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Everything posted by ghost69

  1. don't throw the title thing back in her face. don't say that you didn't say anything about a title like the above said. she will feel like you hold onto stuff. anyways, take it slow with her then. she will come around. she probably jumped into some relationships before and the outcome wasn't pleasant. she is a slow mover.
  2. go hang out with friends to not think of him. it's hard when you are young to get over people. but it's good practice for when you are older and do this a lot.
  3. push for more than a hug or kiss.
  4. omg, why are so many women on here asking why she wasn't invited? what is the big deal?
  5. it was a business call. if you called for some personal stuff and she didn't seem interested, then i'd question her liking you.
  6. someone pays for tickets. other pays for sodas and whatnot.
  7. just chill. don't give her to much attention. let her pursue you though.
  8. women read into stuff too much. i think he knows you like him and is why he is staying in contact after you said that stuff. he obviously knows now. but he doesn't want to jump into something.
  9. you should offer to take her out sometime on the town. make sure she brings some friends. hehe.
  10. it depends. sometimes i play the mysterious role and be quiet and don't give up information. it is situational. usually i talk though and get out there. most women like that.
  11. i'm not too keen on the tugging on the tongue thing.
  12. or maybe he just flat out doesn't find you attractive. women always wonder why a guy doesn't flirt back. like we have to like them everytime they show us attention. pffft.
  13. from what i understand, there are some hot asians at those things. i've never been, just read about them. some of the girls there are dressed up like characters. just go up to one of them and say "whoever drew you is a genius. the curves are perfect." good opener. i never use lines though.
  14. we need progress report.
  15. well, your mate isn't really your mate. f that guy. tell both girls you had no idea why he was doing this. you didn't plan on anything like that. then ask out the other chick.
  16. either that or he doesn't want everyone knowing he is attracted to you. like he is embarrassed or something.
  17. a lot of hooks will be willing to hook up if you flash a $20. cheaper than aff.
  18. sounds like a good plan doesn't it. would you want someone doing this to your gf? i think not. tis best to wait it out.
  19. when a woman grabs my booty, i turn around like wth. then i laugh and think it is funny. if i was to just do that to a woman, *SLAP*
  20. wow rodeo. glad you beat it...both times. hats off. everytime i read the title of this thread, i think to myself, what is the big deal? you are lucky to be single again.
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