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Clementine orange

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Everything posted by Clementine orange

  1. Maybe those girls whose first dates are so forgettful of where they parked are soooo alluring and the poor fellow just loses his head!!! (I want to meet a girl who is so awesome that she makes me forget where I park the car, actually I want to meet a girl who makes me forget my name!!!)
  2. The vast majority of guys will look, better get used to that. Classy, tasteful guys keep their opinions to themselves though. This is a red flag I say. Especially if he knows it bothers you.
  3. It may sound trite but you have to have faith that it will get better. Life is full of peaks and valleys. Obviously you are in a valley. Years later you will look back on this and say "I survived". Never give up, never, never, never...
  4. Hellfrost is right. It is really really really hard to quit. The addiction never really goes away. It's all about controlling it. I've heard this quote about heroin being easy to quit that tobacco - I believe it. Compared to heroin, cigs are cheap, easy to get, socially acceptable (kind of) and don't mess up your life like smack does (one can still drive, work, be etc) I blame the governement. They should never allow something this addictive on the market - and then they tax it. That's cruel.
  5. Ask yourself and be honest - what do you hope to accomplish by meeting with her. Now ask yourself how things will be if that isn't to be. Can you easily handle any outcome?
  6. My advice: cultivate that hatred for smoking. Make it part of your life. Smoking became such a hassle for me because I couldn't really afford it, couldn't do it anywhere (no smoking in my house, place or work, social places etc), so outside only (in the winter - argh) Plus I hated smelling like it. It really does stink pretty badly. I've quit and do miss it, but seriously glad I did. I used the nicotine gum metheod. It worked though it took me several tries.
  7. Almost every handjob I've ever had I can tell the girl is getting tired. Kind of makes it more difficult to cum that way. I would feel kind of self-indulgent knowing she is putting so much work into it. More foreplay would help I would think. Dirty talk, maybe some bump n' grind and fondling. A handjob starting from "scratch" can be difficult- build up to it more.
  8. Dating is fun Meeting people is fun Getting to know someone is fun Bragging to your friends about your hot date is fun Going new places is fun Broadening your horizons is fun Becoming attracted to someone is fun Finding out they feel the same about you is fun Falling in love is fun Getting your heart broken is .... oh wait nevermind....anyway the above ones makes it all worthwhile.
  9. It was bound to happen sooner or later anyways. Maybe now that you got it over with and handled it well, it can be part of the healing process.
  10. The poster is from Canada, pot is practically legal here. Indeed you would have a pretty hard time getting arrested for it. Even if you did manage to get arrested then the courts just throw it out. We got bigger problems like our southern neighbors bringing guns over the border and using them for crimes. The husbands pot smoking days will be over once that baby shows up - no more free time for him. lol Here's a theory, maybe your heightened sensitivity towards your husband smoking is actually you being subconsciously resentful of the fact that your life has changed (and will change even more) and yet your husband's hasn't. Just a theory I shower everyday and I wish everyone would. I take a crowded metro (subway) everyday and I have found that PEOPLE STINK!!! and not just their bodies, their breath! Just the cost of living in the 21st centruy I guess.
  11. I just googled "the rules" as mentioned by another poster and the website. I don't think I've ever seen anything so assenine in my life. And talk about calculating!!!! I feel sorry for any guy getting involved with anyone who follows these rules. These two women are here to sell books, nothing more nothing less. You don't sell books by telling people things they already know - you have to come up with something new. They have done it and it's all under the umbrella of this fake empowering BS. Whatever happened to just being yourself? F*** the rules - there aren't any. [insert smilie of rage face here]
  12. Oh man!!!! What's a poor guy supposed to do??? Women are complicated!! All these games, it's so frustrating sometimes (OK thanks, just had to get that off my chest)
  13. It's worth a shot - my guess is that you'll get a BS answer. You are calling her bluff. My money is on the jealousy or ego boost thing.
  14. Girls like to be chased, that is if they like the guy - but not if they don't though (duh) I'd go with two messages, if no response then rethink it.
  15. You've told him loud and clear and he's not getting the message. I agree with the other poster - tell the bouncer. Kicking him in the balls may work too but make sure you have witnesses that will back you up that this guy is harassing you. You shouldn't have to put up with this. What a jerk!
  16. I agree with the others, something is funny/yucky about this. Go with your gut instinct.
  17. How long have you two been together? My first reaction would be she is playing games, trying to make you jealous (for whatever reason). I might be way off on this. Likely she would deny it if you brought it up. If I were you I would stop doing the myspace thing and if she asks why you stopped going there then you could say that you didn't like what you were reading. You are reacting. It needs to be you acting and she reacting. Or at least a balance.
  18. Everybody has different opinions on how soon is too soon but to be honest, I am totally suspicious of a woman who "gives it up too fast". It wrecks some of the buildup to it. You know, anticipation is totally worth it! It also makes me believe that: 1.) she is desparate to be in a relationship or whatever 2.) she is easy, sleeps with everyone (including my friends after we break up) 3.) I'm a rebound guy (or revenge guy) 4.) makes me wonder when we break up, how fast she will be with the next guy, recovers quickly. Or any of the above. Double standard?? I don't sex on the first or second date either. However, by the forth date there had better be some action or at least signs of approaching action soon. I'm not a monk! or that patient either.
  19. Well, either she is trying to make you jealous or she is one of the most insensitive people ever. Rebounds never work, Ok well, rarely. And of course everything looks good at the beginning of a relationship. Ha! He pays for her gas, she she's impressed by that? That's an ominous sign of a doomed relationship. Go to NC pal, be cool and move on. If she wants back then she'll contact you.
  20. I agree with many of the above things. America needs a third party without a doubt. Your options are so few. I'm Canadian so let's get that out of the way first. Here's what I see are the problems OIL: get off the oil dependence. It's going to run out soon anyway. I suspect that this whole Iraq thing is largely about oil and for the amount of $$ it is costing you guys to run the war you could have come up with some alternative energy sources by this time. That way you could cut ties with some of those despots in the oil producing countries (you know, the ones you make nice to simply to get the oil) Most of them don't have anything near a democracy you are simply propping them up. THE MEDIA: what is with your bloodthirsty media? Bill Clinton was one of the best presidents you've ever had and the media is still roasting this poor guy. Who really cares if he had an affair? The guy was doing a pretty good job of running the country. Al Gore would have been a good president as well. Why do you keep electing in George Bush. What is wrong with you people??? (now I'm getting mad). Stupid puritan BS thats what it is. THE WORLD POLICEMAN THING. Look for more bang for your buck. Go to Darfur and sort that out. The people in Iraq were unhappy under Hussein but jeez, on the grand scale of things it wasn't nearly as bad as what is going on in the Sudan. There dozens of places that a few soliders could make a real difference, quit picking on the Arabs (oh yeah, they have your oil) By the way, if I was from New Orleans I'd be really pissed that all our tax supported solider were messing around in the desert in some foreign country that doesn't want them rather than helping out at home!!! ISRAEL: Where to start with that. Either cut them loose or else put the hammer on them. Realize that the Palistineans (sorry spelling) have run out of options and are basically getting screwed by everybody (Their Arab "brothers" included). You really want to make peace in the middle east? Tell Israel that they are cut off if they don't get to the negotiation table. (I actually think the situation is pretty close to hopeless though) THE MEDIA/Culture: Gerry Springer, Maury Puavitch, Hollywood, rideicioulous censorship - you are what you watch people!!!! Gangsta rap? Is that really a good idea? Good role models? Why is 50 cent worth a bajillion dollars? He sings about killing people and so forth. Censor that and keep the T and A on TV. RACE RELATIONS: Black people need to get over the past and stop blaming whitey for everything. White people need to stop acting like jackasses. OK I'm done. I wonder if this will actually get posted. Bit of a rant here actually but you guys down south can be really annoying and your prescence is felt EVERYWHERE!!! My apologies in general, I know this post is kinda angry. I've met some wonderful and generous Americans in my life. Most of whom now live in Canada.
  21. Pick up a history book. This crap has been around for 3000 years. In fact it's probably better now than it used to be. At one time slavery was legal, child labour was normal and genocide was standard practice. The USA is "damned if it does and damned if it doesn't". They tried to sit out the WWI and WWII and be isolationist and got condemned for it. I agree this whole Iraq thing is a mess and even criminal but there were lots and lots of Americans who were and are dead set against the war. All you can do really is be good in your own neighborhood, help where you can and hope for the best.
  22. Absolutley slightly bent, so why dont they make movies about that??? Also, what's with all the hurtin' anal sex and cumming on girls faces and other weird stuff. How did porn get so mean and humiliating.
  23. "It's funny how you never think about the women you've had. It's always the ones who get away that you can't forget." Chuck Palahniuk
  24. Yeah, Porn is actually kind of brainwashing in a way. At least it certainly can give one the wrong impression about what it's all about as you are discovering. I use porn as a last resort really and I usually find it insulting and ultimately boring after a while. Give me a real woman any day (please??) Some girls (I mean non-porn) are moaners, some are not. If the girl is more flamboyant in life (ie: talking, dancing etc) then they are more likely to be the same in their sex life. Not always though. Plus it can be faked - which is dumb if you figure it out. If you can get some quiet, mousy little girl moaning and swearing like a sailer then you know you are getting somewhere. It can actually be brainwashing for women too if they think that guys wanted them to act like that. I've had that experience too. Sex can be nerve wracking enough without adding a bunch of dumb dramatics into the mix. Just be yourself! Let her know that you are up for anything and won't ridicule her. Talking about sex, before after and during makes things alot better (I notice they never do that in porn either) Actually on this subject. Considering porn is such a huge industry, why isn't it better? I mean, wouldn't it be waaaay better with more realisitic looking people and situations. Wouldn't it be nice if there was some characterizations in there, some acting, some non idiotic dialogue. How about a plot???? It would be cool if you could be a fly on the wall (movie-wise) and follow some couple through meeting, and then their date and a slow seduction followed by some hot sex. Hmmm maybe there is a market for this.... got off topic there, sorry
  25. Woah, dude, I feel for you. I've been on the recieving end of that BS before. All I can say is walk away....now! In the imortal words of some 70s pop star "if there's no audience there just ain't no show". Like other posters, I'm not sure how you put up with it for this long, man you're strong! That woman is a b****** (sorry) oh yeah, one more thing, don't think for a moment that the new guy isn't seeing this too - he's probably wondering when he will be on the recieving end of this act.
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