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Everything posted by ghost69

  1. are you waiting for her to go down on you to prove it? the signs are there, your friend says so too. wth are you waiting for? you aren't totally young, but young minded if you can't see the hints she is dropping. would i lay close to someone i wasn't interested in? no way. would i want my hair (it's not long) touching someone i found repulsive, uhm no. you need to chime in here quickly.
  2. or when a girl knows she is attractive or can 'get' a guy when she wants....but the one guy won't pay her any attention or seems quiet. it totally intrigues them. i've been hit on for this reason. sometimes i just don't feel interactive though. usually i'm the talker. but sometimes when i'm out, i don't feel compelled to be out. this drives some chicks nuts why i don't talk to them. or they tried to catch me eye or strike up a conversation and i'm just like eh.
  3. why is that? i would never go on a date with anybody from a site.
  4. yeah, you have 'accomplished' your bf already. the flirt aspect is gone.
  5. i would show interest, but don't seem eager. there is not set time to ask someone out, but if you are feeling them just do it.
  6. yeah, don't push. let her ask you questions. then tell her how cute you think she is.
  7. i don't think this is shyness. if he liked you enough he wouldn't care who saw. she said he talks a lot and seems very interactive with others and his friends.
  8. welcome to the site. did you have this type of spark with your husband when you first met and hung out like this? just don't do anything with this guy that you will regret. your marriage might turn out better than you think. the not wanting sex thing is tough to fix though. if you are unattracted to your mate in life, it's hard to gain that back ever.
  9. everyone needs a drastic change sometime to find out who they are....as well as find out how stupid people can be.
  10. you should. make sure it is a bunch of women in your 5. lol
  11. don't say anything to him. you aren't linked to him. b-days should be out of the picture too.
  12. i'm sure they will. i'm just saying from my perspective. sorry for having an opinion locke. and no, not everybody does stupid things. i do funny things when i get drunk, but i've never woken up in the morning not knowing what i did, or having someone tell me how stupid i was. i know somebody that gets drunk and ends up not caring about his wife and kids and tries to hit on women. something i would do? no way. i tell him all the time it isn't right. he blames it on being drunk. i think he would do it if sober if it presented itself to him. but alcohol brings out dark things. it doesn't make you do anything though. if chemically it does, you shouldn't drink.
  13. oh, where in the heck is it that you are going that you see 2 guys kissing anyways? i almost never see this happening when i'm out and about. also, i never said anything about my gf kissing another girl. i don't think that is cool. i just said i like seeing 2 girls kiss. not is one was tied to me.
  14. lizzie is right, you need to just jump in. but you need to venture out of the other's 'scene'. just go out with your bf/gf and try and meet people.
  15. i think you are doing the right thing by encouraging her to go where she feels comfortable. you should push her into her education at this point. a lot of people make the mistake of staying with someone when they are young, then they end up kicking themselves for the rest of their lives for not taking advantage of their education. if she meets someone, she meets someone. that doesn't mean you were a bad guy. when you are 16, you think you are in love most of the time when you are with someone. i used to think that when i was with my ex for 4.5 years. trust me, i'm so happy now. and her and i are still friends.
  16. sounds like he appreciates you, but at his convenience. you need to tell him how he makes you feel. mostly unwanted i'm guessing. this isn't a good feeling. then decide based on how he reacts to you telling him, if you are going to leave or not.
  17. no. i'd still bail out. i'm sure she is a good person. but you shouldn't put yourself through this.
  18. lol, there are sites to report bad bf/gfs? haha
  19. i reread it. he is changing. for good or bad i can't really say. but i agree on the male menopause thing.
  20. this actually happened to me as well. but it was me that wanted to split after i got into college. we still remained friends and realized that we weren't in love and that we were both young and thought we were in love. at the time, it seemed that we were though.
  21. last thing you need is this freak coming over and your dad letting him in.
  22. tell ur dad he is nuts too.
  23. and if you are female, tape it. i will tell you if you should regret it or not.
  24. are you hooking up with him sexually?
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