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Everything posted by coollady1957

  1. Hello gnabna, It is good to hear that your surgery went well and that you are feeling much better now.
  2. Hi, WNP, Glad you brought this up and hopefully it will help to inform many people about breast cancer. I always schedule my yearly mammogram for the month of October. I usually have it done the same week as my birthday , and that helps me to not forget it is time to get it done. I myself had a breast issue about a year and half ago. Went through the diagnostic mammogram , ultrasound, antibiotics and so forth, due to a duct inflammation. I had a lot of breast pain/soreness/tenderness and a small amount of discharge from the nipple. There was never a lump felt by myself or the doctor. They also did a biopsy of the ducts just to rule out anything possibly missed by the "mammo", which was negative. Since April of 2005 I have had three mammograms and they all prove to be negative. It is certainly a scary thing to experience. I was on of the lucky ones to find that mine was not cancer.
  3. That sounds more like the PRSOV that I was expecting. I knew you had a little heart in there somewhere.
  4. This is true about the meds changing your urine color. Actually several years ago I had an infection and the meds that are to help with the pain and burning turned the urine bluish/ purple instead of orangish.
  5. PRSOV , as a friend, may I please ask why you are so determined that this is a silly thing that Ren is upset over the loss of her pet ? You seem a bit on the cold hearted side about it and that doesn't sound like the PRSOV I thought I knew. I wish you were able to offer Ren at least an I am sorry for her loss of her pet, even if you do not think you would feel the same if you were a pet owner. It would be nice if you could offer support to Ren. I know you are more good hearted inside to have really meant something like what you said to her. I myself love my cats dearly. I have 5 of them. I have children but they are grown up and out on their own. I have nothing but my cats to keep me company on a daily basis . They love me unconditionally just as Rens piggies love her. I would be devastated if one of my cats died. I am not here to admonish you, but I just felt that you truly have more heart than that.
  6. Yes most definitely see the doctor. The dr can also fill you in on some precautionary measures to try and keep from getting this again.
  7. Hello aquaeyes and welcome to ENA. I am so sorry to hear about your fathers passing away. You are a very special person to have been there to support him through his illness. I thankfully have never lost a parent, however, my husband died not quite three years ago. I watched him die right in front of my eyes , so I understand the difficulty of seeing someone breathe their last breaths. Yes it does seem that your father was much too young to have died. My husband was 48 years old when he died. At that time my kids were 17 and 22 yrs old at their fathers death. It has been extremely difficult for the both of them, so I can imagine what you are feeling from seeing the heartbreak of my own children. I can still see the pain and heartbreak in my children's eyes. There is so much they wanted their father see them achieve in life . NO doubt you will always miss your father. Time will help you deal with it better, but we never truly get over it. Allow yourself to grieve his loss and do not try to hold it all inside. I Know that some how your father is looking down on you , watching over you, just as my husband and father of my children watches over us in some way. Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your father. Please feel free to come back here and talk to us on ENA at anytime. There are many supportive and wise people here. Many ((( HUGS ))) to you.
  8. I don't think there is anything unusual about your thoughts and feelings, even after two years have passed now. It will be three years since my husband died, Dec 3 this year. I dread this Christmas season coming . I lost him three weeks before Christmas in 2003 so this will be my fourth season without him. I still after three years, go back and forth, like you, with anger feelings and feelings of being totally lost without him. Both of my children still have difficulty at times. The both miss there father terribly just like you are missing your mom. There are so many future milestones ahead for my kids that they feel cheated by the fact their father will never see these things happen for them. In my opinion and experience, there will always be difficulties with special days, birthdays, holidays. etc. I think year after year they become a little easier to deal with and get through. Suffering the loss of my husband has changed a big part of who I am inside. Everything that has happened since his death, I pretty much had to deal with on my own in the end. I had support from family and a few friends, but there was so much I had to get through by myself. I certainly feel for you with what you are going through. Mine is only different in the fact my loss was my husband. I can still see the hurt and loneliness my kids feel for their father. That causes me as much pain as anything to see the tears well up in their eyes when they speak of their father. They always bring up the good, fun memories about their dad, but they always seems to bring some tears along with them. Allow yourself to feel these feelings you have. You are probably still going through a level of the grief process. There is no set time on the grief we feel. Continue to see your therapist as necessary. Take care . CL1957
  9. I know that some capsules and tablets are NOT to be crushed are broken, especially if they are time released. If you crush or break them too much will be in your system at once very quickly, which could lead to problems. Time released tablets and caps are designed to disolve slowly into the system over a period of time, so I would be very careful about crushing or breaking. I wouuld ask the pharmacist before ever doing that. I would ask about the liquid form of any meds if you are unable to swallow tabs or caps.
  10. Wow, I can certainly she how you are in a rough situation. I would have concern also for his wife in that he could possibly bring home some disease to her from his cheating activity. This is so wrong of him and I wonder why he got married in the first place if he wanted other women and had already been cheating prior to the marriage. Maybe there is a way you can let him know that you know what he is doing. Gosh I don't really know what to advise you to do. It's a touchy situation any which way you go about it. I would certainly hate to see this girl hurt. Either way, she is gonna hurt. The cheating husband she might could get over and move on with her life, If she contracted some STD from him then that would be something she would have to live with the rest of her life.
  11. What a cute cute poem !! Loved it .
  12. I typed in to google about how to deal with a cheating boyfriend. Several links came up. I first signed on to another similar forum , but the support and concern was not there. After two days I went back and looked at my previous google search and found the ENA link. I signed up here immediately and cancelled my membership on the other site. I have been here for going on 10 months now and it was the best thing I ever did while seeking advice for my problem. I still seek advice here on occasion with some of my lifes scenarios. Even though my initial and most urgent problem was taking care of, I still come here because I value the opinions and advice of everyone here. I also like being able to offer my help to anyone that I can.
  13. Hi Manda. Welcome to eNotAlone .You have found a wonderful place with lots of great people . Your first post brought tears to my eyes. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss, and please accept my condolences. I lost my husband to a sudden and unexpected death not quite three years ago, so I can truly understand some of the things you are feeling. Thankfully both my parents are still living so I have never had to suffer a loss in that respect. You will certainly go through so many emotions and feelings during your grieving process. There will be good days and bad days, they will come and go. You will feel at times as though you are better and then suddenly you will have another bad day. It is normal. Take a day at a time, for sure. Getting from that denial stage to the acceptance stage can be such a roller coaster of emotions. Everyone grieves at a different rate of time, some shorter and some longer than others. I felt in my case that the anger stage was one of the most difficult levels of grief to muster through. I am sure though that for some people , some other stage may be the most difficult. Yes, do allow yourself to cry, scream, or whatever lets out your emotions. Talk to friends, family or your ENA friends here. If you somehow feel that your grief process is overwhelming you, then seek out support groups or even counseling if you feel out of control with the process. I am glad you are feeling better today after posting about your mother. Sometimes just getting those feelings out is such a release . You are not crazy for talking to your mother , even though she is not physically here, I somehow feel she knows what are you saying to her. There are still times even now, that I will have a little talk with my husband. Sometimes I just have something funny to say , or maybe it is just sentiment about something we shared from the past. You mom would definitely want you to live happy and well after her passing. I know my husband always told me that he didn't want me to grieve myself into a dark hole if something ever happened to him. There will always been sentimental and difficult days to get through. Time does eventually help us deal with it better. So take your moment by moment and day by day to go through your grief. Try not to force it or look too far ahead. If you have to take baby steps to get through this, then that is fine. Just seek as much support as you are comfortable with. Talk to us here on ENA as much as you want . There are so many people here willing to lend an ear and offer advice and thoughts. Take care dear,,,,,,, Coollady1957 {{{{ HUGS to you ! }}}}
  14. I think as well, that your baby is probably dreaming a sweet or funny dream when he laughs out loud and coos during sleep. Both of my children did that same thing when they were babies. I remember my youngest brother doing that when was also a baby. So the " sleep " laughs and coo's are normal. And yes that is such a sweet sound to hear their little laughs and pleasant coo's. Every baby is probably going to follow different time frames on what they do and when, especially preemies. My babies smiled big smiles early on during the first month. It was at about 6 weeks when they really let out a big belly laugh while awake. If you are having any major concerns about his developement, just discuss them with your babies doctor during checkups and in between checkups if necessary. I am sure you are probably already doing this anyway though.
  15. Do you know for a FACT that others make more than you that have been ther equal time ? How much prior experience does this other girl have? Do you have a sales quota to meet?
  16. I agree with kellbell. I don't think you should confront your boss about this. Yes it could in fact be that she has more experience at that type work. I used to be co owner of my own business and I have had many people confront me about wage differences. Most of the time the other employees were in fact bluffing about what they actually made. People will do that in an effort to make you think they are making more than you are. Unless you have seen this on paper/ check stub, etc, then I certainly would not take it as truth. What kind of work are you doing? Do you know anything about her prior experience in this type work ?
  17. Yep Annie, I am. It is pretty interesting to see and mod through all the strange photo's and profiles that come through that people try to get passed the mods. It takes some keen eyes to catch everything that we are supposed to reject or accept. It is pretty fun though as a distraction from other daily things going on at times.
  18. Don't let this girl bully you around. She sounds like she is jealous that her crush flirted with you. She has no right to boss you around or try to control your actions of any sort. Friends don't try to control friends, not like what you describe this girl as doing. Be firm with her, stand up for yourself and tell her that she needs to stop this stuff she is doing. If she doesn't then avoid being around her as much as possible. I certainly wouldn't be calling her a friend. I also just wanted to ask what are the ages of you and your group of friends ?
  19. . Like I told you before though, people rate low just out of wanting to make people mad about their ratings. Don't take the rating thing too personally at all.
  20. I think ya look just fine in my opinion. Sent you a reply on the PM .
  21. I would think you are probably not ugly afterall. The hot or not is not a good medium to judge the true rating of your looks. I am a moderator on Hot or Not and I realize the scenario of how some people just click 1 for people rating just for the heck of it even when they are nice looking people. I wish it were possibe to have people be honest on there with their ratings, but some people just like to create a stir with clicking for low ratings. I only moderate acceptable photos and content of profiles there. Send me your Hot or Not link on a PM here . I would like to see what you think is so bad about your looks.
  22. My actual last kiss was with a guy that I dated , I think three times , a short time ago. It wasn't that good. He was at my house and we were watching a football game, he had been drinking his usual " football game beers" and his moustache was always wet somehow from the beer, was kind of gross to be honest. Prior to that last kiss, the other last kiss was way way back in December of 2005. I was in a relationship with a guy that had cheated on me and I refused to be with him sexualy or kiss him any further and I broke up with him in January 2006. Prior to that last kiss in December 2005,,, the only other last kiss that there has been was in December 2003 and that was the night my husband died and I kissed him goodbye on the lips and told him I loved him. I truly miss tender intimate kisses from him. He was the light and love of my life.
  23. She had been telling you what was on her mind when she says she still has feelings for her ex. Then why not offer back the same and tell her exactly what you are thinking. After all she did ask you what was on your mind, right ? I can understand it would be upsetting to find out that she still has feelings for her ex. I think you need to go ahead and be honest with her about your feelings with your relationship together. To lie would only cover up feelings that probably need to be out in the open.
  24. I agree that this girl is not where your concerns should be. I would continue complete and full NC from here on out. The things she is doing is going to bring her down quickly and you if you were to keep dealing with this girl. For you own sake I would continue ignoring her plea's to get back with you, and continue on with your own life in a positive way. I think you have dealt with her mess long enough.
  25. I agree with the other posts. I think you should take it quite slow on this hanging out together. Keep it light and not too serious relationship wise. For now I would let her see that you are happy and you are going on about your life. Was it she that broke it off with you ? Do you mind talking about the reason behind the breakup?
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