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Everything posted by coollady1957

  1. Personally I like a close, short haircut on guys. The shaved, or buzz cut looks great. I definitely don't like the longer or shaggy hair. I like the more groomed look. To me ,a shorter hair cut on a guy looks more manly and mature.
  2. If your first marriage was the one that you are feeling you are supposed to be in, then what happened to cause the split? What is wrong in your current marriage that is causing you to have such doubts?
  3. I am going on the assumption that you are in a long distance relationship possibly, just by the fact that you asked this question. If this is the case, how far apart do you live from this person? How often do you get to see each other? How serious are you both about continuing the relationship? Maybe you could offer a bit more info about your situation. I am sure there are quite a few people here that have given long distance relationships a try and could offer some additional thoughts for you.
  4. You certainly seem to have realized that you did something very wrong here. The good point is that you confessed your wrongs to your husband, even though not fully in the beginning and he is willing remain with you. You husband says to just forget about it. Have you actually asked him to forgive you? If so, did he say to you that he forgives and lets move on? If you have come clean about everything and you have truly learned your lesson, then try to relax and work on your marriage. Do you have issues about why you cheated that you are trying to resolve in your mind? Have you thought of some type of short term counseling to help you get over your anxiety? When your doctor prescribed anti-anxiety meds for you, did you discuss with him why you were having the anxiety attacks?
  5. I am glad that you went and got yourself checked out and that you are doing much better now. You are right, that you should trust your instincts about your health and treatment. When you are pregnant you are dealing with the health of two people.
  6. I can understand how you might feel a bit deflated or unsure after a first date. I have felt that way before myself. I think it may be due to the fact that we automatically start to think about whether this might work or not and if we are going to get shot down/ turned down for another date. From what you have said, your date seemed quite open to the possiblity of a second date. If I were you , I wouldn't worry too much and just go ahead and ask her out again. Day Walker had a good idea with the asking her out for a drink or coffee after work one evening. Hope all goes well for you.
  7. Your post is the first time I have ever heard of a breast reduction pill. Maybe there is someone here that has a bit of knowledge about that, and can give you some thoughts. I personally tend to be a bit leery about the promises of some of these pill uses. I am just not informed enough to really have good advice for you on this.
  8. I vote for letting the skin return to its natural tone on its own. I wouldn't go the route of using lightener or bleaches. Your skin should lighten on its own with time. I have no idea how long it would take though.
  9. When you were told it was sinus infection were you given any antibiotics? If it has been over two weeks and the sore spot is still bothersome to you , and along with some tingling in your arm,,,,, I think if it were me I would go ahead and return to the doctors for an evalution.
  10. I was going to ask the same questions that southerngirl posed to you. Also, I wouldn't tend to think that upper respiratory infection would cause lower stomach pains. I am no doctor, so thats just my opinion. If you didn't actually see a doctor in person , I think you should , just to be on the safe side.
  11. I guess every person is going to have a different thought on what to do with those kinds of things. Personally, I immediately got rid of everything, photos, letters, cards, when the EX and I parted ways. Our parting was a bad one, so I didn't have a problem burning everything. It was therapeutic for me to rid myself of everything involving him. Thats just my 2 cents worth of thought.
  12. If it will help you to not know when she is online, then if I were you, I would delete her from your friends/ buddy list and block her. It is up to you what to do, but I think if you are trying to move on with your life after this breakup, then it might be best to do the block and delete thing.
  13. As several of the posts mention, it is possible but not likely and probably rare to have regular periods if you are pregnant. And as you have been asked already..... have you or have you not taken a home pregnancy test to see what it shows?
  14. I am in complete agreement with this ^. I think it's a case by case thing depending on the people involved and how well they can handle hearing about the past. Some are going to deal with it just fine and others are going to freak out. Personally, I don't talk about the past unless asked.
  15. I personally would not go the matchmaking services route. Guess it all depends, like annie said, if you have the money on hand to burn to find out if it works or not.
  16. I don't think it would be a good idea to actually go over and pick them up or see him face to face. I agree with the other posts that getting them by mail or something would be best. Maybe you could email him or text him with only the message being that you would like to have them mailed to you and then let that be the end of the contact.
  17. I hope everyone has a happy, prosperous and wonderful year in 2007 !!
  18. I agree that you should probably just go ahead and see your doctor about it. You probably just need a boost in your immune system to help your body heal more quickly. I 'd get it checked out for sure just to be on the safe side. Any concern that you have about your health or body , isn't at all stupid or silly.
  19. coollady1957


    I actually think bald guys are quite sexy. Bald or the very very close buzzed cut looks great to me.
  20. I was in 5th grade, and had just turned 11 yrs old when I started having periods. So , uh, I have been going through this monthly cycle for lets see,,,,,38 years!!! Thank goodness I am on the downhill side of things now. I am in the perimenopausal period of life. I deal now with the night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, and erratic periods. I have had one period in the last nine or ten months now. Some people say that women will miss having periods and have this some what " let down " feeling once they are in menopause. For me though, I don't think I am gonna miss it at all. At that point there will be no more having to buy pads/ tampons, no more times when the period comes at the worst time ever, no more worrying about getting pregnant. If I can ever get through a full 12 months with no period I am pretty much done with having periods and my reproductive system will have shut down completely. I pray for another 9 months of no periods so that I can consider myself done with this monthly ordeal.
  21. There are many, but I guess the best one for me is the neck kissing/ nibbling. Especially on the back of my neck when my boyfriend pushes my hair up and aside to kiss my neck and down the side of my neck to where the shoulder starts..... thats some " good stuff" !!!!
  22. Her medical issue was back in early september, however she hasnt posted here it seems since a few days after that. I have wondered how she is doing and what the issue was.
  23. I agree with the post that suggests you get a home BP monitor. That way you can monitor it during periodic times of the day. Keep a record of it and take it back with you to the doctors appointment, or better yet take the BP machine with you and let him look at your readings. I have done that before so he could actually see my readings i took at home. IF you smoke then that could raise your BP as well as having too much salt in the diet and the lack of exercise that someone had mentioned. And yes, reduce as much stress and anxiety that you can. There is a possibility that you are nervous at the doctors office thereforeeee resulting in what some call " white coat" high BP. I am not sure if being nervous at the doctors would cause it to go as high as yours though. It certainly will pay off for you to get that monitor for at home. Let us know how you are doing on the BP.
  24. Lose your own life Kill someone else with drunken reckless behavior Lose your job Lose your license there are so many horrible consequences , I don't know what more to say. There is much to be lost by drinking and driving!!!!!!!!
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