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Everything posted by freedom

  1. Just to put a different point of view here. He is asian adopted by is assume white family. He has a superiority complex because his family has tried to always not make him feel different and thus over compensated. To be honest, he is actually confused on who he is and thus he seeks religion to answer his fears on why his real parents didnt want him or to be honest where he actually sit in society. (ie clearify for him his insecurities) I suppose the best way to make him realise is to not so much put him in his place but to get a mirror and ask him to take a good look at it. Point out that he is asian and that he is the last person to be racist. Maybe point out that he is confused on where he stand in society and he has to figure that problem out himself and not bring it to work. Religion gets you fate, but he has to figure who his is in society himself.
  2. dont go doing that foot fetish on the first date. BTW.. Have you wondered why you cant get another date ?? HAHAHA teasing Not my thin
  3. i would agree with a previous poster.... Take to him a just stop drink fizzy drinks. Move over to water slowly by adding SOME and i mean some flavouring. So you get a taste but not the fulll sweetness... then slowly reducing the amount. It is amazing that difference it would make.
  4. predforte...good luck.. smooth sailing
  5. "That wedding made me reallize I want to marry you." What a line. I thought guys get away with that kinda crap!! HAHAHAHAHa. I am not saying that you should end it, but you should take that line when you heard it s shove it up her nose.. Cos it STINKS!
  6. good grief. what a load of crap! hahahahahaha i like it. It is like saying, The spark of Love is like a Nuclear bomb. when it exploses within you every fibre of you being awakens. you feel the energy run through your body and the atoms within you split causing your brain to wonder which direction to head or run to. It confuses you. Upon detonation the rush of energy through your heart is like the way a mushroom cloud forces its way through the atmosphere. Ok.. that is enough. I was teasing mate hahahaha Thanks for your post, i did learn something about astromomy though.
  7. i agree with momene here. There isn't the such thing as 'the one' there is the few. This is a decision that you hae to make alone and face it alone, but if you do step out you will have to make a clean break. You cnnot be friends with her until MUCH LATER on. I supose if she is the only one then ou would not be wondering if there is more out there.
  8. If you decide to end the relationship, then dont stay in the same house. Move out. It is alot easy for both of you and the tempttion of the so called 'charity' you are giving him by staying wont be there. There must be a reason you are staying other then him begging you to stay because i dont believe a person would stay in the same house as a person they dont like to be with unless they are getting something out of it
  9. In life, timing is everything. Sometimes you fall in love with a person that is so special that you will never forget them as they have taught you something, but in the end you arent together for a reason. People move through life at different speeds, Your parter will be the right one because you both are to ready to settle down to have a particular life style. This othe guy, her was jut there to teach you something, What ever it is, it was valuable but that doesnt make him the right one.
  10. i got burnt last year because i believed that if i sacrifice myself for the person i loved, they will realise that it is true love. (I still have a tendency to do it) Obviously it didn’t work out. I gave up myself and who i am and the person rejected me but she still wanted to be with me, so i changed further and further till i totally lost myself. During this time, i worked for someone that was a blood sucker and between the 2 of them that sucked everything that was me. Or should i say, i LET them suck my very essense of who i was. I was lost, i was depressed and worst of all i was suicidal. A year and a bit later after great support from my family and this site i am out of the rut. I am back stronger then ever BUT i still fall into the same trap, occasional require a reminder of who i am. The essense of who i am is NOT who i think you want me to be, but who i am within myself.
  11. please leave her. but before the get the laywers on her. Save all the Myspace and all the emails because you are going to need it in court to prove she hasnt been a good wife. Sorry to hear about this mate. good luck. She is using you for meal ticket.
  12. I dont think it is Not about the lie, it is about trust. I think, if anything, i would like to be able to trust and for my partner to trust me. If my partner cannot trust me to tell me the truth... i suppose i will be upset but also wonder what has she told me that was a lie. In the end i will be upset about the lost or should i assume that there wasnt any trust. Should he be mad? Probably. How quicky should he get over it? at his own time. You cannot force someone to get over things. Getting mad at them for no getting over it quickly enough doesnt help. It is their decision to get over it and not yours. What should you do? Apologize, assure that it wont happen again. Let him get over it. What happens if he is taking too long? weeks/months. You decision, if you want to stay with someone that cannot forgive you. Maybe you should ask yourself, why should you get mad at him for being disapointed with the fact that you lied?
  13. "Never sacrifice yourself for the sake of love," say alot doesn't it?
  14. thank you for your post. i am sorry for your pain that you are going thru. from what you have written, i am pretty sure you that do love your puppies. I love my pets as well very much. I dont think it is fair to play the blame game on the drivers. It isnt their fualt. Bad things happens and the only way of avoiding that is the only person that takes care of them. Again i am sorry for your loss. i have edited my post.
  15. if he said that he may nt expect they willbe together, is a reason to tel him now as emotions hasnt sank in very deep The longer you wait the deeper the emotions the more the pain
  16. i would like o be told ASAP rather be lead along. I cant imagine he pain when i come home thinking there is a girl waiting for me only to find out she is dumping me. Can you imagine that expectation and the heart break??
  17. Hey, i am sorry that you are in such a position with this guy. The only advice that i can give you from hat i see is that you have given him control of your emotions and yourself. As i see it, the way to get out of this is to control the situation and reverse it so YOU have to control. I suppose what i am saying is this; YOu are the one that has decided not to call him because he isnt good enough He is not a good candidate for a long term relationship thereofore YOU dont see hiim with any future in your life. YOu choose not to be with anyone that is inconsiderate, rude, selfish and has no future. He is a no hoper as he doesnt meet your standards and thereforeeee you are dropping him. These decisions are for yourself and not to be told to him because he will use them to his advantage. Call him and dump him and do a NC. Take control and rememberthat you are in control. He cannot affect you anymore as you are the one caling the shots. I hope this helps
  18. thank you for your post.... it hit me somewhat hard. It is great to hear that you are in a good relationship
  19. geee.. i am sorry for your position. But i dont know if your decision in this whoel situation is clear to you. Are you making a decision that you want to be with a person.. OR is it that you dont want to be ALONE. because as it sounds to me, Youjust dont want to be ALONE and thereforeeee i would recommend that you seriously think about where you are. If you are going into a relationship based on that fact that you dont want to be alone, i think neither would work as it is not driven by wantig to be with the person but more on NOT wanting to be alone. I think both ladies can detect that. Seems tht you have to look within yourself
  20. Welcome to my world!!1 Scout i think you are spot on! Love is given not taken. maye she need time for it to sink in and settle down within her so she can meke the rigjt decsion. So this doesnt mean it is bad. She just needs time to think so when and if you do ask her, she will have you the right answer and not be flaky.
  21. mwhahahahahahaha! Well i will face that situation soon, i will be traveling to her country. parents are traditional, and when ever my name is used there is an uncomfortable silence, BUT not the other way round. I love my family, they taken all the * * * * i dished out!!! hahahaha... As i say, and most people who are blessed, " i love my family" and if all goes well, "i'll love her family too!!"
  22. thank you all love this post somehow it is comforting,. and i dontknow why. Sheyda, i am so happy for you smooth sailing.
  23. i think, in this situation it isnt about compromising. It is about what one wants in life. You cannot compromise about having kids. You just can't. Either you want it and give it 100 percent or not. if youare going into it half hearted it wont be fair on either of you or the child. It is either 100 percent or not at all. It sucks to be in this situation. I wish you all the best. btw. i think your internet thing is more then a friendship. You get butterflies. Denial is a bad thing. It is clouding your decision already but denying you arent hoping/feeling more.
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