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Everything posted by Nifty_Swifty1

  1. If you really want to find out more ask questions. Go to her dad and just ask away. It sounds to me like he's being a little pushy, so I would suggest that you ask him not to push. Tell him you'll come to him when you're ready. He shouldn't have a problem with that. If you don't want to ask him feel free to talk to me. You can pm me or whatever. Just realize that no one will ever have all the answers, but if you ask enough people you'll be able to find an answer. I agree that you shouldn't live a lie. If you don't believe then don't. If nothing else you're studies will help you understand your girl. If you're really looking for answers, then don't be afraid to ask questions. You never improve yourself without asking questions. I'll do my best to answer anything you ask me.
  2. tough sopt you find yourself in... sorry babe, but there really isn't anything you can do but to stop expecting anything. What ever will be will be. Im sorry there isn't anything I can say that will help, but I don't think anyone can really help you out here. I know what its like though, and I know its tough. If you just want to talk most everyone around her is great, but feel free to PM me or e-mail me if you just need to say something. I'll do my best to give any advice I can. Just though of one pice of advice I can give you. Don't push anything. You will only make things worse.
  3. I believe in God the father creator of hevan and earth I believe in Jesus christ him only som my lord I believe he was conseved by the power of the holey spirit and was born of the virgin marr. He suffered under ponchous pilot, was crusafied, died, and was barrie. He decended into hell and on the third day rose again. He assended into hevan and is seated at the right hand of God. He will come again to juge the liveing and the dead. I believe in the holley spirty, the comunion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the reseraction of the body, and life everlasting. As for why I believe that, that would take a very long time to explain, but to make a long story short... with faith the size of a musterd seen you can move mountions. I also believe most people have a bad idea of what love is. If you believe Love is an emotion, you're wrong. If you wan't to try and convince me otherwise, I always love to here other people point of view on the subject. I learn a lot from the truths others have, that I miss, but be ready to hear exactly what it is that I believe if you bring up the subject. "God is love"... if God is love, the isn't love God? The more you understand love, the more you understand God. Thats where my obseshion with trying to understand love comes from.
  4. He most likley does just need his space, but ther are time when Guys go through things where since they don't know how to handel it they shut everyone out saying that they need there space when all they really need is for someone to just be there with them... Not to talk, or do anything, but just to be there. I only say that becouse I was at that spot not long ago. I was telling everyone that I "just needed space," but one of my friends saw through that. She came over and made me supper, and other than kicking me out of the kitchen didn't say hardly a word to me. She just took a spot next to me on the coutch and we both just sat there until we fell asleap... I guess for most people that would be a little aquard, but It was what I needed at the time, and somehow she knew that. That got a little off the subject being that I was only making the point that it may not just be that he need his space, but oh well
  5. finished your post and I found a couple more flaws, though these are only form my perspective. First, not that Im right on this one, I personaly find a flaw in you're view of love. I'll just say I don't agree with you unless you ask me to elabrate. Second is that I have spent a little time liveing the life of my grandparents, and it was a far cry from less stressful, but that may just be becouse I'm from kansas. Women in the house get up at 4:00 in the morning and start breakfast spend the rest of the day taking care of the house, the chickens, smoking hogs, cleaning and cooking dinner. Men get up at 5:00 eat breakfast and go out and work untll well after dark. Back then, or now for some of us, life started earler, and ended at the same time. Haveing lived a couple years in both lives this one is much less stressful. I guess that would give you the argument that marrages lasted longer then becous you never saw who you were married to most of the time, but that seems to be what drives many couples apart today. Thats only from my experiance, and famlies not "out on the Farm" may have had things better, but I don't think so. I just see things a little difrent I guess.
  6. Well I go with the bible on most of what I say so if you don't like that, then just don't listen. Divorce is in the bible, but only under very few circumstances. The only two that I can think of is physical abuse, and adultery… now that last one get a little tricky though… Only the men were allowed to leave there wife is she cheated on him, but he could cheat on her. For that one, I chock that up to the politics of the day and throw that one out. I don't say that you can just throw out anything from the bible, but sometimes it takes a little study. For example Paul said that women shouldn't be allowed into the ministry, but if you look at the man himself, he was not only know as someone that would be sarcastic on topics like that, but women were a large part of his ministry. Sorry to get off the topic… now fro your second Q….. that's a problem that I can't seem to figure out, so you'll have to draw your own line on that one.
  7. How often do YOU kiss HIM??? I mean really go after him. Im guessing not that often. Guys like to be chased just as much as women, but you very seldom do. When we have to do all the chasing all the time it quickly gets old. My advice... next time you come home atack him. When he asks where that came from say someting along the line of you saw him and just couldn't help yourself. You'll stur something up in him. If you make him fell like the king of the world he'll make you feel like the Queen.
  8. There is never such a thing as being too honest... though it seems that way if you aren't tactful. People seem to think they need to hide things for some reason. I've had one relationship where the girl told me everything even if she though I would get upset. That was the one relationship that I was never nervous in. I never doubted her intensions or motives because we knew each other inside out. Too bad we were so young... I haven't herd from her in years.
  9. Why not just ask the girl... what's that going to hurt? If she's into you then great. If not wouldn't it be better to stop wasting your money? Just my opinion though... I kind of have a bios agents casual dating.
  10. Don't worry bout it bro. If you put up a front like that you're going to lose. Just be who you are and don't be anything else.
  11. Just a quick question to the ladies. What was the most memorable way you met a guy for the first time?
  12. First off I'm going to take a wack at Buffalo. Don't make generalities and say "ALL men" because that isn't true. I might me a very strange exception, but whenever I've been with anyone I stop seeing anyone else as attractive. I don't know why, but I don't. Actually after my ex broke up with me it took almost 4 months before I started to see other women as attractive. That being said, it might just be my belief, but if he thinks about it he might as well have done it. Just because you don't actually cheat on someone, it doesn't mean you have kept you mind true to them. Where the mind leads, the body is shore to follow. It tells you where his heart is. You're in a bad spot, and it might just be that I found myself in strange situations, but I don't see things working out for you. You might have a great guy, but if he isn't going to be loyal to you in mind and body, then you can do much better.
  13. I know the feeling of being alone… though I live in Kansas and am basically alone. I can't tell you if staying friends ever really works. That's all I wanted from my ex but she's been a little… well you know… and I guess the fact that she's doing things that I can be angry at her for and that she's refusing to talk to me may have been helping me get through things, but I miss the friendship she promised me we would always have. I could live just being friends, but she wont let me. I guess what I'm saying is that its easer to move on without that friendship, but like loosing any friendship you'll miss it. Right now things are tough I know. If you're like me just taking a couple months off from everything would probably be the best, but you can't afford to do that right? Just keep moving and don't look back for a while. As long as you don't give up you'll make it through this in time. If you ever just need someone to talk to this is a great place, and if you want to keep things a little more private just PM me and I'll listen. you're only alone when you shut everyone else out.
  14. Well if you wan't to just be friends then just talk to her lik eyou would any other friends.... well leave out the locker room talk, but other than the you're fine. You just have to learn from expearience. I know becouse I was in the same back when I was in highschool... except I didn't have any guy friends ether. You are going to fall on you're face a couple times, but you'll make it through it... besides, for some reasion a lot of the better looking ladies think the bumbeling idots are cute for some reasion. As long as you're polite and treat the girl like the queen she is you'll be fine. trust me, I've been through it. I still don't have many guy friends, but after a couple years I'm not doing too bad with the ladies. Just go after what you want. If you don't get it, you'll learn a leson and be better repared for the next time.
  15. You're girl was a d!#k!!!! There out ther, and I've met my share. You will too, but hopefully you will eventualy see the signs and be better able to avoid a nother girl like that nect time. I know it sucks bro, but the world moves on and you will have to do the same at some point, though I know it will probably take a while. It's been 3 monts from me and I'm still not doing so good, but things always get better it just takes time.
  16. I was in the same boat not too long ago. I grabbed my bible trying to find something that would help, and ended up reading Eccleasties.... Not the best book to read at that point in my life, but I saw something there that has really helped me a lot. Right in the middle of "Meaningless! Meaningless! Utterly Meaningless! Everything is meaningless!" There is one thing that Solomon never says is meaningless... that's friendship. The friendships you have in life are the only things you will ever gain from. No amount of work, or knowledge or self-improvement will ever do you any good, but a true friend will always be there to help you. Everything else in life truly is meaningless.
  17. You're definently wrong to want him to change his friends. Thats someting you have no busnes messing with. Now you wanting him to make you part of his social life... that you have a right to ask. You do need a little time apart, but anything more than the ocashional guys night out is him pushing his luck. You have a right to want to be part of his social life, and if he wont let you in, then I have serious questions on how long your relationship will really ask. Just becouse someone dosn't cheat on you dosn't mean he's keeping his mind true to you, and the more he lets his mind wonder, the easer it will be for him to let you go. Just my opinion, but don't let anyone become a large part of your life, if they wont let you be just as big a part of thers. Maybe thats just the fact that I've been stung like that before talking.
  18. The love between a mother and child is still a choice. As an extream example I have a friend taking care of a 2 year old little girl becouls the mother dosn't care about the child one way or the other. My friend has chosen to love that little girl in the same way a mother is supose to for most all of that girs life, but the little girls real mother has also chosen not to love that little girl. The love between any two people is a choice... many times easer than others though.
  19. I've been saying this a lot laightly, but I'll say it again. If you want something go after it. If you don't make it atleast you tried. obsticals in life only seem big unitll you actualy go over them, and then looking back on most of them, they were never that big to begin with. Everything looks scary before you do it. Do you remember your first ride on a rolercoaster by chance? It wasn't such a big deal once you did it the first time. Life is full of rolercoasters each haveing there ups and downs, but that's what makes a rolercoaster fun right? Well the good ones anyway Some just make you sick. the guy sounds great, so go after him.
  20. I use to help my ex out all the time, and being that she's my ex you can probably guess that it didn't mean anything to her. Unlike you she was use to everything being given to her. I'm glad that you appreciate what it is that you're guy does for you. For those of us who have always taken care of ourselves it does feel good when someone else takes care of us, and there isn't anything wrong with it. As a matter of fact I think it's good that he has the chance to show you that he values you and is willing to invest in you. You're a lucky Girl to have someone that is willing to help you out, and he's a lucky guy to have a girl that appreciates it. The best of luck
  21. Well, I'm not shore how old you are, but if you're not 18 you belong to your parents, and you have no personal space. They have the right to do whatever it takes to make shore that you are ok, and if that means going through your thing on occasion then so be it. Whey I was at home my dad had a weekly search of my "personal space." I hated it when I was at home, but now that I'm a little older I realize that it was his right as my parent to know what I was up to. Now that I'm out of the house he no longer has that right. Until you're 18 your butt belongs to your parents. Now if you're older than that, then stand up for yourself babe. If you have to offend people, then so be it.
  22. well, get away form him. If he's threatined you, you can always get a restraining order to protect yourself. There are guys out there that really will care for you and not just use you. Go find one of them.
  23. Im in the same situation at the moment. Im not real shure what it is that I'm going to do, but I'll have to do something before I get myself in trouble. If I can ever got the two of us off by ourselvs again I'll ask if there is any posibility, but as fro any real advice I guess I don't have any, just that if you really want something, go for it.
  24. Well, reach down and take her hand. It's not that hard. If you want something, go for it. She's not going to bite you for taking her hand. I know it sounds scary, but it only is so until you do it. I have a feeling that you already know this, but are having a hard time convincing yourself of that. You'll be ok. If theirs something you want, go after it. You'll hit a wall from time to time, but none if it hurts for long. It sounds like the girl is really into you, so I don't think you have a problem.
  25. Well, I know I don't see love like most people (a justification for lustful infatuations), but I don't see love as emotion to begin with. It's a choice, a choice that brings on emotions, but a choice nonetheless. If love is an emotion then it can come and go on a whim, but by definition love never fails so how can it be an emotion. As for why do "confident" people cheat and "insecure" people cling to what they have? There confidence is in the fact that they can have everything, and noone matters but them. If they can have what ever they want, and don't worry about anyone else then what's the problem with cheating right? How need to be committed anyway? They have no loyalty. The insecure people cling for just the opposite reason. They value what they have and fear that if that person doesn't love them, then noone else will.
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