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Everything posted by FortunateOne

  1. I was expressing an idea as to the difference, not supporting either position. My own belief is that this is all due to the mental problems that both the patrons and workers have which contributes to the downward moral corruption of the human soul in porn, prostitution, stripping, etc. As for the tax issue this falls under states right according to our founding fathers, thereforeeee call your state to make sure they get their cut with out regards as to what all this does to the human mental condition.
  2. Something from her is holding her back. This can be a psychological insecurity or something that caused the break up. We would need to know more about the cause of the break up and maybe then we can properly advise you.
  3. The proof is in the facts, so focus on positive growth and how to prevent this in the future. Find the energy in realizing that you were played by both and turn it into a drive to better yourself and not look back.
  4. Sounds to me she is being coquettish with you, so don't think about it. I'd say to flirt back.
  5. In the past the police has tried to bust porn companies for prostitution, but it didn't work. You can research the legal rulings as to why it's not concidered prostitution, yet I think it has to do with the fact that in prostitution their is a payee and payor. Meaning that the "John" pays for sexual gratification and the "prostitute" receives the pay for the service. Now in porn both parties are being compensated for the sex act by the producers that do not benefit themselves from the sexual pleasure act, only by sale of the product, which is protected by the 1st Amandment as free speech. I believe it comes down to who the victims of the sex for cash act. Prostitution can contribute to the mental delinquency of both "John" and "Prostitute" thereby creating an underground economy dominated by unlawfull characters. Porn on the other hand has created an economic market that can be inluenced by government rules and private industry standards to regulate the economic wellness of the sector thereby maintaining a continuing growth of such market and the actors understand their role in this as victimless contributers.
  6. BeStrongBeHappy is right. Ignore the contact and it'll go away over time. I don't like being mean, but if he persists a year from now then tell him in a firm tone to leave you alone or his secret might get out to certain people.
  7. Wow! Major red flags. You're a good friend for caring and someone needs to step in to prevent this guy from manipulating her. Maybe she needs a heart breaking experience from him in order to grow, but I tend to but in when I see trouble ahead for friends. I know where this guy is coming from since I know people like him in my business life. Based on what you've mentioned he is a go getting salesman that will not care about who he uses to get what he wants. In my industry I see this type of character all the time. Heck, it accounts for about 90% of the mortgage company owners I know. They have the same entitlement attitude that most athletes have. As my avatar states, when people control the financial lives of others it give us an arrogant attitude and become control freaks. It's tough to balance it with a healthy dose of morality. All I know is that he is manipulating her to get with a young girl. Then again his world could all be made up in some sick fantasy and it nothing to worry about.
  8. Cindy, this guy is a dirt bag. Consider this a blessing since you really want this guy out of your life. My advise as a man is to value yourself and discern what a healthy man represents, but for this you need to take time to soul search and discover your true identity. You deserve a man that respects you and himself. I feel sorrow for your pain, yet harness this emotion into focused anger towards the self destructive behaviour you exhibit. Remember, an emotionally healthy man wants an emotionally healthy woman.
  9. Diet! Avoid all stimulants in processed foods and drinks for a few days and your body wil do the rest, but make sure you're able to sleep in since your body will want to catch up on lost sleep. I've tried many over the counter things and they all failed until I changed my diet. As for the melatonin pills, the only way it helped was to take a quarter of a pill to sleep okay, not the whole pill since it made me a nervous wreck.
  10. As a guy experienced in such matters my advise is to quit playing with it for a week. I know it's tough at 19, but this is what happens when you play too hard with it. Consider it a friction burn, so, as with any other minor burn, put some ice on it and keep it very clean since I'm pretty sure your computer gave you some funky bacteria via your hand to boot. Wow! I never thought one could catch something from cybersex. Go figure.
  11. Dude! It's not the hair, but the way you carry yourself with confidense.
  13. This is how women become abuse victims. You need to respect yourself and take some space to figure it out. Hoss is right and you really need to fix your emotional health before you focus on someone else.
  14. We all play our part in these games. Some of us acknowledge it and others are in denile. Why? We all in one way or another sell ourselves to the potential partner. We can sell by being authenticly human or superficially human. Just look around to see how much "image" has to do with our mate selection? thereforeeee everything in life we do is a game we strategicly play.
  15. Wow! Tough spot. I suggest you let her know how you feel before things get serious with the new guy. It's fair to the both of you to be authentic with each other's emotions, just be prepared for the "Friendzone" talk. I know it may seem strangely frightfull to tell her, but it's better to try and fail then not try at all.
  16. This a situation where women have a better sense of the morality of the issue. So, why are you confused? The men that subscribe to this theory are insecure in their manhood and were not 100% into the so called relationship. I know of a friend who did this a week before his marriage and has felt guilty for the last 16 years of their marriage. He can only imagine how much more enjoyable his marriage could of, would of, or should of been without the guilt.
  17. CP, which boy are you? With the cash and car, or without.
  18. Hey kid, (I mean this in the most endearing way) as you grow to become a man you will discover that sex is not about the act, but it's about the deep emotional conection that lead up to the sex. When us older folks suggest to do it when you're ready we mean with a loving and caring partner that completely understands her's and your emotions. Now for the emotions part of the topic. To become a great man and lover you must be at the top of your emotional intelligence game. This life skill is not learned by most people until their early to mid twenties. This is why so many relationships fail at such a young age. So the best advise this old fart can give you is to develop your emotonal intelligence before you do something you may not understand. I know this may sound like here's an adult preaching, but there will come a day when you will fully understand what it takes to properly take on a relationship with an emotionally healthy woman, not a girl. thereforeeee do worry what the people with more wisdom and life experience say since they are looking out for your emotional and mental health.
  19. Query: How old are you both?
  20. Dude! This is a fling for her and considering the fact that you're both in college means your still young, thereforeeee again, this is a fling. Also look at the character pattern. Do you think when some one better comes along she'll do what she's doing to her current boyfriend with you? Think about it. One thing she might be right about is the way you treat the word love. I believe you both have a misconception of the true meaning. As to you, it takes about a good quality year of being the best of friends to know if you really sincerely love a person, not a few months. For her, does she even have the faintest idea of what love is with the way she's treating her current boyfriend. All I can say is think long and hard about this scenario and disassociate yourself and look at it from my point of view.
  21. The education system is geared towards becoming a "good little robot" that does what it's told. This is why corporations rather hire employees with crudentials than employees with a brain. I know I'm mostly venting with this post, but this is one of many selfish pet issues I believe in. My self for example got D's and F's in high school, yet I got a 4.0 in college. I chose not to finish college and join the work force and learn the business from hands on practice. If you think that being in a male oriented environment is tough on being the smart woman you are, imagine being in an environment where you know way more about the job than your unisex peers, yet get paid half as much for not having a college degree; it happened to me at Bank of America. I've had bosses that I had to teach how to be a proper leader with organizational management techniques. Wow! It's a shame since they have the MBA degrees and I don't. This is why I've been self employed for the last six years. Now I'm the one who gets credit for my abilities.
  22. To all, This si why DN is so right on on what this thread is all about. We all have our pet issues and we must learn to accept and support others on those issues even if we may not agree with them. I'm a 36 year old male that's dealt with ADD all my life. My mother was too poor to buy the drugs and follow the doctors advice when she was asked to drug me up when I was seven. I've struggled with this all my life, but made it work to my advantage in the career I chose. My schooling suffered since I learned way too fast then the class, so I failed as a student. Same goes for college since I dropped out to get out of the slow pace of learning, yet I love my business because there is so much to do and it keeps my mind quite busy. This is why the education system NEEDS to change in order to provide proper training to future adults. All I can say that we all have valid reasons for what we believe in, yet need to understand that this is not a battle of the sexes, races, politics, and so on. We can all come up with so many counterpoints to every argument we pose and we owe it to ourselves to work as a team and listen to the venting of our peers.
  23. Thank you CB and Frico for articulating this to the peaceful meeting of the minds that this whole subject should boil down to. This is the mutual respect that we all need to accept and practice. Our energy needs to go to the new generations by reforming the paradigm that degrades our educational system. To begin we must eliminate the power posturing of many organazation that have lost sight of what the goal is; to educate Amaricas future. It's all in the politics of who, what, where and how the money is divided. What's the answer? My idea is to redo the entire educational infrastructure with a quasi-government agency that's modeled after the US Federal Reserve system. Why? Well, when FDR reformed our banking system to eliminate corruption, power and politic in 1933 he had what I consider the world's greatest economic mind (John Maynard Keynes) consult on how to go about economic reform. FDR and congress created a board that's holds 12 members, 7 from private sector and 5 from academia, which has brought stability and parity in our nations economy. There has to be a concensus on eliminating the current "good litle robot" attitude in our system. This is where we must superceed our ignorant fear driven insticts with wise rational thought and why our true identity as men and women must be never be lost to in order to bring us together and make us better. Just a thought.
  24. And I like what friscodj and now_better said with my own twist: 1. Emergency Fund - Real emergencies, notthing more. 2. Pay Off Debt - Credit cards first, than vehicle. (Assuming APY interest is grater than IRA, Roth, etc.) 3. Retirement - Conritbute to investment fund. (You can borrow or use fund with out penalty for future home purchase) 4. Student/Home Loans - Interest is tax deductable. 5. Discretionary Account - This is for any oppurtunity that presents it's self. (Short term capital investments in a business dealing) For this to work you will need to adjust to a atandard of living below your means. Since your practically broke this should be an easy non life altering experience for you. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders, so don't give into the consumerism of our society and do thing smart.
  25. Hey Babypink61, A little history about me so you can see that I have experience in this field. I was originally trained as a loan officer many moons ago and have kept up to date with current lending underwritting guidelines. In my work life it helps me find qualified buyers and mitigates any money issues. In regards to credit card debt it's better to maintain a balance of 25% of the available credit. This is due to what we call debt ratios in finance. Any underwritter, banks and insurers, see this as a critical tell all sign for financial wellbeing. The best way to increase your FICO is to lower your credit card debt to a quarter of your limits and quit playing the credit card shuffle. When you shuffle from card to card underwritters see this as living of your credit, which is the last sign before defaulting or bankruptcy. This is why credit needs to be used only for durable goods purchases and not for every day purchases. The links above are great for you to look at since it's the best site to explain exactly how credit works. Now for the insurance part. My family, clients, employees, friends and me have all switched to the lowest insurer I've ever found. You may want to check them out link removed for a quote. The application process is a bit rigorous but they offer the best and lowest policy I've ever know. Not many have heard of them due to the low advertising profile, yet this is why they're low and have a cult like following and word of mouth reputation.
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