings/emotions for the other person. But for me, after a breakup I do not remain friends especially if you loved someone for so long...I always believed that you can't be friends if you're still inlove with the person b/c you will get jealous and feel weird that this was the person you once slept with and now your gonna be talking about other relationships with them. For me, friends comes after you're totally over a lover and nothing they say or do would bother you. Until you are on that level its difficult to become friends.
  14. I agree its hurts, its amazing how deep down in our soul we know that if trust is not present in a relationship it won't work, but of course love always win. I'm in the same situation, where I Don't trust my bf and we've broken up a million times. I know deep down our relationship won't work so why I'm I still wasting his and my time? Who knows why we do things... but in time your hurt will go away and you'll be fine
  15. I think if you don't want to lose him that you shouldn't take a break...taking a break usually ends up in a break-up and what do you expect to happen out of this break, no talking to other females on that level, no communication, what exactly do you want. You said, that you want him to appreciate what he has but why not talk to him about how you're feeling because may initiate things that you don't really want, like more distance. You said you don't want to lose him, so make sure you know what your doing and how it may just backfire. Good luck!!!
  16. Don't let wrong decisions make you realize what you have, or is more whats important to you...but I'm happy to know that its all working out for the better. Way to go!!
  17. Hey, I think that you should do it now, why wait if you said yourself that valentines day is only one day and you don't wanna risk the chance of getting to know her. Sometimes I think we should act on impulse, what do you have to lose? IF you send her a secret admirer card then she can contact you, and you can make plans for valentines day if it works out in your favor. It doesn't have to be a valentines day card...Why wait tomorrow may just be too late. Good Luck!!!
  18. Also remember that when you decide to allow someone to explore you in that way, make sure that you are totally ready and at the end of the day if the relationship don't work out you would be able to say that you made the decision on what you wanted to do and at that particular time you wanted to share that moment with him. Don't rush it though time will tell and you'll know when you're ready.
  19. It good that you wanna wait, but remember everything in life is a risk. Deciding to have a boyfriend is a risk, and falling in love with someone is a risk, marrying someone is also a risk b/c at the end of the day none of this may last. Its up to you are you willing to take that risk?
  20. I think women tend to get more emotionally connected than men but if you wanna know then ask him about it. It doesn't make any sense to guess what he's thinking and he's right there that the only way you will be able to soothe your mind and make any further decisions about the dating scene with him. Also both of you are adults so you should know what you want and what you don't. But be careful, because you don't want to scare him away...but it sounds like you both are enjoying each other. Good luck!!!
  21. I think that finding out if a girl is considerate will come later in the relationship or dating stage. But I expect the guy to pay because its his role.
  22. Sometimes in life we have to do the things that we don't want to do and its hard but in the long run it pays off. We are stuck with going through with the decision that we give to others and following them ourselves. Many times we give decisions based on what is right or wrong or ethical or unethical but when placed in the same situation its hard to follow through. It will be hard for you to do whats best for you because your feelings are already intwindle in her own emotions, you have already fallen. We must ask ourselves how can we keep ourselves from calling, or thinking about someone when we're at the stage that they revolve around our thoughts or our well-being? You feel bad because you love her and why would you treat someone you love like that, but you know what if you decide to accept her and her husband you're never gonna be satisfied...at the end of the day you will want more and you're not gonna be willing to share. Its just gonna get harder and harder and then you're gonna be worst off than where you first started. NO ONE likes to share, we are all selfish when it comes down to relationship and love. It will be hard to back off but TIME is the ultimate healer, you'll see. Its not fair to her husband either and if the shoes was on your feet you wouldn't want that. Anyway be strong, its gonna get better!!!
  23. I think you should be very calm about the whole situation and tell your b/f how you feel and maybe yall can come up with a compromise. Don't make it seem that you want your b/f to choose between you all, just tell him that being around them all at the same time makes you feel uneasy.
  24. They probably ask alot of Bi-sexual men, b/c I can't see my boyfriend saying such a thing.
  25. What kind of relationship do you and your mother have? Is she someone that is easy to talk to? Does she talk bad about homosexuals? These are the questions that you should ask yourself if you're thinking about telling your mom. How do you know that your gay at the age of 15, this is something she may ask you.
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