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  1. Lol, bad things happen to people all the time... you're just being paranoid because your head makes some kind of connection between 'porn' and 'evil.'
  2. I know exactly what you mean... I'm a much bigger fan of making love than just straight up ****ing. My last ex, all she ever wanted was the "lets make this quick so I can go to sleep" sex and I came to hate it. She rarely ever wanted to make love because it "wastes too much time." Right... Anyways, that's great you took the time to rediscover yourselves... It's fun learning new things about your partner
  3. I agree and disagree. I agree because when I'm in a relationship and the sex is both good and frequent I feel no desire at all to watch porn and/or masturbate. I disagree because I'm sure a lot of guys still masturbate even when they're sex life is good so that would make me wonder, "why do they want to masturbate if they're already getting enough sex from their partner" Lack of sex is the only reason I ever had to masturbate in a relationship, but I've definitely watched porn with one of my ex's
  4. I just have so many interesting stories I feel compelled to share them with my friends... they always gets a good laugh. And my ex's would do the same with her friends, not as much as me, but funny stories are funny stories. I guess it might have just been the part of the country I grew up in maybe.
  5. A couple's sex life should never be some "dark little unspoken secret" in the relationship... I don't know about you guys, but I don't settle for that crap. You should be able to talk about all aspects of the relationship, and if one person is uncomfortable with speaking about something the communication factor of the relationship suffers. Sure, the sex is good now, but what about down the road when things start to fizzle... and she still won't talk about it, how do you go about fixing things or suggesting solutions? To me, when I'm with a gf and friends, sex is just as open a topic as the weather. I enjoy talking about it... and bragging about it Anyways, it depends on the person, but two months doesn't seem like enough time for her to get comfortable enough to start talking in-depth about sex.
  6. If you're hoping to "get them back" then N/C is the best way to go... if the ex knows you're always gonna be around and be there whenever they need you then they're much more willing to take all the time they need to "figure things out" "have time to themselves" "be single again" or whatever reason they give. If you just disappear from their radar altogether they MIGHT come to their realization earlier... whether that realization is what you want, who knows
  7. It depends on what kind of personality they have... A lot of women like it too, specifically those who are used to bossing people around on a daily basis
  8. I begged a couple of my girlfriends to tie me up, but one of them wanted nothing to do with it and the other just wanted to tie me up so she could tickle me without me tickling her back ... lame, I'm so jealous of your boyfriend EDIT ~ I guess I should say something more relevant, lol... Definitely the confidence, don't giggle or laugh when you're doing it as it'll just mess up the mood you're trying to create. Make him think there's no way he's gonna get off unless he does everything you say, touch/kiss/lick all over his body EXCEPT his ****, and make sure to bite and scratch a little
  9. Yeah, but some people have much, much stronger tendencies than others... It's all balance I guess, too controlling, too passive, everything has to balance out for things to work
  10. Don't try to justify something you don't really believe just for the sake of conforming to society... and ESPECIALLY don't do it just because your ex decided to give it up easily. It's an uncommon thing these days to actually value your virginity. I know I didn't, the only thing I cared about was getting rid of it before I graduated high school and once I did, I was happy with it. I did lose it to someone I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with though. We both did actually, so I ended up placing a pretty high importance on the fact that we lost our virginity to each other. Like you, I was pretty upset when she tried to throw that away the very night we broke up with a one night stand...
  11. Exactly... if a girl is controlling/needy, but the guy can stand up for himself and put his foot down the relationship will either stabilize or come to an end because she "cant get what she wants"
  12. One of my gf's definitely STARTED out as a good girl... but I think I converted her with a couple vibrators, numerous sessions in public, and a 3some. She still has some good left in her I guess, but she's converted for the most part
  13. I don't know if I could emphasize this enough if I had the rest of eternity... that was a HUGE factor in why my last girlfriend came to despise sex and barely ever wanted it.
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