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Everything posted by ghost69

  1. i don't think it is so much that they are a recluse. i had to do this with my ex gf. i told her that it drags me down when we leave the 'out on the town' scene because she is bored and says nobody talks to her. i told her that she never makes an attempt to talk to anybody and this is why nobody talks to her. it really has nothing to do with being the butterfly or not. put yourself out there and speak up. you may have a good time.
  2. no woman is worth a fight. especially if the fight was caused by your actions.
  3. well, she is a senior in high school. she probably wants to experience it single or with people in her class.
  4. we are all equal. most men are into the physical jobs because their body can take it easier and has been that way for years and years. women haven't been in the executive world for long (half a century or less), but they are slowly taking over. We will just end up being the guys that change the water cooler jugs.
  5. so you are over thinking it is your fault? and that it's just her right?
  6. nothing to worry about. laying in bed all days sucks. his body might not be into looking at the porn, but his eyes work.
  7. and if she makes more than you and you have a kid together, you can collect child support. lol
  8. i think everyone might be offbase here. i never said that it isn't cool that she has another person other than her husband. and it is great she wants to help. all i'm saying is i'm not sure she should tell her husband that he is her soulmate. her husband might be upset. if she tells him she would like to help out a friend, go for it. this has nothing to do with a blessing.
  9. well, u can question it, beat it with a stick. but you can't stop him.
  10. sorry. i think you have false hope here though. find someone closer who is single.
  11. yeah, don't but in. let her get out of it. then less stress for the both of you to work out.
  12. touching has a limit. if i was starting to feel a girl i might make a move with the arm around the shoulder. just a quick nudge closer. it's slick. then drop my arm. very quick too.
  13. he wants his cake and eat it too. he wants you to want him but doesn't want to be with you sounds like.
  14. i'm not. i just can't wait til you hook up and i can find out i coached. lol
  15. you mean the bottom lip?
  16. not just a male saying. women that do that usually are much more happy.
  17. i am usually the butterfly. my ex didn't seem to mind it. but she said a couple of times that she felt that i just left her sitting there while i went and made my rounds. lol. i did, but she knew them all too and could have walked with me.
  18. she doesn't need the monetary or material things you have. she jus wants you.
  19. this information needs to be told to your wife sometime soon. once it's too late, she will never forgive you.
  20. exactly. and i don't think the bf is named duke, but he will have to put up with him.
  21. you may want to refrain from telling him that you think this other guy is your soulmate. your husband might think you are his.
  22. if he proves to be untrustworthy to you, move on. then you know to not allow this in the future. with the next guy you meet of course.
  23. she could be a closet psycho and needs you more than ever. i mean, she talks about doing all of this stuff with you, but doesn't need you. i'm not saying psycho like she is going to stab you in the shower, but psycho as in really needing you.
  24. you shouldn't go into full blown detail about what's going on, but that you hooked up and then got married immediately after to someone else.
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