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Blue Skittles

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Everything posted by Blue Skittles

  1. He doesn't want to do the boyfriend/girlfriend thing, because he doesn't want to upset his ex. hmm. Girl, you totally deserve better and no he is not giving you 100%. If he really liked you he would want to do everything to make you happy and he would want everyone to know you are dating. Honestly, if I were you, (and I kind of am in this position, only I'm going for a few months) I would leave for a week and not contact him and let it go, and if he tries to contact you say you will see what happens when he is over his ex. My bf isn't giving me 100% either so I'm leaving town for a few months and I told him we will be taking a break but when I get back I'm not chillin with him again.
  2. Those emotions are hard to deal with. Sometimes it helps me if I sit back and think "its ok to feel this way, I'm sad, and thats ok, I'm just going to let myself be sad" and whatever I sit around the apartment feeling sad all day. But then the next day brings new things, and you get your ups to balance it all out
  3. How do you think your boyfriend would feel about this? My boyfriend takes me hanging out with other guys as no big deal, and I always clear it with him before i hang out with an ex, and hes fine he says he can trust me. I think you should tell your boyfriend first though and see how he feels.
  4. K, well if u guys are best friends then I would definitely bring this up, it has been a year and maybe u guys can try to make it work again. If he doesn't want to its ok it might be awkward at first but you guys will still be friends and you will be able to let your feelings go and move on with a peace of mind.
  5. What was the reason for the breakup? He is definitely showing jealousy about you seeing other guys, but that might be just cuz he isn't seeing anyone else at the moment too. If you think he might like you too I would talk to him about how you feel.
  6. What are you interviewing for? Dress professionally, make sure you know stuff about the company you are intervieweing with, and make sure to highlight all the qualities that would make you perfect for the job, any experience you've had, courses taken, etc. Also be prepared for that "Do you have any questions?" question. Make sure you have a couple intelligent questions to ask.
  7. I dunno, you can't really trust anything from IM. I leave my IM on all day all the time but I'm hardly ever sitting at the computer. So I miss a lot of messages. Its not that I am ignoring people. Have you tried calling her? If you call her and she doesn't return your call then yes she is ignoring you.
  8. I think he was using her for sex. She should stay away from him.
  9. Why won't he bring his dog to the trainer? If he doesn't want to train him himself then he should get the trainer to do it. Tell him his dog has to be trained or you cannot live with him.
  10. Its not wrong of you to LIKE both guys, but I think if you are going to pursue things with the new guy you definitely need to break it off with your boyfriend. Personally I do think kissing someone else is cheating, but I'm not condemning you for doing so. I don't think you would feel to happy if your boyfriend kissed someone else. That being said, I am in the EXACT same situation as you. My boyfriend has been so distant and unattentive towards me, he won't even drive half an hour accross the city to come visit me, so I went out with a friend and we ended up kissing at the end of the night. I didn't even feel guilty. So I know where you are at. I decided the relationship with my boyfriend is obviously not that great if I would do something like that behind his back so I'm going to break it off with him.
  11. Personally I would not want to be in a relationship where an ex-girlfriend was involved, especially as involved as she is. I don't think many would. Why did they break up? I don't think he is 100% over her, and with her still in his life, I think this is a really bad time for a relationship to develop between you two. Its a rebound, and more than likely it will not last long as there are already so many hurt feelings. I think you should break it off with him, or else just tell him you can not commit to a relationship with him if she is still around. If he can't do that, then I suggest you move on and find a guy who will be 100% devoted to YOU.
  12. Go for coffee, go see a movie - those are good too. It depends on the girl you're taking out.
  13. Hey, I know this must be really tough what you are going through right now. But the first thing u need to do is take all your stuff out of his place so that there are no excuses to see him again, just in case. Anyways, the break will be really good for you. It will help to put some things in perspective and give you a chance to be YOU! and not you that is attached to someone else. I wouldn't allow him to meet your family just yet. Not until the break ends. He probably just needs a lot of space right now. My bf is like that too, he needs a lot of space and only wants to hang out once every few days. You'll get through it, but keep in mind, a break, may also lead to a break-up. So treat it as if it is a break-up. Oh, and have you guys set rules for this 'break'? Are you allowed to see other people? Just a thought.
  14. I think you should respect your boyfriends wishes to play it safe. Even though you both know you are clean and there is little chance of getting pregnant sometimes things get carried away or what if it slipped or something. Have you both been tested so you know FOR SURE you are clean?
  15. These games have to stop if your relationship is going to continue. There is a big trust issue here. I think you should sit down and talk with her and let her know that her actions aren't healthy for your relationship and that it is making things worse. Be clear with her that these actions have to stop or the relationship can't work out. Also, really express to her how much you care for her. Give her a lot of attention. Cuz I know that my guy gets really unattentive and almost like he doesn't care about me so I end up going out with other friends (guys or girls) to take my mind off his lack of attention.
  16. Love definitely changes a person. My sister has been with her boyfriend 2 years and she was just commenting the other day how much she has changed when she fell in love with him and how she is a bit more clingy and dependant on him while as before when she was single she was so strong and independent. So I think we all change, its different being in a relationship and being in love and wanting to be everything for that person.
  17. Honestly, one thing I've learned about relationships, is that if they are making you sad, then you need to leave. Do you think you can ever be happy with this guy? You will be just as sad if you break up, but at least it will be a sadness that will fade over time and you can meet someone that will make you truly happy. As for his ex, it is a person from his past, they broke up for a reason. You can't compare yourself to his ex's. I'm sure there are great qualities that you have otherwise he wouldnt' have held on to you for a year. There is something he sees in you that makes it worth spending a year of his time with you. In his mind he is not thinking "I wish she was as good as my ex", no, he is thinking about how beautiful your smile is or how fun you are to be with. Just sometimes guys don't express their feelings very well. The thing I hated about all my bf's in the past is they never knew how to make a compliment! So its your decision to stay with him or not, but you gotta stop thinking about his ex if you do stay with him, otherwise you will be miserable.
  18. I've fasted before. I can't say it helped to clear anything, except i got really really hungry, and when i went off the fast i pigged out like crazy. Which is REALLY bad for your body. The other thing is, you have to consider, what is going on in your life. Cuz if u fast, u are gonna have LOW energy, and I'm a teacher, so I can't be fasting cuz I need all the energy I can get. So yea, I don't think its worth it. There are other things u can do, meditation and exercise is a much better alternative.
  19. Thats awesome guys... thanks for your replies. Its interesting to see how people do different things. I just wanted to report that i went out for a 2 hour walk and it felt awesome. Now I'm home staring at the ceiling again. On top of that, no one is answering their damn phones. I feel lonely. But I'll find things to do. I think I'm gonna go to the grocery store and pick up a bunch of stuff and just start coooking like crazy. Oh. and while i was gone, the boyfriend called. I called him back, I told him i was bored, he said I should bake him a cake, I said "why should I if you never come over here to eat it?" * * * * * * *. Then I hung up on him.
  20. Wow, I really hope things get better for you. I really do. One day at a time though and you can rebuild your life. I can't say i have much experience cuz I'm only 23.. but mainly, I just wanted to thank you for your post. Reading that made me realize that my relationship really isn't worth putting time into. Thanks..
  21. Yea I would go hang out with him this summer. It has been a long time. You never know what was happening last summer, maybe he was getting over another relationship or something. Anyways. Its just friends, and just go in with the expectation that it is GOING To be just friends. Don't get emotionally attached. If other things happen, great. If not, then great, it wasn't expected to anyways.
  22. Yea I"m in the middle of a long book right now, I keep falling asleep when I read it.
  23. Ok, there are a lot of us on here who are going through hard times, break ups, lonliness, that kind of thing. Me I'm lonely. I'm in the no contact phase of my relationship (no we haven't broken up yet, I know it doesn't make any sense). Anyways. I'm bored. I've been laying on my couch for the past two hours staring at the ceiling. I'm not upset. I'm not sad. I'm just LONELY. And BORED. Theres nothing I can do. Nothing I want to do. Anyways. thats when I had the bright idea I'm gonna go out for a walk. So, Question for you all... what are some thigns that you do when you are bored or lonely that are great for passing the time away? I'm sure it'll help us all out. Thanks.
  24. Can you continue being JUST FRIENDS with her given the feeling that you have? You need to answer that question. Because she already stated that the feeling wasnt mutual, which u will realize in the future, is a good thing. She was completely honest with you. So if you can continue being friends and disregard your feelings for her, then great, I think that is the route you should take. However, most people find it hard in a situation like that. The more contact you have with her the harder it is. The feelings are always there. I don't know how strongly you feel about her so I can't answer it. But usually, the better road to take would be to stop speaking with her, no contact. At least until you get over your feelings and move on.
  25. Depression is VERY REAL. I suffer from it myself, and today I am suffering more than ever. I avoid the medications, I know they are supposed to help, but I've found ways to get around it - for one suicide is never an option. Secondly I find if I get enough exercise it keeps the depression away and if I rely on my faith it keeps me strong.
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