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Everything posted by ghost69

  1. to flirt properly, keep some eye contact going on. that is #1. i've had success a lot with this one.
  2. no way. i've done it. happy hour is a good time to do that. you need to just be confident in yourself. if you go out thinking you aren't going to talk to anybody or feel bottled up, just don't go then. that is not a good mentality.
  3. i still can't believe you are stuck on a girl that is in this situation. find a woman.
  4. i used to be a twig. then i did bodybuilding for 3 months. that diet sucks. so now i just work out at my own pace and eat well. you just need to eat more. i'm not talking stuff your face, but eat some semi large portioned meals, 5-6 times a day and lift weights. you will gain something. i'm tired of skinny people telling me they can't gain weight. there is no metabolism too high to not gain weight. i know a skinny guy that i tried to train for a week. he quit because he has no drive to do so.
  5. you can't even say for sure if you can set your feelings aside. are you reading what you are typing at all? what if you meet another guy? you gonna bring him around this guy? you don't think he would flip out?
  6. let people ask why and what are you thinking. do what you feel is right. just make sure you can honestly say you will be together forever. that is a big word.
  7. i don't think it will ever be the same. once a woman said those things to me, peace out. sorry.
  8. $25,000? that is comprised of people that pay out $50 million and $100. don't use that statistic. it doesn't cost that much. my buddy got divorced for $50. the cost of processing the paperwork.
  9. keep us posted if your talks worked.
  10. no no no no. no friends thing. you are going to let him in the door by doing this. he can still manipulate him. you need to quit talking to him. you keep saying every time you see him you get those feelings. you need to quit talking to him on the phone. this is getting ridiculous.
  11. well, it isn't fair to be dragging her along considering her to be expendable. i would feel lost if i was her. she might consider leaving you. you have a decision to make. happiness in a career helping out your community, or happiness in a family (possibly if you continue to date).
  12. just toss his clothes outside and say "if you want to live like a pig, get dressed outside."
  13. you have to weigh how much the negatives are too. there could be only 2 negative things about her that you find, but one huge one.
  14. first of all, you should never have gotten involved with a chick with a bf. that is something i don't do. that keeps these situations away from me. 2nd, this whole 'she can afford to leave in may' stuff is crazy. she gave you a date to leave this guy too? pffft. the only way i could see her staying is if there is a lease with her name on it binding her to the place, but she should just go if she is so unhappy.
  15. why do you both frequent the same place? it seems as if he was probably there hoping you'd show up. go somewhere else.
  16. don't be overbearing though. if you smother him, he will be gone for sure.
  17. it's better that you find out who she is before it gets further into progression and you get extremely hurt. it sucks.
  18. oh cool. i was just under the impression you have some beers and end up all mushy. i know too many people that do that.
  19. but stay focused academically. you don't want to be in college for 12 years.
  20. lol. this has nothing to do with age. i get enough action in person to need the internet to do my bidding.
  21. metabolism is bs. you can always eat a bunch. and i'm not talking packing down crisco.
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