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Everything posted by Nifty_Swifty1

  1. This is going to be a little long, but please hold with me. I have a friend that has been in a bad way for quite a long time now. I'll try and make the background as short as possible, but it's still going to be a little long. She was dating a guy for a little more than a year and had been raising his little girl as her own since she was about 8 months. The went through a tuff break up, but nether the guy or the little girls mother wanted her, so my friend has been raising this little girl for something like 2 years now. A couple months after the breakup she married her best friends brother... quite the rebound relationship. They were living with her best friend/sister in law when her husband lost his job. It's at that point that her friend decided that she wanted more money from my friend and her husband, and now only having the one income, they couldn't afford it, and so her friend kicked her out. They are living with his parents now. A couple weeks later her ex died in a car wreck and at that point her baby's mother decided she wanted the kid back after almost 3 years. After talking to her this weekend I find out that her alcoholic husband is a little abusive if there is any such thing as being a "little" abusive. Basically she's just in a bad situation all the way around. She's looking to me for advice, and I don't know what to tell her. If anyone could give me their take on things I would appreciate it. I just need some help on what it is I can tell her.
  2. that wasn't supose to be mean, but any time you use outside sercomstanses to justafy you being "B"ey it is only an excuse. believe it or not I've been through things just as you have and used depreshion and stress as an excuse. There is the posibility that someone could help you get your guy back, but you have to stop using excuses, no mater how valid, to justify your negative actions. How you treat and love someone should be keept compleatly seporat form the happenings in the rest of your life. Once you realize that, then you have a chance at getting the guy back. Sorry for that being so harsh, but I've been through what you are going through, and becouse of that I don't feel sorry for you. I made the same mistakes, but I learned a leson form them. P.S. depreshion only goes away once you stop trying to drug you're problems and really start to deal with things. I know you're only 16, but the soner you learn to deal with things the better.
  3. I say tell her how you feel, but you have to let her do what she feels is right. Just keep her close even if she's at a distance. You'll see her again.
  4. I don't know what the "situation" was, but I'm guessing that whether you're willing to admit it or not you really were jealous. Just give him time. He probably isn't going to talk to you about his "feelings" about what is going on because he's a guy and guys don't talk about that kind of stuff unless you have yourself a farley feminine guy. Just be as caring as you can from a distance and let him work things out. Once this separation thing is over see if you can get him to talk to you.
  5. "mood problems" are just excuses to treat people like crap... unless it happens to be a pregnant woman or going through menopause, but other than that its all just an excuse. I've seen my friends go through both. Treat the guy like he's the king of the world, and don't ever stop. Even if you aren't in a great mood. That doesn't mean that things are always gong to be great, but if you can be civil even when things are bad, then everything will work out.
  6. Don't get your hopes up bro, I don't think you're going to get her back. That dosn't mean you shouldn't try. I always say that if you really wan't something go after it. Just be ready to pick up and move on and just be friends. my personal advice is to move on, but stay close. Be as close of friends as you can, call once a month or so. Let her come to you. If she's not going to come to you, then it probably isn't much use for you to go after her.
  7. Maybe it's just my personal experience, but it's better to just remain friends. A break up seems to ruin most relationships. If you really want to go after the girl, then do it. I've said it quite a few times in this forum, but I'll say it again. If you want something, go after it. You'll only regret it if you don't do anything. I would just keep myself a friend though, but that's just me.
  8. I know what its like. I don't have a long list why my relationships haven't worked... they are all the same reason. Since you have such a long list, do you think you might just be too picky? Unless you're picking all your guys up at the bar I don't think you could find that many guys with such big problems that you couldn't date just for the kicks and giggles of it. Then again you might just have bad luck the way I do. (There really isn't anything wrong with the girls I find attractive... except they never are interested in me for one simple resin... I'm a guy... I can pick them out of a crowd I tell you what. After 8 in a row, I've just kind of given up.) Any way, you're never going to find someone that's in completely perfect, you just have to find someone that works with you. I'm probably off on this one, and if I am I'm sorry.
  9. I'm not real shore about what he's doing since I have never had a trainer, but here's my take on things. First you have to get you're form down or you're going to hurt yourself. Second you have to take a little time to get up to the heavy stuff or your not necessarily going to get hurt, but you'll find yourself in some horrid pain (speaking from experience here). Once you have you're form down and have gotten your body use to the work. He'll probably have you max out (see how much you can lift one time). After that He'll have you doing about 3 sets of 10 at 60% of your max weight, and have you max our about every 2 months. That's where you'll start to see things change. I personally do 3 sets of 6 at 80% the last three weeks before I max out, but that's just my personal preference. I also do sets of 30 the week after my max, but since you're worried about size and not maintaining metabolism, don't worry bout that. If he keeps you on the really light stuff for more than a month, start to ask questions about his reasoning. You have told him that at the moment you are more interested in size than anything else right?
  10. Sorry avman. You're right on the whole pregnancy thing, I was thinking about the effectiveness in stopping viruses (i.e. HIV). Sorry for the mix up.
  11. Sorry to bust you're bubble there aveman, but condoms are 84% affective only when used correctly. It gets much worse when they are not used correctly, and that's suppose to be more than 1/2 the time.
  12. Maybe I'm just from Kansas and we do things a little backward here, but what's the big deal with the whole shower thing. Around here you always shower after you work out. Talk about chicks that stopped to watch you play racket ball, how great that last basketball game was, that chick you're trying to impress at work, laugh about how so and so was stupid enough to bench with out a spotter and got pined to the bench. Maybe it's just that we don't have any nightlife, and the only place you really get to talk is in the gym. No one really cares around here. It is strange to take a shower before you workout though. Just a little useless information. Gum mean nude in Greek, and gymnaphobia is the fear of being naked.
  13. If you have a problem with the date you are planning to get married, then she needs to listen to you. If she's not going to listen to you now, then she never is going to and you're walking into a bad situation. That being said now lets look at things from her point of view. Being a woman she's been looking forward to this day since she was probably around 5. This is a big deal for her, and she's been waiting a long time, so if you mess with her plans, she isn't going to be happy. If you can't get her to see things from your prospective, try and explain it to someone else. Her parents or a sibling that has grown up with them. Many times they will be more likely to be able to reason with someone. Sometimes you just need a middleman. If she isn't going to pay any attention to your concerns and continues to look down on them, the I would suggest you turn tail and run. I've seen many a life ruined by a spouse that refuses to listen. You're opinions are valid, and if she isn't willing to recognize that, then you're life is going to be hell once you're married.
  14. Thats the point where you would die from 2 of the chemicals. you would suficate long before you got to 1500 pounds.
  15. Everyone I know the used drugs are dead now... Eather wrecking there car and burning to death becouse the were high on weed, or shot by there dealers or shot by someone shooting at there dealer. Any way I look at it you die... though I don't personaly know someone that has died from the drugs themself... to O.D. on weed you would have to smoke something like 1500lbs. in 15 min., so I don't think its posible for that one. Just thought that would be a nice fact to add.
  16. Just another thought... you chould always have a bigger dimond set in the ring couldn't you... that is if you're set on a bigger dimond.
  17. First off you aren't in any worse of a mess than most everyone here has found themself in at some point. Second if you do get back with your ex you need to tell him. He will find out sooner or later and its just going to be a mess for you. Trust me on this one. Its just the way things work given enough time. Life works out in time.
  18. I little set up to see how you're girl thinks about the ring. Sometime when you're around your sister bring up the subject of you getting engaged. Have her sudjest that you give her you're mum ring and watch her face. you probably know how to spot a fake smile on your girl right? Just incase you don't here's a little advice. good good bad bad bad very bad hard to tell... a little too much smileing
  19. Well he's going to have to get a legal separation and sue for custody. I'm not real familiar with these things, but that's what one of my friends ended up having to do. Have him talk to a lawyer is the best advice I can give.
  20. You're doing great bro, but there is one thing you need do do NOW!!!! Tell her the truth. As long as he knows you were fealling vulnarable at the time she should take it well. Just tell here that you need to tell her something. That you were woried oabout looking like some kind of looser at the beging so you said that you have had a girlfriend before when you really haven't. Most women like it when a guy shows a little weekness when it comes to them. Just don't let her see you show any weekness to anyone else. They don't see that as cute.
  21. Look up the CAT technique. It takes a little practice, but once you get it down she'll love you for it. It will put a BIG on her face.
  22. As long as she keeps herself clean its great and a hole lot of fun.
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