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Everything posted by Nifty_Swifty1

  1. they usualy can, though most times you have to sigh them up and have them aproved by the school ofice. It's kinda scumy to try and snake somebody's girl though. I high school it is probably the best way to have a car load of guy from out of town stomp on you, so just chill. Don't miss your chance if you ever get one though.
  2. Well the way I look at it is that you're lucky. My problem is that all the women I find attractive have girlfriends of their own. I'm running a perfect loosing streak. There are women out there that have great personalities… though few and far between. Women complain about what pigs men are (and in general there right), but the same percentage of them do the exact same thing. Quality people are hard enough to find, and quality women are twice as hard to find. Once you find one don't ever let her go. They are out there.
  3. I would normally say to give the guy one last chance, but in this case you already k now that he's lying to you, so kick the guy to the curb. If he was really concerned about making things right, then the lies would stop. Since they haven't that just shows me that he only wants you for the convince, or maybe he's even lower on the food chain and only wants you for what he can get out of you. Ether way ditch the guy and find someone else. One word about what this other guy is saying… Don't believe anything most guys tell you. Most of us will say anything to get the girl, But not all of us
  4. I agree with amdabar. If he's telling you then you're lucky. He doesn't feel like there is anything to hide anything. When you need to worry is when he stops telling you. I can diffidently see where him seeing his ex would get you nervace, but you need to chill. If it's really bothering you talk to him about it, but don't make it look like he did anything wrong because he didn't. You could ask him to give you a heads up on this kind of thing to help ease your mind. He shouldn't have much problem with that. In my opinion you have a right to know, but if you ever try and stop him, or control him, then that's where you step over the line. Now if he ever does step over the line and break your trust than that makes it a whole new ball game. For now just take it easy and talk to him about what bothers you and see what he's willing to do to give you a hand in controlling you thoughts.
  5. That's going to be hard. My last girlfriend was 18 and I was only 20, and her parents though it was a big deal. What we ended up doing was I went and asked permission to date their daughter. It took a while to get an answer (things had happened with her last boyfriend), but the eventually said I could. The only reason they let her out of the house with me was because I asked their permission before we were dating. Things are a little different for you. The age gap is a little larger, but I don't think you have the same past the we had to get over.
  6. I can't say much, but I'm going through the exact same thing. At least you're getting time to say good bye. My friend just stoped breathing and droped dead 2 days ago. I know what it's like to not have anyone left. Im at that point in my life right now. Its just me. IO don't think things can't get any worse from her for ether of us, so we can look tward better days. I know how much it stinks now though.
  7. It just takes practice. You have to be able to teach yourself to relax the back of your through. It's when you're through tenses that the gag reflex comes in. Some people just don't have the mental ability to resist the natural reaction to resist something that large going down there through and can't help but tens up, but it is possible. It's all a mental game.
  8. The problem is that if it really is love, then its never going to go away. Love never fails! If it fails, then it was never really love to begin with. All you can do is to try and learn to live your life without being able to express that love. I'm sorry life has to be the way it is, but that's how things work. It makes me sick that I can't express my love to the one that I love, but I have to respect her decision. I'm afraid that you'll have to do the same unless you get back together. I'm sorry
  9. Gilgamesh is right. The teachers don't know how to deal with kids anymore because being able to drug kids has spoiled them. I've been around kids on every type of drug they put kids on. They might help the teacher, but they chose problems later in life for the kids. All I would suggest you do is to do your best to find a way to lessen your sons fidgeting. Giving him something repetitive to do is usually good. When there physically doing something they usually have an abnormally long attention span, but when its just sitting listening they have a hard time concentrating. Give him something detailed to do, something that he has to work on, and it will usually keep them still and paying attention. For some reason they can usually pay attention to what's going on around them even when they're doing something else. Just get creative, you'll find something.
  10. You're doing better than me. If I could afford it I would torch all I have and move to another state. Everything makes me feel that way. Everything I see around me makes me think of those times because we had a lot of the. We had a lot of bad times too, but everyone does…….. Well I wasn't going to just right about me, but I seem to have forgotten what it was that I was going to say. I remember now. You just have to work through it. (and be glad that you don't think like I do)
  11. anywheres great... Just put on a show just being able to watch is the best part of being under you.
  12. I'm kind of at a loss here. On one hand, you're 16 and you have a lot of life to live. On the other hand the only person I ever met that I would have trusted in a marriage I met when I was about that age, but lost because her parents moved, and she went with them. If I would have been able to keep her here we would be married by now. There are challenges about getting married so young, so you're going to have to think about this pretty good, but in the end its up to you.
  13. thank you all. I'm just trying to find as mant optons as I can. I don't wan't to have her pay anyone to tell her her options. She's not in the best finantual shape right now, and everything she has is going into takeing care of her kid. Whatever she has to pay someone would come out of what she can do for the baby. I would help, but I'm haveing a hard time feeding myself at the moment. It's been really hard to not name names. Than you for your help
  14. Thats the problem. The parents are wanting to be able to come and get her if they wan't to. It's like they aren't willing to make space in there life for a kid now, but if they want one later they wan't that option. They aren't parents that any kid needs. Im trying to find a way to secure this girls future when all the legal options that I can think of will most likely make things worse.
  15. don't be so passive. Ask the guy straight up. It's scary, but its good for you. Put yourself out ther and see what happens.
  16. The problem is that I have a friend that has been raising her ex's baby girl for the last year and a half because nether he or the baby's mother is willing to take care of her. I'm just worried that the parents are going to come back after a couple years and want their baby back after never caring for her. It wouldn't be good for her to be taken from the woman that has been raising her for her entire life. Is there anything I can tell my friend to do that could help her gain custody of this little girl? I've talked to friends in social services and they say that if she turns in the parents then the little girl would end up in foster care, and I've seen what that does to kids. The best thing for the girl would be to stay where she is, and I want to know how to make that happen.
  17. I'm sorry, but I would say, "Just chill." At this point its all a game, but you're putting too much into it. Trust me though, at this point in you're life its better to stay just friends. That friendship will mean more to you in the long run. The people you care about now need to stay your friends and a relationship like you're wanting will probably not do anything but hurt your friendship later on. I know you're probably not going to listen to me, but I have to say what I believe. I would suggest that for the next 4 years you don't try and date anyone that would hurt you to loose, because that's what usually happens in early dating.
  18. I can't say for shore, but I would say you need to be a little more immature… I know that sounds funny, but it's the childish moments that makes life fun. I don't think its that you're too close, I don't think that could ever really happen if you know how to have fun, but I think you just need to take time and just play. I'm not saying break out the dolls and action figures, but do something uncalled for. Last time I felt like that I took my girl and a couple friends out and went human bowling. It was just something strange and childish, but just and hour of goofing off made all the difference. When you start to act like a kid, you start to think like a kid, and take a look at the little kids around you. They have more fun doing the most boring things. The only time your not having fun is when you try to act like an adult. It doesn't sound like it would work, but I've learned from my grandfather. In his 85 years I don't think he's spent a day where him and my grandma didn't do something stupid. Its not all the time, but its enough to make life never get old.
  19. You just have yourself a strange friend. If you like the guy, the next time he gets like that give him a choice to ether not wory about it or to make a reasion for him to act that way. I think he likes you, but isn't willing to admit it. You ether need to shake this guy, or get with him. If you just let things slide, its probably going to get worse.
  20. Just feel lucky. The same thing happened to me, but my girl decided to do as much to hurt me as quickly as possible. The problem being that even now she did that I'm still feeling the same things you are. You would think it would make it easer to let go, but for some reason it didn't. All I can say is to keep you chin up and be glad that she didn't take this opportunity to crush you. It's not fun to lose someone that you care about, but you can't hold on if there trying to get away.
  21. I wouldn't think haveing him close his eyes would be the best ether. Im shure that you might spend a couple seconds apart in your 2 days. If he leaves the house (or whatever) you can have a great surprise wating for his return. If thats not going to happen then send him for some ice or something that might make the prosedings a little more interesting.
  22. If your church is anything like mine asking her to go to your church is the best thing you can do. I found myself in the same boat, though I was only 15 at the time. It did scare her, but she saw something she had never seen before. She saw the reality of God rather than the fabricated "troths" she had grown up with. If you can't bring yourself to do that just take her out to lunch and tell her about your faith, and why you believe. Unless you are sound in your doctorin DO NOT let it get into a debate. Jehovah whitens usually walk all over Christians who aren't COMPLEATLY shore about why they believe. Just tell her what you believe. After this I would still say that you need to ask her to come and visit your church even if it's just because you want her to "meet your friends."
  23. She like you bro, but she's going through a lot. Just give her time and be there for her whenever you can. I can't say that is't a good idea to wate for her becouse there aren't any garonties, but you sound like the kind of guy that would drop everything and everyone to be with her once she was ready, so I can't say that you should date looking for just one right now. I would find some people and go out just on cashual dates, and if things don't work out with the girl you have your eyes on now, or if you find someone that you wouldn't leave if this girl is ready than you get the best of bot worlds. Just don't lead anyone on that you're only with them until you actualy are. I'm not usualy one to say you can have you cake and eat it to, but in this case you don't have any comitments and she dosn't have any right to expect you to wate. It's all up to you though.
  24. Don't just go after the guy, we usually get suspicious if you just spot us in the corner and come at us with an intent. The more aggressive guys like that, but for the rest of us be a little more casual. Just start a conversation if the guys as bad as I use to be, he won't say much, so give him a reason to put his 2 cents in. It's best not to approach someone you can tell is shy in a large group. He's not comfortable there to begin with. try and catch him while he's doing something. Make it look like it was a coincidence that you started talking to them, and try and not let them leave without having a place to meet later. If you're at an event ask if he'll meet you somewhere on your way out. He won't feel attacked, and it will give him a chance to come to you. Just make shore you're where you said you would be well before you said you would be there because he'll be there early to see when you show up. Its just how a wall flower thinks. If you're there early waiting that means that you really are interested.
  25. It sounds like your guy allready knows, and if thats the case you're kinda allready hosed. If you ever mess up it's always the best thing to go and have a talk as soon a posible. Guys will be more likely to be forgiving if you come to them soon after the fact. It shows them that it was more than likley really a mistake, or laps in judgment. thats forgivable. If you take your time it makes it look like it was something you really wanted to do and had posibly been thing about before the fact. If thats the case, then you're just scum and don't deserve the guy. Any way, my advice is to tell him as soon as posible and NEVER do ANYTHING to take advantage of his trust in you EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!
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