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Everything posted by Nifty_Swifty1

  1. well you haven't given us much to tell wether or not we think it will last, but the posiblilty is always there... along with the fact that in any relationship you have the chance to have you're heart broke. I think thats why most of the people end up on the forum. becous the have there heart broken. It happens to everyone.
  2. that means he's using you. If he wouldn't have anything to do with you with out "cashual sex," whitch for me the consept seems a little alien, then there really isn't anyting there to begin with and you aren't going to get anything but hurt out of any relationship you do pull out ot it.
  3. just chill babe... nothing is going to happen. If you don't take it easy he going ot figure out that life is easer to deal with without you. If you're always paranoid you're going to scare the guy off. Look at it this way. He's no more likley to cheat on you than you are to cheat on him. If by chance that made things worse for you, then the guy would probably be better off without you. sorry if thats harsh, but its non the less true.
  4. yep. Just keep you're breath menty and stay away from the onions and garlic.
  5. You can't give him everything he wants without any of the commitment. He got out of you what he wanted and as long as that happens what reason does he have for having any real relationship with you. If he wants all the benefits make him… well for lack of a better way of putting this… make him pay the price. Don't just let him use you for the comfort and the sex or that's what he's going to do. Use you.
  6. You're right in saying that if he loves you he will understand, but the problem is how much value do you put into those gifts. Many times the value of something is much more than the monetary value of it. I'm afraid that even if you two never get back together you will regret having gotten rid of it. There are memories that you have probably stored in those trinkets. Noone here can help you with this. Its all you're decision. Is it crummy of you to get rid of them… no Will you regret it… I would?
  7. I skiped that one on purpose. I'm not the aggressive type. I go after what I want, but other than that I can't really help you. Sorry bro.
  8. If you know how to get ahold of her, just ask if you could take her out to lunch or something. Nothing formal, but make it persional. Take her to you're favorit spot... I woud say to take her to her favorit spot, but being a seleb that might not be all that special that you took the time to find out, and being that you don't know her all that well it could set off the obsesed stalker alarms.
  9. Well, I have a problem… well, I guess it's not my problem, but when my friends have a problem it feels like my problem especially when there isn't anything I can do about it. Well, my friend, in the curse of 2 week, has been evicted from her house, her husband has lost his job, her best friend has turned her back on her, her baby has been taken away now that the father died last week… well it's not her baby… long story. She's lost everything. I know she must be feeling helpless, and I'm feeling helpless that there isn't anything I can do about it. I would do anything form my friends. I guess there really isn't any advice anyone can give me, but thanks for letting me complain.
  10. well then you're never going to make it anywhere bud. Just go and aks her. You'll get over it if she says no. trust me its better that she says not then to be stuck where you are not doing anything. I spent most of my life there.
  11. BUT THE MAIN THING I WANT TO KNOW IS HOW DO YOU TELL THE DIFFERENCE IN AN INTERESTED FLIRT AND A FLIRTY NICE GUY THAT JUST WANTS TO BE YOUR FRIEND???? I wasn't say that they have to do them all to be that way, but to anser your question I dont' think you can tell. thats part of the reasion that I said its better to just go and ask the guy. Guess Im not much help am I
  12. If a girl is willing to come after me its a BIG + for her. You shouldn't play game and try and get him to ask you. Go out and ask him.
  13. Just my opinion, but the guys that do all those thing you should stay away from, but thats just my opinion. There just in things for the game, and it isn't ever going to be anything serious to them. if you get one, more than half the time thre going to cheat on you. As for your #5... if he isn't jsut playing stupid little games start going after them. If you ask if you could go out on some kind of date most any guy with a brain will get the clue. Just let it be cashual so you don't get slamed. A lot of guys... well atleast me... really admire a woman brave enough to go after what she wants instead of just waithing around for me to come to her.
  14. leave the bum. He's not going to do anything. Quite a fue of my friends have had guys say the same thing to them, and all the guys are still alive, and non of them have heard from them is years. The guys a bum and you deserve better than that. Depending on where you're from I might be able to hook you up with someone I know would treat you verry well... Not that I'm pimping out my friends or anything.
  15. I've seen people take infents out all the time... but I'm from a small town of 3,000 and they were just going out to show off the costume to there friends (the whole town). I would do it if it were me.
  16. Well I agree with the last post, though it dosn't seem like you've really talked seareasley about hooking up. So you ether need to start going out and finding other girls, and when she give you flack about it say something along the lines that if you two were toghethe you wouldn't even dream of being with someone else (thats a little lame, but you could adapt it for you're own situation), or you can just put yourself on the line and have a real conversation about getting together (that would be what I thing you should do). Hope you get things worked out.
  17. Can't say I like it more then getting head, but I really do enjoy anything I can do that would make her "happy"
  18. Well, Im of the oposit perswashion of the rest. I think you should wait. It shows the value you not only put on youself, but the value you put on the person you marry.
  19. well, there are some things you could do to get your guy all if you know what I mean A good marathom would put a on any guys facel. just be a little she and I promis it will be a night he won't forget.... and a little makes everything more fun...
  20. Well I don't think ther is any thing I, or anyone else for that matter, could say to help. All I can say is that you're not alone. Almost everyone has been lied to like that (aka me) an we all know that when it happens at a bad point in you're life everything seem to turn south... way south... Things get better thoug. It just takes time.
  21. Well, I don't know you're situation very well, but I don know that the first two years of a marriage are usualy hell. I would say to give it to him.
  22. You are probably not going to pay much attention to what I'm saying, but you're going through exactly what I was going through with my ex. Unless you can somehow get him be completely honest with himself about what's going on things are only going to get worse for you. I don't have any advice on how to do that obviously since she is my ex and all, but I hope you'll find a way to get him to take a realistic look at himself. I personally don't see things going well for you, but that might be because I could have somewhat of a biased view of thing. Just realize that you also most likely have a biased view of what's going on.
  23. After 4 months a day at at time seem a little strange. It's not fair of him to what to keep you so comitted without being comitted himself. Talk to him and tell him that you cant to this maybe maybe not thing any more, becouse I don't think you can. You're getting way to close to the point were he's really going to hurt you. He has to deside now wether he wants to make something out of this or not. he cant just keep you on the back burner.
  24. find her number, give her a call, and let that be that. It might sound a little scary, but it really isn't that bad. From the sounds of it she'll be good for you. A chalange of sorts. I think she would chouse you to better yourself.
  25. Thats the best way if you ask me. Most women will be more willing to go out with someone that shows confidence like that.
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