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Everything posted by freedom

  1. really?? it is not shallow to have one nigh stands? when did that happen? or is it deep to have one night stands?? Do people that have one night stands feel 'deeper' or do they usually regret it?? Does regretting an action mean you are shallow OR continually having one night stands and regretting make you shallow?
  2. i am sorry but really i dont understand how parents think it is ok to let a kid play games that is out of their age range group. I have issues with a 10-12yo kid playing halo or any first person shoot bully, stab, blow up etc. I just really dont get it! When i child becomes violent or scared do you parent blame it on the game or yourselves?? I am sorry that i come accross negative, but dont parents think it is irrisponsible to let a kid below the reccommended age to view and experience things like these?
  3. After the explaination you hve given me, i can 'see' your point of view, but in the end, you are still plying game and in the end you cannot play the game forever. It will end. Better to sort it out early then to play silly games. That is my opinion. Narrow minded i dont think so, i think time and effort is precious, i rather do what i want then to play silly games which in the end end up in hurt. Attraction is attraction, either i have it or not. Playing game may 'peak' attraction but it is short lived. "But my mother has always discouraged this. She says it's too aggressive." kinda agree with her, but you are complainting that guys are dense. I am putting a point forward that if you are not happy with the situation change it and stop playing games. "I get so sick of waiting around but with guys who have high egos sometimes it's the only thing you can do". Then dont wait, if you like him do something and if he backs off then it wasnt meant to be. It doesnt make guys dense, it just makes women denser for waiting. In the end, if you play the game and you try to manipulate a person, you are the dense one, cos he doesnt love you.
  4. why are women so VAGUE!!! why is it so hard for woman to come straight out and say what they want instead of playing all these games? Answer that one!
  5. Sorry to say, i don't think you have much hope. trust has been obliterated. You have to rebuild the trust. Just cos you havent had any relationship with anyone else would mean a thing to her. (a great feat for you but nothing to her in the sense of trust). What have you got to show to her that you have changed in your ways other then words? have you seen a couseller? have you been to any treatment for you addition? I suppose, in the end even though you have had anyone else NOW doesnt show her that you wouldnt do it to someone else later. That is the trust issue that you are facing. Solve that and you may have a chance.
  6. make a educated decision. act upon that decision. accept the outcome of that decision good or bad. a mentor taugh me this: Make a decision, any damn decision as long as you make a decision! At least you are moving and learning. Otherwise you stuck, you dont learn, you dont grow. YOU ARE NOT GONG ANYWHERE! so make a decision and live by it.
  7. it ist our problem, it is your problem and your issue.
  8. i should rephase, the fact that you have dated a woman that is a tomboy doesnt state that she is femine. .What i was thinking is, can a tomboy be femine without making a real attempt of being femine.
  9. maybe the simple outlook is the thing that gets me into trouble!! HHAHAhAHAHAHAAH
  10. on the package there is a age recommendation. Not all games are like that. This is not the childs fault as they dont know better. Parents in this situation are to blame. It so stupid that parent see thee recommendation and still lets the kid to play the game. What bothers me more is that fact they they let kid watch horror movies (which scares the kack out of them) and say, "remember this is only a movie it is make belief". How stupid is that??!?!?!?! Sometimes i see some parents as just Idiots! grrrrrrrrrr. some parents just dont deserve to be parents!!
  11. i have yet to find any male friends that think that.
  12. hmmm. ii dont think it is wrong of you to ask this question because there are many men that feels this way. In a world that is pushing for feminist rights and everything that goes with it, the beauty of being a feminie creature is lost in the process. There is no doubt a guy will find a women attractive if she can hold herself but he loses interest when her femine traits are lost. If she loses her femine traits I would simply rather hang out with my male buddies because there is nothing special about her and there is a hell alot more things i can do with me guy friends. There is a beauty in looking and being with a women that is femine and sexy without wreaking of SEX. It is subtle and thus it's alluring to men. Just like a women likes to be with a man and not with a over liberated man. Sometimes it is a fine balance between being femine and being a feminist. As ong as you have one rule that you stick by, which eer choice you make to stick to it and not abuse things for your own benefit if you do, there would not be very much respect for you.
  13. i think you shouldnt date any of them. Seems that you dont know what you want and you are only going out with them because they like you. What is the point of going out with a person that likes you and you are sure you like them? I suppose i am thinking that if you do going out with either of them it is about them liking you and not so much about you liking them. You just have too much options of your plate and neither is true love but convience. But i may be wrong,
  14. I dont believe it is just a kiss. A kiss always means something otherwise we would all be doing it and not thinking twice about it. As all the other poster say, it is you burden to carry, your mistake you live with it. I agree with DN, don't get married if you arenot sure, what is the point? and if you are going to get married cut ALL ties with this 'friend' because there is no such thing as unfinished Business, if your 'friend' didnt act on it in the past then it is finished business because you have moved on. It is his loss. I would end the 'friendship' with this friend because he didnt respect you or the relationship that you are in now. What make you think that he will respect you if you decide to be with him? To me this guy is not worth the second thought because all his actions are about himself. As far as i see nothing you have discribed has indicated that he was thinking bout you. At this point you are confused because of him. I think you should remove him from the picture and think IF you really want to get married at all.
  15. we dont have a flaw. you are the one with the issues.
  16. you are helping him cheat on his relationship with his wife. you are the 3d person and ou will not be the first. Do not have anything to do with hiim till he finishes the marriage and had his own time, otherwise you are helping him cheat on his wife. You will end up being the 'cow' that sell other people husbands. I recogmend leving this married man alone.
  17. I thought it is a perplexing question very time i went through a break up but it isnt that complicated. I suppose in the end it is a decision to move on and to take control of your own life. This should anser the questions that you asked. It is your decision to make a decision and live the decision because in the end, it is your decision.
  18. if both are honestly unselfish and will honestly try. Yeah it would work great. IF. most of the time people are selfish
  19. simple, if you are hoping to have a longer term relationship with him you are required to tell him eventually. If he finds out through someone else you'll have no hope of geting the relaionshp back. If you arent planning to have a relationship with him, then he need not know anthing detailed about your relationship.
  20. i dont think it is your husband to be responsibility to solve this problem for you. If he stated catering for your insecurities you will back into the same place you were with our ex-relationship. THis is a ste that you have to take on your own. I cant say it is an easy step, but it is your decision and your choice. You have accept the risk, and if you cnt you had better let the relaitonsip go as you are not ready for it. remember marriage is a risk, Nothing is guarentied, it my work o it may not, but without the risk you cannot reap the beauty of true love. You have to decide to give it and take the risk. As i said you cannot ask your husand to help you give your trust to him. It doesnt work.
  21. I have read some poster saying tht they dont disagree with one noght stands. Unfortunately i seriously disagree with it. I dont believe one night stand are healthy, reason being it is a health risk! ondom or not just because you are horning and want to get laid are you willing to get AIDS if happens? I am not a prude, but i believe because of a one night stand you risk getting a sexually transmitted disease i would say tht it is not worth it. Even though you are wairing a condom do you know tha tyou can get Lice? Not worth it.
  22. It is a guy thing. Guys do it ALL the time. THe last thing a guy want to do is to show other guys that he has been " * * * * * whipped", he has to show his muncho side. If he is treating you the same as before in private you dont have anything to worry about. The last thing he want s his friend to see is him doing needle point with you at home, and in all reality, that is the last thing youwould want to see too. Yes it looks immature when guys stick out their chest and beat it like a drum, boast blah blah blah. But you are tell ing me at one point or another you didnt find it somewhat atractive I say, Accept it.
  23. tray_acct, Sometimes things happens for a reason though you will not realise it now. From where i stand you are doing a fantastic job! You have your priorities in the correct place and i truly admire you for that. You made your choices to work and buy a house and a car and you are working hard at setting yourself up. The thing is, this is not for her. It should never be for her.You have set yourself a good start. Had more then most people your age. Being fun and spontenious is a good thing but you have responsibilites and you are looking after the responsibilities. Unfortunately for her, she will not see that anytimes soon until she tries to buy a home for herself. (which i dont think she will as she will look for someone to do it for her) What i am saying is, she is looking for someone to do all the work for her (a sugar daddy), so her life is easy. TO be honest i dont advice having someone liek that i your life. She has take you for granted. Only advice to you is, dont hold yourself up to her standards because they are unrealistic. Why are the unrealistic? Because she is not able to do it herself. It is her dream and she is making you live her dream. It isnt fair, it isnt right. What is realistic is when 2 people have the same dream and when 2 people work for THAT dream in the real world. As Momene says, there isnt such thing as "the One" there is "The Few". She WAS one of the few in your life, there will be another that will SHARE YOUR dreams. Let go.
  24. Hey Ta_ree_saw, been on and off. Been asking stupid questions here occasionally and been giving some advice or should i say opinions that arent too popular hahahaha Generally experiencing life You doing well?
  25. Hey just a little song that will help. THE GLORY OF LOVE You've got to give a little, take a little And let your poor heart break a little That's the story of, That's the glory of love You've got to laugh a little, cry a little Until the clouds roll by a little That's the story of, That's the glory of love As long as there's the two of us We've got the world and all its charms And when the world is through with us We've got each other's arms You've got to win a little, lose a little Yes, and always have the blues a little That's the story of, That's the glory of love That's the story of, That's the glory of love.
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