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Everything posted by cs20thcenturyfox

  1. Hello Jennyfur01, Move on sweetie, this guy doesn't appreciate you. Good luck 8) .
  2. Hello sexyboy77779, I think that's perfect, short, sweet, and to the point.....good job man 8) .
  3. Hello sisqo, Your walking proof of the old saying "You never know what you have until it's gone". I think you just need to move on buddy, she seems happy with this new guy. Just make sure in your next relationship you don't take her for granted as much. Good luck 8) .
  4. Hello bzborow1, I think you two need time to begin healing. Her hanging around you is just going to keep on giving you false hopes. I think you should tell her that going out is making you think she still wants you like a bf. Good luck sweetie 8) .
  5. Hello filmmaker, Have you tried talking to her about how you feel she's treating you? I mean there has to be a reason why the big change. Good luck 8) .
  6. Hello Avalon23199 Wow this is a tough one huh? You say you don't believe in abortion.....did you consider adoption? Good luck sweetie 8) .
  7. Hello jreed, I think the past at times can bother us, but, you need to really look "past" that. You shouldn't be worried about what she did in her previous marriage because it's just going to eat you up and it'll cause unecessary problems in your marriage. Just enjoy what you two have now. Good luck 8) .
  8. Hello BRY_26, Silly is right, this is all part of the healing process. I know right now it seems like your never going to get over your broken heart.........but trust me sweetie you will! You know that famous quote everyone gives you when you've got a broken heart...."time heals all wounds"? Well, ummm, it's true . Good luck 8) .
  9. Hello foolish, Then so just that.......stay away! This guy sounds like bad news and you don't want to get dragged into his probs (which btw are not really your probs anymore). Tell him your not interested, and that he should move on to someone else. Hopefully he'll leave you alone. Good luck 8) .
  10. Hello StillLoveHer, I agree with Ambie, you should talk to her. I'm in a similar position, except I didn't cheat on my ex. He was on the puter way too much and when I moved out of our apartment, he's begging me back saying he'd smash the puter to bits as long as me and our son come back to him. So I really give you credit for selling those puters. Now, you have either forgive or forget about her cheating. I know it's hard, but if ou really love her you'll find a way to do it. Good luck 8) .
  11. Hey there silvanesti, I agree with Burkarg, if you didn't make any kind of commitment go out and have a good time! Also how old are you? You sound young and I think you should enjoy your youth before doing anything too serious because from what I've seen you'll regret it in the end. Good luck sweetie 8) .
  12. I totally agree with magpie. I so lusted for Chris when I first saw him, then we fell in love. So I'm with magpie on this one. 8)
  13. Hello bzborow1 Both Jose and kddmsu have good points, but you should do what your heart tells you. I know that there's all sorts of risks, but tell me this when is there no risks in any relationship? Do what you think is right for you. Good luck. 8)
  14. Hello silvanesti I think you just need to be honest with him and tell him that your not interested in him that way. In my opinion going out with him on more "dates" and not letting him know that (to you) they're just friendly outings, is a little misleading. So just be honest, I know it hard but this can spare a lot of hurt feelings in the future. Good luck. 8)
  15. Hello Asenath Waite, If you don't feel comfortable with the things shes doing you NEED to tell her that you don't like it. If she thinks your a "prude" for not being into stuff like that well, then so be it. If the stuff shes doing physically hurts you, girl you need to speak up. Sex is supposed to be enjoyable for both parties. Good luck. 8)
  16. If you told him you loved him and he didn't say anything back...chances are he doesn't feel the same. Maybe you just need to back off a bit...ya know? Love can be a very scary thing...especially if you got hurt before. Give it time girl, maybe he'll come around. Good luck
  17. Hello Miss Sweet First of all I think you two should sit down and really talk things over before you do anything rash like call it quits. Maybe he's just going through something that he thinks you wouldn't understand about. Also just give him some time. One thing I learned about men is that they need alot of "time". Don't push him to do anything he doesn't want and don't pressure him either. Doing that only pushes him further away. In the mean time, try doing something for yourself. Go out and try to have a good time instead of worrying so much. Good luck.
  18. I think you should give it time. You don't want to make a huge decisions if you feel your confused because people will just come out hurt in the end. You sound like your not totally over your ex and hun....that's not good for either of you (you & your current b/f). Just please really sit down and think about what you really want. I know that things seem so tough right now, but have a lil faith ok? PM me if you'd like . Good luck.
  19. Hi there tmills001, Good to hear from you again. I know what you mean by outgrowing your peers and feeling bad. It's just a part of life though. I outgrew my friends when I had my first son.....it was tough but I got through it. About your exs, well just try and learn from all the mistakes you made....ya know what I mean? You'll be t.....you'll see .
  20. Hi there Lost from love, I think you just need to give this girl some time. Like your quote says "IF YOU LOVE SOMETHING SET IT FREE, IT WILL COME BACK TO YOU, IF IT WAS MEANT TO BE". Don't pressure her about what's to become of you guys as a couple, trust me it only makes things worse. She is very young and it seems she wants to experience life a little more, and I think it's best if you let her go to do that rather than her be miserable and regretting not doing that while she's with you. Good luck 8)
  21. Hello Douglas22, I think you should take it slow. Don't rush into the kissing part so fast, go with the flow. I broke up with my ex 3 weeks ago and we too are "meeting" for dinner. Though, I don't plan for there to be any kissing, who knows what will happen. Be sponatneous, ok? Good luck
  22. Hello Prelude8grand, First of all you either trust your girl or not. Second she's an adult, right? So you shouldn't really worry too much or hate on her friend. Your girl is doing what she chooses to do herself, I don't think her friend is holding a gun to her head. In the end we all pay for the things we do, good luck
  23. Hello char, First of all, I so know what your going through. I was in a similar situation almost a month ago. Me and my ex broke up but I had to still live with him until I finished school. We have a 3 y/o son and we too decided to remain friends as well. Ok, the day before I leave, he's crying, and he is one those "real men don't cry" kinda guy. He said that he still loved me and if there was anything he could do he do it as long as I stay. Well I didn't, and still to this day he brings "us" up. I guess my advice is to give it time, maybe he'll want you back, maybe not. But for you and your girls.....move on. It's going to be hard, but trust me, you'll get through it.
  24. Ughhh, that's so true. Maybe you should just give her some time. I'm not too familiar with online romances but I guess if you really want something to work, it can. Hang in there man . Good luck.
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