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Everything posted by Nifty_Swifty1

  1. Well, I have never smoked so all I can say is what other people have told me. I really don't know about symptoms or anyting, but I don know that about half of the addiction is mental, so if you get something that memics that rutean of smoking (usualy candy like suckers or twizzlers) it seems to help my friends alot. I guess that really is all I know. Sorry. I hope someone else can help you.
  2. Sorry to hear what your going through. I wen't throught the same thing about 6 months ago. I can tell you that calling her was the wrong thing to do, but thats a little late now. All you really can do from this point is to leave her alone for a couple months don't talk to her if you don't have to, don't see her if you don't have to... Just stay as far away from her as you can. After that stay close enough that she can get ahold of you if she wants to and see what happens. It has to be her choice and if you stick around now she's just going to demonize you and all your hopes go up in a puff of smoke.
  3. there are many other ways you can get mono, so if that is your main consern, then you need not wory. Anything that goes from one mouth to another can transmit it, and in all reality that dosn't even need to happen. The vires just need a way to get from one person to another. If you think you have it you need to go to the doctor asap so you don't end up giveing it to anyone else.
  4. quiting your job isn't the anser. You just need to tuf it out. It's somethig that everyone goes through at some point in there life and you will eventualy get over it. Sorry to say it isn't easy. Sometimes you just have to force your way through things.
  5. I think you just need to take care of yourself and your own wellbeing. Just leave. Don't wait for another fight, just leave. You seem to be able to say what you want when you write, so wate until she isn't home, leave a note for her to read, take your things, and go. If she comes after you there are things called restraining orders that aren't all that hard to get. You really need to get away from this person that seems to be hurting you so much. Make up your mind and leave.
  6. candace welcome to enotalone contrary to what you seem to think, your thoughts ARE under your controle, but sometimes it's hard to realize that. For most people, they think that they can't control there thoughts only becouse all of there thoughts come from simpel (distorted) asumptions so they first need to learn how to control the initial asumptions that make. It seems to me that you fit into this catagory. You need to remember that it's your thinking that makes something bad. You have to refuse to think of things as bad until they prove themselves that way. Other than that I really don't think there is anyting anyone can do or say to help you. The only one that can change what you tink is you.
  7. Thank you very much. I'll have to do something like that.
  8. I have a good friend that I was wanting to do something for he on v-day. Were both hopeless romantics, but I have a little bit of a fear that she has a bit of a crush on me at the moment. On one hand I want to go out, have a little fun, and do something nice for the girl, and on the other hand I don't want to make her think that there is really anything between us past our friendship... which I must admit has been a little on the romantic side with the whole going for walks in the park, picnics, and the whole sappy bit, but that's just what the two of us enjoy. Any way, my question is that I want to know if there is anyone here that could help me with deciding what to do. Or do you think I'm just making too much out of it. I guess its a bit of a strange situation, but it does have me thinking a bit.
  9. If you're trying to get over this girl, then sending her something is a really bad idea. If you're trying to get the girl, then you will probably have a angry bf to deal with, so I still think it's a bad idea unless the guys a pansy. I say spend your money somewhere else.
  10. thats one messed up relationship if you ask me, but if thats what you want then you can't really expect to have her full atention now can you? If there is someone else... or in this case everyone else, you are never going to get her full atention. I think you just need to find someone else becouse this is just going to get worse.
  11. I think you really need to look at what you want out of a relationship. If you want the romance, then you're with the wrong guy. People think they can change the person there with so that they meat the expectations that they have, but the sad reality is that things don't work that way. True the guy may have been hurt in the past, but he is who he is. You seem to have done all that you can, and now you have to decide whether or not your willing to live with who he is. He is who he is and if that hurts you then it really isn't a good relationship.
  12. First off I should say that dating your friends usually isn't a good idea. Dating relationships will many times ruin the friendship once things go south. Second, you don't really want to go after women that you have never even spoken to before. You can get some real wackjobs that way. Finley, just go out and talk to people. If you find one that sounds like fun, and she looks like she's having fun talking to you, those are the people you need to ask. I guess taking advice from someone that has only dated 1 person in his 21 years of life would probably not be the best person to listen to though. I think its good advice, but I guess it really hasn't served me very well, now has it? PS Being that you say that you're in KS and there are only 2 good sized collages here, it's a good chance that I'm going to school with you.
  13. who said that it had to be in the evening. Take her out to lunch or something. She'll understand, and apreasheate that you put the effort into trying to make the best of it. Besides, Lunch is usualy cheeper
  14. Well, I'm only 21 so I don't rally have much knowledge about this kind of thing, but guys are guys no mater how old they are (for some reason we never really seem to grow up). If you know it would have been a mistake to do with a younger guy, then I would say it was a mistake this time. I'll just leave it at that.
  15. Welcome to enotalone. I hope you find a bit of what you're looking for. You remind me a lot of myself. You seem to have most everything under control in your head, but you still feel empty right? Well, I wish I could help you, but all I can say is that you need to take your own advice. You're rational person right? You can look at things from a balanced view can't you? I would suggest that you take a look at what you're asking as if someone else were asking you. You just seem to me to be someone that could get a lot more out of that then listening to those of us here telling you things that you already know. There is nothing good or bad, but it's the thinking that makes it so. I would say that your depression probably comes from spending too much time alone. If that's the case you probably also know that the only thing you can do about that is to go out and keep yourself busy. I could keep going like this, but if you want to talk, just PM me and I'll continue, but I really don't think I would tell you anything that you don't already know. Well have fun and stick around the sight a bit. These are nice people.
  16. thats the trick. You can never really tell if someone loves you. you just have to trust them and let them show you that they love you in there own way.
  17. I have found myself in some what of a tricky situation. My best friend was complaining about her husband, who I must say is a scum bag, and the next thing I know she's trying to see if I would go after her if she left her husband and if I ever thought of having a closer relationship with her, and all of these things. Now, if you have ever read anything I have written about marriage or love, you would know that divorce is something I don't think to highly of. The problem is that I'm not going to lie to my friends… I just didn't say anything. Now I'm a bit afraid to talk to the girl. My beast friend, and I'm afraid to talk to her because I don't want to have anything to do with the situation I find myself in. I'm torn between what I know is right and what has always been in the back of my mind, but like all things in live the revelation came months too late. Any one have any advice on what I should do? I'm really confused at the moment.
  18. I think your just lying to yourself. Seems to me that deep down you really thought that you liked the girl, but were enjoying the freedom too much to really look at having a real relationship. If you really didn't have any feeling for the girl before, then you wouldn't now. The problem is that you did, and you do and now you don't want to admit it. I know that isn't what you wanted to hear, but that's the way I see it and that's the way I'll say it.
  19. that sounds like the worst posible relationship anyone could find themself in short of an abusive one. I couldn't see things working out for long. You will only bend so far and for so long no mater what you think now.
  20. Its sounds like you got a good chance of things working your way. It dosn't sound like your setting yourself up at all. Just go for it.
  21. I would advize agenst the dating a close friend thing. That very seldom works out well. I wouldn't wory babe. You still have a long time to go. I didn't start dating until I was 20. I have friends that are almsot there too, and there really isn't a problem with it. Just have fun where you are. When things work out, they wor out.
  22. Well, I'm not really the guy to ask about these things (I'm a little feminan when it comes to stuf like this), bu I would love it. I would be better than the guift my girl got me last year. She promised to bake for me... We broke up 5 months ago, and I never got my cookies. Anyway... If things don't work out with your guy I'm single lol
  23. Well, this is just me but I would say that the time he isn't willing invest in doing something for you kind of shows how much he doesn't value you. That being said I really do understand not haveing time. Sometimes its just hard to get things done. I would take a look at what he was putting in fround of you as a priority though.
  24. Casual dating is nothing more than going out on dates. Now boyfriend or girlfriend. Basically there aren't any commitments or responsibilities. Coming from central Kansas that is normally looked down on because dating isn't seen as a pastime, but is a means to an end. That end being marriage, but in other places they see things other ways.
  25. Just talk to your guy. Just sitting back and worying about it is not only going to drive you crazy, but it will ruin any relationship. Let him tell you where there from. As for them bing under other papers, thats just where things end up when you straiten up your desk. Thats how I've lost a lot of things. I really don't have anythign to wory about.
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