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Everything posted by ghost69

  1. just allow yourself time to get the grades. having fun in spare time is a must.
  2. well, if you want to talk a bit, movies aren't the place. but movies is a good idea because you are both out and sharing an experience together.
  3. don't get scared though. holding onto her might make her feel weird. just try try try.
  4. myspace is a popularity contest i think.
  5. if you do singles things with a friend, either one of you could meet someone and the other not. if the other one doesn't, it's a hinderance on the rest of the night.
  6. it was a joke pumpkin. i've never slept with a man and never will. i'm 6'3 and 215 and in great shape. 212 isn't overweight. depends if they are in shape though. anyways, my ex was 5'0 95 lbs. we got along great. i was much bigger than her, but it was all good.
  7. well, i noticed you are 14. how old is this guy?
  8. you know what. i've hooked up with chicks from my high school that i would never have had a chance with back in the day. go for it.
  9. what is the problem? lol. the only thing that is wrong is he is really into you? weird you are worried in any way.
  10. it's usually in the eyes. that's how i tell. if she looks away a lot, she is either shy or not into you. you need to figure that out. if she keeps eye contact, always good.
  11. who cares what will happen now. if you are always worried about what will happen, nothing exciting will come your way.
  12. 1. women love messing with guys 2. shouldn't make any difference 3. usually, women like outgoing guys
  13. yeah. i started waaaay before 18. i have enough skills. i could possibly borrow you some and still be okay. i've learned a lot about women. being close with your mother helps too.
  14. it's like that MTV tv show. if you don't like who is coming off the bus...NEXT!
  15. go out and get a drink. you will both loosen up and just free flow talk.
  16. try an email tomorrow. if no response from the phone or the email. take it as a loss. sorry man.
  17. spanked seems to be the only foreplay on here. all of the other things on your list seem to be turn ons to get further. i don't consider them foreplay though.
  18. yeah, i've heard that site has a bunch of fakes anyways.
  19. the answer is no? hmm. i've met plenty of women that said they like that i can dance and ended up dancing with me. it isn't a pickup line, but asking a woman to dance opens the door.
  20. well, i love women that can drive stick shift. to all of the people that hate smoking women, they have an oral fixation, just so you know. if you don't know what that means, i'm sorry to hear it. -women that snort
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