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Everything posted by ghost69

  1. once you go out and meet some people one time, it is easy to expand and get to know a lot more.
  2. the man pays. pffft. women want to be independent, act like they make their own money, etc. they can chip in. this isn't 1965.
  3. well, i saw in another post that you hit on another girl. maybe the coffee shop girl saw this. lol yeah, definitely call again, then an email. if nothing, let her contact you. you tried. that is all that matters.
  4. kissing around the waistline and going down. 6 9 is the best. just use your lips around the areas. that usually works.
  5. good one freder. i was just going to input that. dangit. -sweats and a tshirt types
  6. you don't have to be totally aggressive. that will freak out a chick. just show some attention and listen for a bit. most women can't find guys to listen to them talk about the junk they talk about. lol. but keep the eye contact. don't stare at them the whole time though. kind of freaky.
  7. weren't you playing music with a band before you got together?
  8. a lot of people can move on and be comfortable with kids. look at mrs. doubtfire. but don't go wearing stockings.
  9. this is an easy situation where you can hook up with her and leave. she can't say sqwat. lol but you have feelings for her, so it's hard.
  10. well, you 2 were brought up a bit differently. he probably wasn't taught to clean up and do stuff around the house and you were. i dunno. but you love him for him and anything less wouldn't make you happy.
  11. you think we can all make it to 50 pages? by tomorrow? lol yeah luv, you are right, i don't approve of this. you need time away from him to heal up at least before hanging out.
  12. maybe you can join the church in some other way other than a priest and stay with her.
  13. how old are all of the people involved in this?
  14. so you aren't married to your soul mate?
  15. and always get frisky when possible. even if not in the mood.
  16. i did that recently. i shouldn't have paid. but she was so cute. if she thinks i'm going to pay all the time she is out of her mind though. she works too and i know she values her earnings.
  17. just about everybody wants to be headstrong in a relationship somehow. how much is up to you to allow.
  18. i usally pay for one meal. then they get the next.
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