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Everything posted by cs20thcenturyfox

  1. Hello luvmeeluvmenot, I know how hard it is being lonely, I went thorugh a break up not too long agao that left me pretty much dead to any kind of feelings for a while. I finally decided to not be all sad and lonely and who comes crawling back? Yep the ex, anyways, know that your not alone and that this will pass. Instead of going online all the time you should do something else, join a gym, see a movie. Get rid of all those sad songs and get some happy ones. As for meeting your soulmate, that will come in it's own time and you'll see that it was worth the wait. Don't be too stressed about being with anyone right now, plus you should work on you before getting with anyone. By that I mean let yourself heal so that when you are with someone your not constantly comparing him with your ex. I hope things work out for you, good luck 8) .
  2. I liked that poem, it was very good, keep it up guy
  3. Hello L-E, If she just broke up, you should wait a while before asking her out. Why? Rebound, you don't want to ask her out and her say yes then a week later she gets back with the ex, or her regret getting with you so quickly. Give her some time, good luck 8) .
  4. .Hello MelanieD, I think you two should do a trial sparation if you feel you two bring out the worse in eachother. Of course it's scary to leave something you've known for a long time and is more or less secure for something new and not so secure. The thing is though, do you really want to stay in a "loveless" marriage? I mean, you have to be happy if not for you but for the kids. Maybe by giving yourself this chance and leaving him for a bit may help you find what your looking for? Maybe this might bring you and your husband closer, you just never know and won't until you take a big step. I hope things work out for you and your little family, good luck 8).
  5. Hello kandi13, Well if you were a "bi**h" to your friend in the past you think maybe that's reason enough to yell? Maybe you two should just cool it for a while, ya know just until he can calm down about it. Good luck 8) .
  6. Hiya GeeGirl, Same things happened with me, it seems we got along better as "friends", weird aint it? He didn't cheat on me but as soon as we broke up some other girl had already took my place! I felt like it was a job lol!! I guess they wanna be "friends" so that they don't feel so guilty about dumping you? I think that's the reason my ex had anyways, *sigh*, good luck!
  7. Hello foolich, I don't think talking to other guys sounds ridiculous, as long as it's only talking...lol. Sweetie if going out on dates with other guys (as long as it not too serious) helps you forget your ex is fine. Be sure and let those guys know that your not looking for anything serious first though. Good luck .
  8. Hello blahblah, I think she means that she doesn't want love to be like whatever. I think she's saying she wants it to be something that she really really feels? I hope that helped ya, good luck 8) .
  9. Hello Vlycero, I'm sorry to hear of your break up, it sounds similar to my own. I think you should listen to her when she says "Leave me alone". I kept bugging my ex and all that did was push him futher and futher away. You said she told you that she needs space so then I say give it to her. I know how hard it is living with someone that is no longer affectionate to you, I so know your pain. What I did until I had to move out was went to the library and read all day. I also went on countless walks, and just kept busy doing whatever. I also found some comfort here, helping others who were just like me, in pain. My advice is to just keep busy, and try try not bug her anymore, begging doesn't help a thing, it only adds fuel to the fire. Good luck to you, I hope your days aren't as long as mine were.
  10. Hello union, Have you two considered some marriage counseling? You shouldn't give up so easy. I say you guys get some help together and if things remain the same, then maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Good luck to you both 8) .
  11. Hello jealous2003, I agree with Heretic, you should definitely break up with your bf so you can figure things out. You think your hurt, your bf would be hurt even more. I can imagine this is not easy for you, and maybe your not really in love with his friend, but you gotta be considerate of your bf. Good luck 8) .
  12. Hello wishing, I think you need to stay away from this lad. He sounds like he's just into playing games and if he's being this way with his gf, chances are, he's going to do the same to you. Good luck to ya 8) !
  13. Hey guys, It does suck being alone again, especially after getting used to someone always being there, someone there to hold and cuddle with. I try not to think of it that way though, I think "It's great not having to come home and make dinner for someone at this time or cleaning up after someone else". Call me cynical or whatever, but that's the way I got myself to see it. Then again when I got out and see all of these couples and I'm alone I can't help but to feel like a loser.....*sigh* . Oh well, I'm going to make the best of my solitude, I hope you all can try and do the same. Good luck to you all 8) .
  14. Hello Tears I think you need to stay away from your ex. She has no where to go and who does she look for? You of course! That's just not right for her to use you like that my friend, and how do you expect to move on with her hanging about? I totally agree with tmills, she might be confusing real feelings with just missing you. It may sound selfish, but you gotta think about you for now, you don't want to be back to square one. Good luck hun 8) .
  15. Hello Browneyes76, I think you should give this guy a chance. If your husband is still the same and your unhappy....you should definatlely leave. It's better for your son to see you happy instead of miserable with his father. This other guy seems to make you happy and he seems to be what your looking for, I say go for it! Good luck 8) .
  16. Hello Gil, Don't worry sweetie, you'll find exactly what your looking for. Just don't give up ok? As for the oasis, your right, someday it will be real, just give it some time eh? I hope you find all that your looking for in life. You've been a great friend to me and helped me get through some tough times. I hope that I've done the same for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, you know how to reach me. Good luck sweetie 8) . -Your Foxy
  17. Awww come on Truboz, Halle is very pretty! I bet you'll be ok Gil.
  18. Hello coldplay8, I don't think you and this guy are bad people. It's never wrong to love someone. I think you should (for now) keep going on other dates with other guys. This guy doesn't sound like he's willing to leave any time soon, and even if he does he seems worried about rebound. I can only imagine what your going through, it must be hard. Maybe if you just give it a break, you can be with him when the timing is right. Maybe now he just needs some time to think what he's gotta do. You need to find other things to do for now sweet heart. I know how it feels to be the "other girl" I've been there and it sux, but in a case like this your only hope is to try, I mean really try to move on. Fate is funny and who knows, in the end maybe you two will really be togther. The thing is nobody knows. You two sound like you got your heads on straight, and that's a good thing. I hope things work out for the both of you either way. Good luck sweetie 8) .
  19. I agree with sisterlynch, I think people who have kids or are married should try to change. I think people can change, call me dumb or what ever but I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt. The leaving the ex alone part is true also, especially if you were the one all "attached" to them, you know almost like smothering them. Those are the ones that com crawling back wondering whyyour not begging them back. I should know . All in all it is possible for people to change, it's definitely not impossible. I guess the real question is, is will they? I mean really?
  20. Hello Balhatain, Actions speak louder than words. Use your actions to show her you love her, use words too, but I think actions are more powerful. Good luck 8) .
  21. Hello Bones28 That's so sweet, thanks Bones. I wish you the best as well. Good luck sweetie .
  22. Hey kaligrl22! Long time no see, I too have been wondering how your doing over there in Boston. Your ex sounds like he's still just playing games girl. Have you decided wheather or not to come back to Cali? I think you should come back, maybe the distance would help? Good luck sweetie 8) .
  23. Hello Peter_L, First of all, I have no idea what your GMT is.....so can't help ya there buddy. Second, what your going through is all normal. Heartbreaks really suck, and I should know. The thing that helped me was knowing that there indeed is others out there. By others I mean, other fish in the sea type of stuff. How old are you 16? Your still so young sweetie, I know you prolly heard that so many times but it so true. All you have left now is to make a bad thing good. Go back to your gym, try to get some sleep, try to eat. Also what helped me, change something about you, wheather it be your hair, style of clothes, music...........get on the road to moving on and don't look for another gf for now. Work on you! You seem like a really smart kid and you really do got your whole life ahead of you. So good luck ok? Laters 8) .
  24. Hello bala27, I think you should just get this off your mind for a while and have a little fun for you. Don't make yourself seem like your waiting. He's going to need some time to think about this, so in the mean time.....try try try to think positive things...ok? Good luck hun 8) .
  25. Hello Jsmooth65, I also think you guys got married too soon because it sounds like your wife still wants to experience other things. Basically she wants to be her age. I also think, however, that you two can work things out, communication is key and you two seem to have great communication. Just have some faith that things will get better. Good luck 8) .
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