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Everything posted by ghost69

  1. yeah andy. when you start these posts, you need to include the background. everyone is just reading this as your cousin has a crush on you or something.
  2. all i'm saying is that you told your husband he isn't your soul mate and he is cool with that? i know what a soul mate is. soul actually means 'sole'. but it is kindred spirits that are matched together and are bound in the stars. that is soul. all i'm asking is if your husband knows that you think this guy is your soul mate and that he isn't? and if so, how does he feel about that?
  3. yeah, she is just explaining that she isn't after you for anything a crazy chick would be. like your money, your assets.
  4. he hooked up with his cousin in another post. anyways, you have to be very strong andy. don't avoid her because you work with her. if anything happens, you need to immediately sit her down and explain that it is just work. nothing more, nothing less.
  5. she is into you man. the fact that she told you she is getting out of a relationship like that and trying to move out should tell you immediately that the door is opening, but not fully ajar yet.
  6. yeah. tell him you are going out with the girls on the town all weekend long.
  7. well, they do have a history....as friends though. it is your call. do you trust him enough? do you think he will do anything? who cares if they try anything, it's him you should worry about.
  8. well, she sees you being around through longer than the summer if she is already talking about august. she seems kind of crazy to me.
  9. sorry, i read that wrong. the line is fine. i thought you said you like being sneaky when the check comes, something something. got lost in translation. my fault. i would usually pay for the first date. if it doesn't go anywhere, oh well. but i usually split the bill, even if dating. i don't have any kids, why should i start feeding two mouth and her save all of her money.
  10. prove she didn't work. you shouldn't have to give her crap. glad you learned though.
  11. do it and do it fast. work there and find another job quickly. do not let your cousin roll your dough and play with ur buns.
  12. yes, this is true. psychos do stuff like this too.
  13. so what are you going to tell her bf when he finds out. "we are in love" ?
  14. it's nice to have backup. foglifter agrees with me 60% of the time which is good.
  15. the difference is..........men are better. when have you read a good story about a great woman that parted seas? never just want to wrile up the women on here. lol
  16. ok. if you would have said under 24 i would have cringed. anyways, if you husband is understanding why not assist your other. but if you tell your husband is your soulmate, i'm not sure he would feel too good.
  17. show up at her door and knock. when she answers say "ready?" lol she would be like "ready for what?" "the movie". haha. i'm waiting for someone to put that on here that they did this. you should try and follow up and see if she got your message. if she says yeah, but really busy, she isn't diggin you. if she says no, then ask her on the spot.
  18. this is TOO shady. this is what i was saying is shady. and i paid the other night, and she asked me to dinner. pfft, i blew that big time. i never do that. what was i thinking?
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