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Everything posted by Crazyaboutdogs

  1. When a man loves a woman, he loves her for who she is, not what she looks like. Superficial ideals go out the window. I am sure he loves you for who you are as a person.
  2. I found two places in Jackson that you might try to call. They might be able to help you figure out the best thing to send. They might also have some other ideas for you. Beth Israel Congregation Office 5315 Old Canton Rd Jackson, MS 39211, United States (601) 956-6215 link removed Museum-Southern Jewish Exprnc 4915 I 55 N Jackson, MS 39206, United States (601) 362-6357 (601) 366-6352 link removed
  3. Oh, I am so sorry. That is horrible. I think you are making a wonderful gesture.
  4. Sophie, I am not sure, but what I do know is that if someone is really kosher, they likely would not eat something they know was prepared at a non-kosher house. I guess it depends how kosher they are. The strictly kosher people will only eat out at kosher restaurants and will only buy strictly kosher food. It gets tricky because there are varying degrees of being kosher. To be on the safe side, it is better to buy something that has the kosher stamp on it, or that came from a strictly kosher bakery.
  5. The fast day was yesterday (Yom Kippur). The next holiday (starting Friday night) is Sukkot. It is a harvest type of festival.
  6. . Even though those ingredients are perfectly fine, the fact that you will be making them in your dishes which have been used for non-kosher food will make your cookies non-kosher to someone who is very strictly kosher. Do you live in a big city? There are often Kosher cookies in grocery stores (look for a K, COR or MK on the package). If you are in a big city, you can also contact the Jewish Community Centre and find out what kind of cookies you can buy.
  7. This person will not make you happy. You will always be wondering about where she is and what she has done with other men. This is no way to live. She clearly has issues but those are her issues to deal with if she wants to deal with them. It sounds to me that she knows why she has these issues but she really is not motivated to fix them. Her self-esteem is tied up with having a string of men after her and no amount of love and security from you will change that unless she herself wants to change. I had a friend who was exactly like her and was insanely jealous of her boyfriend...wouldn't want him to talk to other women....yet she was openly flirtatious with every man she saw and wore short and tight clothing to show off her body. You deserve someone who will respect your feelings and will make you feel special.
  8. So very true! I know a lot of people who have settled because they didn't want to be alone or they wanted a certain lifestyle, or they wanted children, or they needed a man (or woman) to make them feel complete or to give a certain image. It is quite sad because they are not really happy. Sure, they are happy they have the image, the lifestyle or whatever, but they don't have the true connection with their partner and it is a very empty life.
  9. Put your energies into your studies, finding new interests, joining college activities, hanging out with friends. Be careful about starting a new relationship so soon after your break-up. Just keep yourself busy. There will always be times when you are not too busy. When you start thinking too much, read a book, watch TV, rent a movie (not a romantic movie), take a walk, go to a pet store that has dogs or cats in the window (if you like animals), write your thoughts down etc.
  10. You are young with your whole life ahead of you. What plans do you have for your life...what are your goals.....are you in school....is this your first love? You need to focus on what YOUR life goals are and how you will achieve them. Two people who are committed, can have a long distance relationship and make it last. Ultimately, for marriage you will have to be in the same place. The distance can be a good thing to test the strength of your relationship. I have known of people who have moved for their boyfriend or girlfriend only to find that the relationship does not last and they are left in unfamiliar surroundings with no friends or family around. Don't move just to be with him and hope the rest of your life will sort itself out as long as you are near him. Make plans for YOUR life and YOUR future. If he is part of your future, he will be there no matter the distance.
  11. I absolutely agree with Lady Bugg. You should feel proud and pleased with yourself because you have shown yourself to be a classy person. What he did lacks class.
  12. Oh wow. That is awful. There is nothing you can do except be there for him. He needs to come to terms with all of this on his own. Blaming God is a natural reaction. Years ago when I couldn't get a break and my life was in a downturn (career-wise), I too had a negative feeling about religion and God. Once my life turned around, I realized the lessons I had learned by going through the bad times had actually helped me in the long run. Had my life turned out the way I had originally planned it I would not have been happy. I was not given the career I thought I wanted at the time because I was not meant to have that career, I was destined for something more suitable for me. I think God was looking out for me. Having said all that, I am sure your fiance doesn't want to hear "it is for the best and things will work out in the end". Nobody wants to hear those cliches when they are going through a bad time. Just listen and be there for him.
  13. I agree that it is a bit premature to blow off the relationship just because of this. He is reacting the way many people would react in a situation where there is a life-altering disappointment. He is allowed to have selfish moments of self-pity. That is just human nature. I can understand how frustrating it is to hear people saying it may be for the best etc. It is hard to hear that when you are so hurt and your life has just gone in a direction you never expected. However, he shouldn't be allowed to wallow in it for long. The next time he starts acting out you might want to tell him that it is time to stop feeling sorrying for himself and start thinking about a new gameplan in case his first choice is no longer an option. You need to be firm and tell him that you are trying to be supportive and don't need attitude from him, and that he should stop wallowing and start coming up with a new direction for his career. Sometimes people who are wallowing in self-pity need a bit of a jolt back to reality.
  14. Hmm, if your relationship was so boring, then why does she want to be friends with you? She obviously liked certain things about you otherwise she wouldn't want to hang out. Well, she can't have it both ways....hang out with you and date other people. You have feelings too. I would not do the friends thing with her. Let her find out what life is like without you in it to count on. Let her find out that other relationships can get just as "boring" once the thrill of newness wears off. Once the rose-coloured glasses and thrill wears off and you start seeing the true personality of a person, she might re-think things. Or, she might not. At any rate, move on with your life without her in it so you can heal properly without worrying about the signals she is sending you and who she is with when you can't reach her.
  15. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut. In many cases, the relationship after a breakup doesn't work out. Maybe he is slowly finding his way back to you. Just be careful and go slow. Only time will tell. Don't put yourself out there completely. Let him come to you. Definitely don't kiss him passionately or have sex with him unless he has completely broken it off with his girlfriend. It seems to me from your other posts that he is on this whirlwind with this woman. He will eventually come crashing down to reality. Maybe he already is starting to see that things aren't so rosy with someone else.
  16. I looked through your posts. It looks like he is playing with both you and his girlfriend. That is not fair to either of you. It is difficult because you have kids but can you insist that the only contact you have with him is related to the kids. He is doing everything at his convenience. That is not right.
  17. No I don't think you messed up. Given the signals that were going back and forth, I think it was natural. You don't know where he is but he doesn't necessarily have a date. He could be out with friends, he could be home and just not responding (some people like to make others jealous and think something is going on when nothing is). You did fine, don't worry.
  18. That is not necessarily true. When someone is continually sabotaging a relationship and refuses to see what they are doing and get help, the other person often has no choice but to leave the relationship even though they still love their partner. Self-preservation is crucial. In many cases (but not all) reconciliation does take place if the person sabotaging the relationship works hard at fixing the problem. However, reconciliation doesn't happen overnight. Trust has to be re-built and that may take a while.
  19. Oh wow. That is passive aggressive behaviour. What a crappy thing to do to you. Just keep moving forward. She is clearly not worth your time.
  20. I can bet that if his relationship with Sarah doesn't go anywhere, he will end up getting in touch with you again. He is not behaving very nicely. You two dated. Did you have a sexual relationship as well. Perhaps with the new woman in the picture he is trying to distance himself from other women he had a relationship with. He could at least give you an explanation. I hate when people treat others as if they are disposable.
  21. What I often see on this board with regards to cheating is that the initial reaction of the person who was cheated on is to hold on to the relationship. They are still in shock over the betrayal and want to do everything to salvage the relationship. It is only after some time that the person is able to process the information and that is when they take a giant step back and say "wait a minute, why did I accept this behaviour". That is when they need to time to sort out their feelings. You need to give him that time. He needs to sort out other things as well...being able to be more responsible. When two people really love each other, they will work things out. I don't believe "once a cheater always a cheater". People can change if they want to. Just hang in there.
  22. If two people are really committed to each other and making it work, even those obstacles can be overcome. I have seen it happen. Just because a relationship ends on such a note doesn't mean those issues can't be put to rest the second time around. 1. Trust issues: When both people acknowledge what went wrong and work to fix it, trust issues can be overcome. 2. Different Personalities: I have seen couples with different personalities work out. They accept each other's differences and sometimes even seek middle ground. 3. Different goals in life: Sometimes over time, people re-think goals. What there goal was at one point might have changed and ends up being more compatable with their partner.
  23. Yes, I definitely think you should respond. Keep the lines of communication open if she initiates. You can respond tonight or tomorrow. I always hate when people think they should wait to respond otherwise they look too eager. Love shouldn't be about games. Just keep yourself grounded and don't assume there is a reconciliation in the works. Reconciliation may never happen or it still may take some time to happen.
  24. Ah, but that is YOUR belief. But she was the injured party so she needs more time to figure this out. When someone violates your trust, it is a big decision whether or not to put your heart on the line again. You need to be patient and in the meantime carrry on with your life. She was patient with you during all of the neglect and put up with a lot until she finally snapped. Loving someone means giving them some time to sort through their emotions, and two weeks is certainly not long enough to overcome the pain she has endured. She moved on to someone else because you were emotionally unavailable to her for a long time. Sometimes our actions come with consequences. You need to put yourself in her shoes for a while. Not all cases does it boil down to someone else being in the picture. Sometimes the relationship caused too much angst and there was a breakup even though both parties loved each other.
  25. Relax and chill. If it is meant to be, it will be. Acting panicky will either drive the other person further away or will give them a swelled head and more of an excuse to continue sitting on the fence.
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