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Everything posted by freedom

  1. ok, just a question out of interest, why do people feel blue when they see the people they love. I have seen this in a buddy of mine, He is interested in a girl, and when she is not around he such a fun person to be around, but as soon as she comes into the picture he seems down and blue (sentimental) i suppose...It isn;t like him. So if anyone here has a idea why pls voice up, i really interested.
  2. lavender, you are not the only one, i myself have gone through betrayal of trust, i suupose that is why i have some trust issues now. Anyway, just FYI i am a guy and my ex cheated on me with my best friend. So there you go, the story does go both ways. For me it was hard to trust again but wht i had to realise is that it was my ex that cheated and i had to work myself into realising that it was her that cheated and not the next woman that i meet. I was lucky to have met a wonderful woman which became my next girlfriend a few months later and she did prove to me that monogamy was possible, unfrtunately for me family got in the way and things just fell apart. For me that special someone came along and i had to take a chance, i never looked back, that relationship will alway be with me, and she will always be in my heart. I wished that it was a story tale ending for me but Family was another dynamic variable that we both didnt consider. I wished that i can say soething that will make you realise that there are men that are monogamous. I believe that i am one of them. I was my upbringing and my self belief that stops me from doing anything stupid to hurt the ones i love. I dont know how to explain this but, it has somethig to do with my own self principles. Hope this helped???????
  3. apollocreed, i would agree with you there..... but to have someone there to listen can be just as good. We dont have to understand everything, we here listen and talk and just to let you vent petalbud. Talk to us.
  4. this is so consuming that i cant even think. I am in the media line and i have truly lost myself in this to the point that i can't be creative. I cant even think of a angle of a shot and that is really bad. I dont intend to meet with her for a long time, as i have figured out that i am only there just in case no one beter comes along. She refuses to state where i stand with her in this relationship. it is like being in abyss! CCCCCRAAAPPPPP!!!! I have never let anyone control/ oush my buttons like this... ARRRGGH! VENT VENT VENT VENT VENT!!!
  5. some people say that love is blind. I would agree but i this situation you don't have to jump in without realising the responsibilities. it sounds like you have a close knit family which makes it the all more challenging. give us more information so we can really advice you
  6. loneliess does get to us ppls that fall into this age group. Some women for that they feel librated when they hit 29 i dont know... but it is true that men can smell when a woman want commitment on the intial stages of a relationship. Take it easy, i guess you are already filtering your friends and acquaintances to check for someone special huh? The only advice i can give you is to keep your options opened and not rush in and filter too much coz that specail person will come. Good luck
  7. what a dilemma!! geeeezzz... i can't tell you what to do... but how old are you? and how old is he? and your family background? are you still dependent on your family?
  8. hey Petalbud, if you need to talk i am here. I dont really know what to say, i cant really give you any great advice. just that i am here to listen if you need to talk.
  9. i like it very much... the confusion the ru between the let and right side of the brain. Logic against emotions.... thank you for sharing.
  10. I do hate it when NC is broken, I get all torn apart. I was doing sooo well until she called, stating that she misses our conversations. I am currently overseas and it has been a constructive 2 weeks and i felt that i was moving on, then BOOM! it her, and i thought that i could handle it. We talked for an hour and i pretty pleased with myself cos i didnt get to emotioally attahed again. BUT the next 2 days, tick tick tick brain starts thinking about the posiblity that i can happen, we can ge back together. The logicallic say NO but the emotional says YES. Left/ Right brain activity is killing me. I have been trying to keep busy but to no avail. I'm getting FRUSTRTED again by the fact that someone can simply trigger me off like this. ArrrRRRGGHHHHHHH!!!!! There is a fine point of sanity and insanity.... and i have started to cross that fine line. Just venting.. sorry guys The fact that i have my head on straight one moment and off to the side the next has gotten me to this stage. anyone want to scream like me ??? AAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!
  11. man... that is really bad. . i am soory you ae stuck in that situation. i wish i knew that i can say something that will help you. except you are not alone free
  12. My gawd volution you get me!! now that is scary!!! Unfortunately i wasnt the one damaged. i believe that life without love is no life at all. To have found your soulmate and blame it on timing is a joke to me. I look at it with Cynicism, i look at it as an excuss, i look at it as fear. Bad timing based on previous relationship is an excuss on not to love your soulmate, yes everyone need time to heal but it doesnt mean that you give up on your soulmate as it isnt your soulmate that caused the hurt, realise that your soulmate that will cure your pain and make the colours of life vibrant. Yes i am a romantic, yes i am a dreamer and yes I have a heart that beats softly and gently for my soulmate. I liked this 2 paragragh very much! Hell to those that say "Other fish in the sea" and "You'll find someone else" and "You can enjoy being single"... Damn those lines and the many more that feign understanding, coming from the depths of ignorance, from those hearts and souls that know nothing of romance, or destiny, or real true love. To need someone because you love them, because they are your soulmate is not co-dependance. To need someone to quell loneliness is. I'm unable to give my love, so I cannot fly. I cannot share my dreams, so I have none left. I have no hope, for it was taken from me. The romantic souls, the pre-raphaelite souls, the gentle, honest, tiny, loving souls - they cannot live, they cannot dream, they cannot create, they cannot breathe, they cannot fly, they are nothing.... without their beloved...
  13. as she2smart has said, it ight be a passage thing when you are in life transittion. I hated that period becuse i didnt know where i was and couldn't make my mind up. Can you give us moe info about yourself? another thing is that you migh want to see a Doctor about it, check if your hormones are out of wack. I had a friend that had his hormones gone wacky and so did he.
  14. yeah, ashamed is the right word. The sentence that came to me the other night was... "what the???.... what the hell have i become? why am i this way? When did i start doing this? WHAT THE???" I found these book insightful and helped me a little too, but confused hell outta me too. I started to self diagnose that i had ADHD, codependency issue, control issues, abandonment issues blah blah. Man you should have seen me last month, "i was DR feel good". I knew everything but knew nothing about myself and that was the FUSTRATING bit about it all. i kinda came to me the other day as i lay in bed, "i was me." I had to accept who i am now and what i was then, i then decided that i will move on slowly and gradiually not rushing things. Because during the past few months i was desperately trying to find myself ASAP! that i didnt realise that i was here already, this is me, and that was me 1 year before, and this is going to be me roughly one year from now.. I dont know if i made sense here but i hope it helps. MOVE SLOWLY
  15. thank you for your insightful post Jetta. I understand what you mean about soulmates and what they are all about. But i do find people abusing the the words "SOULMATE". I heard it so many times from people around me that it has become a form of a pickup line. Yes the words "soulmate" is only a term, just like "i love you" but it congers up emotions with the other person. Many people abuse these words to boost their own egos. I get extremely cynical now when i hear some one use these terms. Alarms bells should ring when these words are used, and people should then immediately take actions to check their emotions and watch for maniplating partners/friends.
  16. geng2, I feel for you, talking is probably the best way of releasing the pent up fustration, keeping it in doesnt help. I had been going thru the motions too, but i found that talking helps my soul and sanity. What i did find more fustrating is tht i couldnt move away from being fustrated that i lost my identity. Who was i? What kind of person was i? What did i like? Deep down what kind of person did i want to be? So for me, taking up all those courses did help a little, going to plays and concerts did help alittle, but what helped me more then anything else was the re-self discovery. THat i am a certain type of person whether others around me liked it or not. So, your friend might be right in one sense about taking the time to cope, but at the same time, take the time to discover yourself, your true self. This means that you will have to think back in time to remember who you where and that is the hard bit. I personally found that more liberating that trying to distract myself with courses and concerts. BTW excerise did help me alot more then concerts. Hoped this helps.
  17. yeah.. fear of being in pain trust etc
  18. yeah......fear...and this is torture... something like been there done that...
  19. except the "partner" doesnt want to. Partner fears that the intencity will tear them apart. Why make a statement like that when you dont want to be together.
  20. ok, ok, just to satisfy you, You and i are so alike, our intencity will not leave any prisoners.
  21. probably one of those sentences that a person doesnt want to hear, it is so open ended that it can be misconstruded..... dangerous sentence!
  22. hhmm.. got no idea whethe it was cheerful, text msg you see.
  23. ok i need a translation, when someone says you are intense, what the hell does that mean? is it a compliment or a criticism?
  24. Hmmm, Have you thought that the fear of trust is actually something that stems for yourself? Do you through with all the things you say you are going to do? becasue if you don't and you have excuses for your action, then won't you expect others to have to same excuses like yourself? This is a perpective not a solution.
  25. the abuse of love. When a person ignors the person they love, they are not just ignoring the person, they are actually affecting the person self worth. It's a control thing and an EGO thing. Sad sad sad. Sometimes it is too late to fix things even after you have earned the big bucks. Relationships cannot be put on hold, it has to be constantly natured and tended to like a garden. If you ever let it go, the weeds will over grow your garden, and you once beautiful garden will be suffocated and die.
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