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Everything posted by Luscious

  1. The kiss should be a passionate one, wet and nice...its like a smack on the lips but sensual you don't need to use your tongue for the 1st time, you'll know when it should be used. Good luck!!!
  2. Even though you're feeling discourage your motivation should be your goals...what do you want in life and what at this very moment are you trying to achieve. You said that you feel that your teachers are disappointed in you, which should be another motivation...prove to them and yourself that you are gonna succeed no matter what obstacles you have to cross over. Having goals are the easy part but to execute them is when the test comes harder. But believe in yourself, you can do it...I don't know if you have any plans to go to college but say to yourself if you decide to go at least high school would be finish with. "If you wanna be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention!"
  3. Who do you live with? Maybe you need to talk to someone about your problems instead of trying to handle it your way. Just think of all the pain you will cause around you and if you really love your dad and you know that it will hurt him don't do it or stop doing it put his feelings before yours...GET HELP PLEASE!!!!
  4. You know what, noone can tell you what to do but do what you feel is right, everyone can only judge from the information that you gave...if you feel he deserves another chance, then why not, I'm sure everything is not bad. But the friendship with the other lady I wouldn't suggest that, you shouldn't trust anyone around your husband and if he cheated on you with her then its a big risk to take to allow them to be friends. Your not gonnaa fully trust him right now, trust is something he would have to gain back and who knows how long it may take....Trust, easy to lose and hard to get back!!!
  5. He means that there is no committment involve that he can see whom ever he please and that even though you both are kissing and hugging yall are still only friends. Just be careful, b/c alot of guys are attracted to females but may not want a relationship so control the way you feel and don't allow him to have the best of both worlds, friendship and intimacy with no committment.
  6. How can you love someone and Hate them at the same time? To respond to the question...I don't know your situation or anything but can assume things...It sounded as if you have been there for your wife through thick and thin and it has been hard especially for you since she could not lead the 'normal' life that fits the world definition and through it all nothing has change with you and the way you feel about her its like when yall got married a couple years back...so why doesn't she feel the same way or love you back the way you love her? So even though your love will probably never die you hate her for the way she's making you feel... she's not realizing that if you had to do it again you would and would not do anything different!! You hate her b/c even though she says these harsh things to her you still wanna be with her and it hurts ... I'm only trying to read between the lines, so if I'm wrong about inferring anything I said I'm sorry and remember everything is gonna be okay.
  7. I think if you see her and there is eye contact then you should say hi or something but don't go out of your way to hail her if you're doing the no contact.
  8. Communicate with him and let him know that you're not happy b/c of how he treats you and if he doesn't improve or change then it doesn't make sense wasting anymore time with someone that doesn't makes you happy. Your happiness comes first!!!
  9. Its not you!!! Why is it you if he's not treating you the way you should be treated? Its good that you left the loser anyway. But try and be careful that you don't become needy...where you may jump into a relationship just because you wanna be loved by someone. Love yourself first and know within yourself that there is someone waiting for you...everyone deserves the best so why settle for anything less. Keep your head up and keep busy...enjoy the single life for now because a relationship is great but its alot of heaches as well. So enjoy single life while it lasts.
  10. There were good responses to you, so I will only add a few of my opinions... You must decide if you're ready to give up on your marriage, do you still love your husband and if you still do then you need to give the marriage a chance, didn't you vowed till death do 'us' part. Are you letting him know that you are unhappy and feel that the marriage is drifting apart because there is a lack of quality time. I believe that you should try all avenues before you decide to give up and be fair to him, while you're working on your marriage you MUST leave the other guy alone because it will only confuse you more. The other guy is filling in the gaps that your husband has allowed to be open so it will seem that he is your soul mate but if he really is you'll know if and when you have tried everything and have failed. Note: The biggest single problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place!! Anyway Good Luck with your decision.
  11. To me it sounds as if she is really confused about something or if there's more to it than what she's telling you. I'm assuming you didn't cheat or verbally, physically or mentally abuse her and she leaves you b/c she says she doesn't think she makes you happy? After you told her she does, she still doesn't want to get back together, she still loves you and continues to call you. You said that she's stubborn and when her mind is made up it made up, are actions are confusing me and I'm not even in the situation. What I suggest is that you need to pull your self away from the situation and continue the no contact and if she calls try to talk to her on a friendly level, you need to protect your heart b/c she doesn't know what she wants. In a relationship there should be a communication path and if she loves you like she says she does she will try and communicate her being stubborn is not a good reason. Anyway be careful and protect yourself from being hurt again. Thats my 5cents.
  12. You have to make up in your mind that if everything don't go the way you want it to go you'll be okay no matter what...loving someone and wanting to be with them is hard when they want to take it slow...but just because you love him and he says he love you don't allow him to make a mockery out of you. What is it that he really wants: to start over from the beginning or to just be intimate, b/c itimacy can confuse alot of things when the heart is involve...and you don't want him to take advantage of you b/c he knows you still love him very much...maybe you need to approach the situation from a different angle, try not showing him how you feel at times and just enjoy the time spent. If you're doing anything you use to do when there was a committment then you know you need to not do it now or tune it down. Even though you want this relationship tune your expectations down, remember you have already looked at the possible outcomes and you have to be able to handle anything, if he comes back and say he doesn't want this then agree but it doesn't make any sense to run after someone that doesn't want to be caught. Hey sometimes things in life doesn't work out for a reason, not saying yours won't, but if it doesn't there must be a back up plan...there's someone out there for all of us who wants to committ and treat us like queens and then we turn around and treat them as kings...Hey but I hope things work out for you b/c a broken heart is hard to mend but not IMPOSSIBLE!!!
  13. You have to be careful though b/c its like your dating him but your also being intimate with him with no committment...He says he want to take it slow...so then thats what you have to do, But what is the definition of slow to him? But I thought you said that you are prepared to take the risk if it doesn't work out so why are you not being relax...I know it may be hard to not bring up the subject about a relationship but you agreed and you don't wanna push him away...but make sure that this is what he wants and he doesn't have any hidden agendas.
  14. I'm sorry you felt that you were being put down but cheer up the count down is on and your baby is soon to come. You said that he always calls when his phone was working so you don't have any need to worry but tell him when he calls that inspite of the phone not working that he should still make a better effort to call even if its once a week. Don't worry you'll be okay, your motivation should be that you're gonna be with your boo soon. So smile,
  15. Tell her that you don't mind taking things slow either or at her pace b/c you don't want to rush into anything but you would like to continue seeing her b/c you do have some interest in her also. Let her know that you're not going to bombard her with attention if she doesn't want to b/c you understand that she has work that she needs to get done. If you both like each other why not see where it goes cause there's no need to stop the contact all together.
  16. Its gonna be difficult to get over the pain and hurt embedded on your heart but if you want to give it another chance then why not. If trying again is what you want go for it, b/c until you've had enough of trying thats probably the only way you'll ever be able to get over her if it doesn't work out. But you have to go into it with an open mind and let her know that the relationship is not gonna be easy b/c she is the one that left you and gave up on 4years. That at times you will question her motives on why she left and why she wants to come back also the difference btw then and now. Make sure that she assure you that when the tough gets going and the going gets tough she won't run out on you again. Do not go into it heart first but with your head, take it slow like its a new relationship for the 1st time. What about the other relationship that she was in...is she still married to the guy? IF she is, she has to handle her marriage first b/c you don't want to be caught up in a triangle. Good Luck!!! Remember, make sure the love is worth the SACRIFICE!!
  17. I have been talking to him alot about it b/c i can't keep stuff in b/c it shows and he understands what I'm saying and says he don't know what more he can do to convince me that I am what he wants. I ask him what the difference between now and then and he said he gives a s*** now. I'm just scared and can't 4get the things that happened in the past, I know a relationship can't work without trust but I love him and don't think I can get over what happened. Its already been 5 months since he stop talking to the girl (so he said) but I still feel like something is not right, especially after the text messaging last night. But I don't know what to do.
  18. Well it seems to me that you already know the answers to your questions. At least you're realizing that something needs to be done now before you find yourself down a dark alley. Are you off the drugs now? Are you still in school and if so how is it going? Where are your parents or guardian? Is there someone who can assist you with getting your life back on track?
  19. Here it goes...I've being seeing my bf for 3yrs and b/c he has hurt me on numerous occasions I don't trust him and I'm scared he'll hurt me again. Okay the problem is that I took him back after we broke up in early September of last year, and it has been 5 months since we've been back together but I can't stop bringing up the past. I know that its annoying him but its hurting me and it seems like I just can't get over the things that we've been through. Last night I told him that I wanted to talk to him and we spoke about my issues again, for some reason I just ask him to see his cell phone and he did but before I could look at his text messages he said he had to erase something that his boss put in the phone b/c of that I thought it was weird. I don't trust him and I know he loves me but I think he maybe entertaining other people. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  20. From what I read there's a little bit of interest but I would say get to know her a bit more first before you decide to ask her out and see how it goes so you can have a better idea of her being interested. Good Luck
  21. You shouldn't let some minor issue in the past caused you missed out a life of happiness in the future. Besides yall were already broken up and maybe he was to hurt that you broke up with him and didn't consider his feelings at the time. You love him and he loves you so why don't yall share intimacy together? What satistifaction will you get if you give up your virginity to someone else, will it make you feel better or worst? Will it profit/benefit you any? It doesn't make any sense to make a little situation worst? Try and put your past behind you, thats the only way yall can move on.
  22. I agree with furious sam, alot of people date more than one person at the same time b/c they wanna weigh their options out, which is not a bad idea. No one should jump in the first relationship that seems right b/c every thing always seems good or sincere on the first date. You should date around as well until you think you find the person you would want to get in a relationship with.
  23. Its hard to say whats best for a man but everyone has their own preferences, the thing that very well may rock your boat for lack of a better term may not do the same for another guy. But most people are attracted to someone from their physical appearance and when they get to know the person better thats when they realize if he or she is their type. If every guy or woman liked the same type of person we would have a big problem on our hands.
  24. Talk to him again and tell him how bothering you and making you not trust him. Also even if he thinks that its not cheating and friendly chatting that he's leading these girls on and if he hasn't already he will cheat physically. Entertaining someone else when they are interested is a form of cheating.
  25. I Know that you're hurting but you need to take control of your life and well-being. Its always hard to get over break-ups but believe it or not your world has not ended and everything happens for a reason. IF you're gonna live again you need to do it, if not for your self then for your daughter. You have mentioned the age difference which is not a factor in some relationships but he has not mature as yet because he has yet realize what true love is and how you should be treated. Yes you do love him but its better that he decided to break it off with you b/c yall are on different levels, reading different books or the same book but different pages. He's not even sympathetic towards your feelings that yall shared a loving relationship together. He's not worthy of your love anyway. Getting over any break-up maybe difficult but do you want someone in your life that will make you feel cheap and only wants you around for his convenience. Try the NC rule, DON'T contact him unless he contacts you and when he does be casual with him and let him know your doing fine. Don't agree to any meetings if he wants to meet, you can't allow him to treat you like this b/c obviously he still has some growing up to do so while he's growing up you'll be getting over him. Hey keep your chin up and DON'T spend major time with minor people, you can do it!!!
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