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Everything posted by bleeder

  1. lonelyd00d Hi there. Your situation is not hopeless dude, at least from the way I see it. Here's what you can do. Firstly, go to the movies ALONE. It is near impossible for you to make any moves if your friends are around. You'd get ripped by teasing before anything could happen. Next, prepare a short hand written note (you could do this at home before leaving for the cinema), saying that you do find her cute and would like to know her better. Don't forget to scribble down your name and number. You could buy one of those little gift cards, that would make it all the more sincere. So the next time round when you see her, just order some drinks and slip the card into her hands. The rest is up to the great divine. Good luck dude.
  2. Heb has covered most parts. To add, you might want to place a towel underneath her vagina during intercourse just in case she bleeds. Cheerios.
  3. flyer034 It would be foolish of you to give up your chase just for the sake of your friend. Things like these happen all the time, it would do you no justice to let her go without a fair "fight". Talk to your friend about the situation. Let him know that the both of you are courting her. Hard feelings can be avoided if he is aware that this will be a clean chase. May the best man win. Good luck dude.
  4. jsebesta3417 I can empathise with what you are going through, as I am in the midst of a separation from my wife. Let's deal with this subjectively. Firstly, tell her that you love her very much and you would want your relationship to work out. Let her know that it would be better for your relationship if the both of you could spend more time sharing and talking. She has got to understand this prior. Secondly, her lying to you or others, is something not positive at all. Do not blame yourself for this. Tell her that no matter what happens, the truth is what you need. Ugly or not. As for your depression, try to recover at your own pace. I went through a very bad patch myself months ago. Do not expect your pain to go away in a day. Be patient, understand that there will be better days ahead, when you put your mind to it. Take care dude.
  5. lil_mamarains13 Carrying that anger with you is not wise. Anger is a baggage, an emotional burden which eats into you slowly. You would not want to spend your days as such, yes? So learn to let go of those thoughts. You can live your life to the fullest without being agitated by the ghost of her. You would have to speak to your boyfriend on what's bothering him. Ask him nicely. Do not be too pushy if he does not want to share. Just let him know that you are there for him, when the time is right, he will speak to you. Hope that I have helped.
  6. blondbabe22 Judging from the words he spoke to you, I think it is just a carrot to tag you along. To get you into the sack and be off with it. The ball's in your court. If you want a serious relationship, I'd say get out of there while there is time. This dude is only after your body, nothing more. Good luck.
  7. liberated From what I can gather, it's not so much a problem of you falling into the same social trap. It's about your self confidence. People with lower self esteem tend to fall for 'not so desirable' folks. By that, I mean guys who have no regard to your emotional health or being. You do not have to lose weight for anyone's sake. Green eyed monsters can take a back seat when you have managed to stand your ground and conquer the world. If you want to lose weight, by all means, do so. Remember that you are someone special, no one in this world is less important. With that in mind, seek a decent and enduring man, someone deserving of the same emotional inputs you give in. All the best.
  8. She will be alright. My girl did not eat too well when she was sick too. It's only when they are totally not eating for some time that you need to worry. Tk care, she will be fine.
  9. Hi, I think BlondeAmbition said it well. You must open up your feelings towards her first. That is important. People have emotions and sadly, they come with this thing called a defensive mechanism too. Without her knowing exactly where you stand, it is hard for her to react too. She might think that she could seem too "desperate" if she were the one to make the first move. So, take a deep breath and do what you have to. Tell it to her. We await your good news.
  10. Yes, what you can do is to spend some quiet moments together. Not much dough is needed. Or having a cake together at the beach sounds pretty good. It's the company that matters, not the fancy fireworks and all. All the best!
  11. Hey Goincrazy, You are doing well. Don't lose hope yah? What would make your poem even better, is to cut down on the length of some of the sentences. Poems with too long a line can disrupt the flow and rhythm of the phrases. Go with your heart when writing, you won't go far wrong. Cheers.
  12. Hi, He could be having some form of insecurities. I am not slamming those who have sex in the dark, but I must admit that for a guy, it is kind of odd. Have a talk with him. Ask him subtly why he prefers the action in the dark. Keep us posted.
  13. No easy way out with this one dude. You would have to tell her as it is. Just break it to her nice and easy. You could tell her that you cherish her as a friend, and you do not want her in a sexual way...as you are certain that sex would ruin your friendship,not enhance it. Good luck.
  14. No Babes...being selfish is not a curse...not at all. One can give and keep on giving in one's life, but if no one is there to appreciate it, there will come a time when you would ask yourself 'why do i keep giving?'. As much as we tend to cherish the better friends and the closer ones, we also have to keep an eye out for foolery and mistrust. You can set your own personal standards when it comes to friendship. Not defensive walls, just a yardstick. Be sure that your own values and integrity is not compromised and you should be fine. Do not let anyone walk all over you, for some can do this in the name of friendship. Be a good friend to others, but most of all...be a good friend to yourself. Take heart.
  15. Hi Sabena, I can credit it to the possibility of the difference in sexes. When a guy and a girl form a platonic friendship, it is something beautiful. You get the edge over guy-guy or gal-gal friendships as there are so much more topics you can share about. But when one party gets attached, their partner might see this relationship as a threat. Thus what most people would do is just to back away. You need not think there is something you did wrong or whatever. It's just a basic mechanism built into most folks..especially when they get hitched. Hope that I have shed some light.
  16. I think you are in the "routine phase" of the relationship now. Where everything is mundane and looking too comfy for you. The passion, sparks and everything...seems to be gone. You would need to understand that loving someone is a decision and not so much of an emotion. Try and do something spontaneous to spark up the relationship on the other hand. Suggest a trip somewhere, having a romantic night out...even a simple movie might be nice.
  17. I sympathise with how you feel Hark. If you have accessed your own feelings and realise that it is your ex wife you still love...then tell her so. But remember to give her that time and space to decide if she wants you back. It is not easy to rebuild a broken relationship. Be patient and may you win her back someday. All the best.
  18. Hi Eleonora, Yes, I think you should inform you friend Tracey about the recent happenings. It is not a betrayal to your boss in any way, since no promises were made. As a good friend to Tracey, you have some responsibility to give her the mental preparation for this big rock which is gonna fall. I hope that things will work out fine. Keep us posted.
  19. The world may seem bleak for you now with all its hurt and misery, but trust me...there is so much more to life than just a relationship. People may come and people may go, but it is grappling with your own identity and happiness that is utmost. Learn to stand your own ground and let not your personal joy be too dependent on others. Yes, even a loved one. There is only ONE you in this world and keep that in mind. It is not worth it to end your life for any reason. Keep on living and keep on loving. You will find that special someone someday.
  20. Yes, do tell him. It is his responsibility and his flesh and blood.
  21. I do agree with Gilgamesh here. It seems like your husband could be viewing your baby as an intrusion of sorts. Do speak to him and see if he has any personal issues presently.
  22. Hi Lilnygirl, I am sad to hear of what you are going through. It seems to me like your boyfriend is using porn as an outlet rather than being actively into it. Then again, it is hard to draw the line at times. Discuss with him about your insecurities in regard to this issue. Make him understand that it is not healthy for your relationship when porn takes such a leading role here. I don't think that anyone, guy or gal, can take it when their partner is into porn for the wrong reasons. Be patient and see how he takes to your thoughts. All the best and keep us posted.
  23. Hi SarCareBear, I must say that your poetry is great. Heartfelt. Keep it going. Cheerios from the Bleeder...
  24. bleeder


    Hi Mermayd, In my humble opinion, I feel that the problem lies with HOW your boyfriend views porn, in terms of his attitude towards it. It is not about you here. You might have wanted your ex to view them since he abstained from them, in a way...it turns you on. But your present situation might be different. In the sense that your boyfriend seems to place porn in precedence as compared to you. That is not right in a relationship. I do agree that porn can be a stimulant in a relationship, when viewed and appreciated together. But if he uses it as a means to arouse himself for you, then I think that there is something seriously amiss here. Do talk to him and let him know your sentiments. Make him understand that he would not like it too if you were to get aroused by looking at naked dudes prior to sex with him. I hope that I have helped...and btw, it's nice to back here again! Tk care.
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