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Everything posted by ghost69

  1. best bet is when she is in college she will look to be with you again. if it is strong enough if you do split up. you are both young. you should experience college. there is a lot there for you.
  2. way to go. now he really thinks you are seeing someone else. haha. no, you did the right thing. f that snot.
  3. some people just love drama. and as extreme as this i guess.
  4. well, it does. a girl gets drunk and naked it's hot. a guy does it, not so hot.
  5. if he doesn't go, he will resent you. i guarantee if you get in a fight over something it will come back up.
  6. it is presumed? pffft. you are the gift he has to pay for. hahhaa. that is funny. so he isn't a gift to you? if he asks you to go on a date, aren't you both deciding to go on a date?
  7. agreed. be conscienscious with your pickyness.
  8. i always joke like ron burgundy and say "no, it's not a date." lol
  9. next time he flirts, just say "what are you doing?" then jump his bones. lol
  10. there is not time limit. so don't aim for that. if you meet up and have a good time, share good conversation and can see it go further, i'd consider that a date. you both agreed to meet up alone somewhere. i don't speculate on what a date is too much. i just go out and have fun with whoever. labeling makes people act funny.
  11. you canceled a meeting with him and you rejected him while hanging out? he must feel peachy.
  12. not exclusive....kind of friendship with possible hookups...could possibly go further though.
  13. ask her to hang out. if you do hang out be subtle about the other message. "you know what, i left you a message the other day. did you get it?"
  14. worthy of being selective? somebody will take advantage cause they are vulnerable? not when you are picky.
  15. well, the email you sent him, does he know it's you. and yes, he is flaunting. but only morons would put pics like that on there. i'm a big guy and don't have any profiles with me posing. well, i don't have any profiles anywhere anyways. lol
  16. that is different bat. on a date, both should pay. i don't work to date bums that can't feed themselves. a birthday gift is a gift. hence the word gift. when invited to a b-day party, you either go or you don't.
  17. true, very true. i usually go the alcohol route. works wonders.
  18. it's because he is already attainable to your rosie. once you know you can have him the challenge is gone and it makes you not want them.
  19. how is somebody so down they don't answer the door when a chick rings it? either he had someone over, or he really doesn't like you. sorry to say that.
  20. or along the things to say to the models, "wow, i can't believe this manequinn is so hot".
  21. i do that lizzie. my ex loved it. give her a lil choke too. lol, not so she passes out though.
  22. take them both out. maybe the two chicks will hit if off and you can help or tape. send me the tape.
  23. you went to dinner with a chick from aff? i didn't know that was the motive of the site.
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