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Everything posted by FortunateOne

  1. 5ThLine, This was an awesome article. This is the issue I deal with on a daily basis. The women that say they want I man like me say it, but don't show it. In other words I can feel they don't love me for who and what I represent as an intelluctual and spiritual man. They love the lifestyle I can offer rather than me. It's sad to meet so many women that preach they love to marry someone with my attributes and behave in such a shallow manner. Partly, I'm to blame since my hard work has created an environment that attracts them. I always figured that my hard work would bring me close to the ultimate dream we all have as humans, to fall in love with a wonderfull person and deservinly provide for that special person that will love you no matter if rich or poor. I guess I might be living a fantasy. I don't know.
  2. DN you articulated my thoughts so well. This is how I should of posed the question originally. Hopefully other will respond to this.
  3. My intellectual faculties. Without it, I wouldn't be what's mentioned by everyone else.
  4. Walk us through the logical argument you pose. Where α = Girlfriend, R1 = Coworker, β = Men slept with Deduction? Using the rule and its preconditions to make a conclusion (α ∧ R1 ⇒ β "Girlfriend" and "coworker" equals one of "men slept with" remembering that "...slept with well over 10 people, one of which was a one night stand with one of my colleagues a couple of days before we got together..." while she was technically single and not an item with you, thereforeeee not cheating since no commited romantic relationship existed. Induction? Learning R1 after numerous examples of β and α "Coworker" after numerous examples of "mens slept with" and "girlfriend" which was, once again, not technically your partner. Abduction? Using the postcondition and the rule to assume that the precondition could explain the postcondition (β ∧ R1 ⇒ α . Using the "men slept with" and the rule to assume that the "coworker" could explain the "girlfriend" actions which is the process of explaining what is known in reverse of deduction when she was not your partner from the moment of the transgression. I think the logic is flawed and your basing you "wanting act" on emotions rather than logic.
  5. One word: Narcissism It seems to me you want to take back control. I suggest you read the book below. Help, I'm in Love with a Narcissist by link removed, link removed
  6. A woman that cannot communicate her beliefs on an intellectually deep level.
  7. Most people are either too shallow to see it or to self centered to care. I call it the bovinity of mankind. People don't seem to think about the manipulation, aka marketing, of the people. On the flip side we need to have easily infuenced people in order to maintain the economic drive that benefits us all.
  8. Look, we all sin. Let me give you an example. I don't believe in premarritual sex, yet I've been dealing with the issue of sleeping with some one I dated last year. It was a tough thing to reconcile with my disapointment in me, but after a lot of prayer and reflection of how i backslid I was able to remember that God loves me and thereforeeee forgives me for what I did as long as I acknowledge the sinful deed. I repented and continue to stugle with this sex issue as a man full of testastorone. Remember the prodical son, if we truly repent and forgive our sins than God will accept our forgiveness.
  9. WOW! Loaded thread..... We all have our own spiritual relationship views on God and that is the answer. A relationship with God. I'm a Christian and my beliefs are base not on religion but on following the word of Christ for my own well being. I don't preach, I let my actions speak; I don't judge, I let my God have the final say; I don't hate, I let the devil take care of that; and so on , and so on.... Being a member of a non-denominational church that interprets my belief base on the word than the single belief of some interpreter on a stage is what I enjoy from my faith. Of course we may be in the minority since we truly believe that we are all sinners and understand we're not perfect so thereforeeee understand human failings. It's a daily battle to make the right decission based on our betraying emotions we all feel. It's hard to do right. This is where a lot of people have an issue with spirituality versus religion. Sadly, I'd have to admit that religion is a perversion of spirituality. As for all the world's religions trying to dominate each other, once again it's the perversion of religion. I feel that there wouldn't be any wars if all faiths followed the true teaching of peace and cooperation.
  10. I think everyone has a mental image of their perfect mate and is constantly comparing that image with new potential partners. I know this is the reason why I'm still single. It's difficult, better yet imposible, to meet under the right circumstances and hit that click that both people are the perfect match. The odds are against us, thereforeeee it takes time to get to know the real person before commiting to some one which can be misconstrued as game playing. A person must discern quite a lot of information before a relationship can evolve to the next stage.
  11. I completely agree with this since my best friend at the moment is the best wife candidate for me. All of you don't know my spiritual faith and this faith has a lot to contribute to my thoughts on raising children. For me to marry I would want the best attributes a woman can have to support my business and home school our children. This is viewed by many as too traditional, yet to have a potentially healthy relationship in my future I've had quite a lot of pressure to perform in the business world so I can provide the dream of a great marriage.
  12. Great article. This is a valid contention I believe in and has contributed to my view.
  13. Then again my world view come from a sales environment that's full of superficiality and greed on both part of the sexes
  14. Yes, in my teens and early twenties I was depressed. I over came my selfish self pity and began to lovingly acknoweldge the world around me, but what I meant is how some of my male employees feel depressed since many women do write them off as potential mates due to the lack of financial security. It's sad and I feel I need to help them. Then when I overhear the females at work talk about men it's all about the "bling" their man HAS to provide if they want "love".
  15. Yes you're right, it is a bit outdated, but I feel that a man's role has been trivialized to the point where we've lost the anthropological psychology that we are the hunters and must achieve alpha male status as provider to our family. This goes against millions of years of human evolution. Then again the woman's role is VERY important since it's the driving force for men to achieve the best provider status possible. This is what I elude to in my question.
  16. The reason I posed this question is that the women I've met think my financial status came easy and don't understand how difficult it is to do business in the real world. I guess I always wanted to give my potential future partner a choice to be a full time wife, mother and business partner thereforeeee driving me to opine this view. The sad part is I'm attracted to the self made women, yet they want me to join their endevours in life which creates distance and a coldness in the relationship.
  17. You have a good POV Batya. I know first hand how difficult it was for my single mother to provide for three kids alone. Yet women have a choice, they can still have fruitful relationships with men regardless if they're successfull like you or not. As for us men women don't respect men that can't provide the essentials to them. I've met many men that are considered loosers due to their financial failing that further exacerbates their mental condition of depression. What I'm talking about is exactly what women have said about the stressful need to be beautiful in order to attract a man.
  18. True that Irish. I'm self employed and it's taken me 12 years of hard work to achieve what I have. Enjoy your youth and experience some hard labor now. All this will form you into a more rounded individule and can be applied towards your future goals of financial security.
  19. Today I was talking to a great female friend of mine and she mentioned how it's tough for women to understand the rat race men need to go through in order to become the financial foundation for their families future. So ladies, do you appreciate and understand the stress we men have to deal with on a daily basis in order to make stuff happen to attract or maintain that perception of security and stability all women want?
  20. Way to go and awesome attitude. Focus on your self development and a nice guy will come. Heck, we'll be here to support you and advice you on what a truly nice guy is.
  21. Mz.K, Answer this: If you could take a magic wand, wave it to send you back to a point in your adult life that you were content with everything, what would it be? This will give you an insight as to how to move forward with this. Remember your happines, children included, is more important than what others think. Honestly seek out that moment in your past.
  22. Hi! welcome to ENA. To start I'm not qualified enough to give you great advice, yet this is something that has to be thought out with care due to the affects this is going to have on the rest of your life. Stay open minded to all sides (straight/by/homo) in order to make an educated decission. One thing I can speak from experience is that I once had strange feeling for an older college mate. After extensive thought I realized it was the sense of security and confidense he projected that I missinterpreted. WOW! How our mind can lead us down a path that's completely not the issue at hand. All I realized is that those feeling came from my own insecurities at the time with women. So, deeply think this out and find the reasons for the confusion.
  23. Why did you chose the career you are in? I'd had two passions as a child; economics and astrophysics. I chose the money making one since it's not fun groowing up poor and now I love helping the my family and society. What made you want to be in the career you are in? Passion for how the monetary and trade systems developed through human history and why poverty and wealth exist and there ramifications on the human soul. Is it a passion of yours, or just something that you had to learn as means of financial support? Yes, I love to research and analyze markets in order to tap into emerging trends and capitalize from it. Are you in it for the money, or because you love doing what you do? Both, money doesn't buy happines but it puts you in a better position to influence the world.
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