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Clementine orange

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Everything posted by Clementine orange

  1. Don't torture yourself man. Look elsewhere for romance. I'd stay in touch though - things could change
  2. Some guys really enjoy the chase though....and some women enjoy being chased. Respect notwithstanding. The question is "do you respect yourself"? It's all subjective really, doesn't really matter what he thinks, does it.
  3. You have to deal with this - it will never get any better. I think a chat with the boss would do it. Don't threaten to quit but just say it is an unworkable situation. It's possible people have complained about her before and the boss is looking for a last straw.
  4. Trimmed is good. That bald look is too "porno". Plus stubble is kinda off putting.
  5. Sounds like fun! Just make a mental list of things to talk about (movies, books, events, whatever) as chatting about the good old days will only last so long. If you still like him, you can admit you are a little nervous - I'm betting he will be too! That will kind of losen things up and you can both laugh about that. Relax! It'll probably be easier than are anticipating
  6. Sorry, I was one of the ones who didn't "get" it. Now I do though. In my case (and your's may vary) I would be all nervous and anxiious around someone I was attracted to (and vice versa) and doubly so if my partner was in the room too. There's nothing more irresistible than someone who finds _you_ irresistible. I'd be making excuses and some on to try to get out of this. You see, the cat is out of the bag so to speak, it's hard to get it back in again and behave like everything is normal. If you think you're partner can "handle it" then maybe say something to him. The first thing that came to my mind when you wrote about the double date situation was umm...swapping etc. Then again, I have a dirty mind.
  7. lol you must "love her to death" personally I'd get rather pissed about being called in the middle of the night repeatedly. An ex of mine had a lisp (which she hated) but I thought was the cutest thing ever.
  8. Google "Cognitive therapy" or "cognitive behavior therapy" and look into that. Don't let the word "therapy" freak you out. Anxiety and depression are pretty common for people who have quit smoking pot. Sometimes there is a self-medication side to things. Not in all cases but in some. Some people smoke once in a while, casually, for fun or whatever but chronic use is usually a sign of something wrong. I was on an anti-depressent for a while and I couldn't handle the side effects so I quit. Quitting that wasn't easy either. I'd being doing for research if I were you.
  9. Once, maybe twice. Who has the energy to be that witty and charming more than that in the space of a week. Besides the $$ issues and fun "guy" stuff to do.
  10. Playing with fire. It's fun at first but you will get burned eventually. The first thing to go is the self-respect, other things follow. You got your compliments, ego boost and some fantasies, I'd quit while you are ahead. (unless your husband is very open minded - approach with caution though. How would you feel if some guy was coming onto to him. Would you like to meet him?)
  11. Follow your dreams but have a safety net. Dako - I hear you!! There should be support group for people whose dreams died the hard way. The day I pawned my instruments to pay debts and rent was one of the hardest in my life. Face it, some, most people's dreams don't come true. That's life and sometimes it sucks. I bounced back though, got a career and now do music for fun only. Less stress and healthier lifestyle though every once in a while I think "I coulda been a contender". Fight club: "sometimes giving up all hope is a form of freedom".
  12. OK, that's brilliant - I never thought of that. Excellent post dude. It's all about playing games with one's own mind - rationalisation, justification and all that BS. Food for thought - thanks!
  13. "Your memory is a monster; you forget - it doesn't. It simply files things away. It keeps things for you, or hides things from you - and summons them to your recall with a will of its own. You think you have a memory; but it has you!" Author John Irving
  14. I second what iceman26 said (about trying to contribute something to the conversation) I mean is there a safe thing to say on a first date when your date tells you that Victoria Secret is having a sale on underwear? Of the top of my head I don't think I can think of something. (I'm a dating pro, well sort of, so I would probably just smile and say "cool" or something) However, the flowers and the phoning everyday are clear enough red flags still I'm getting on the "I feel sorry for this guy" bandwagon here. Which doesn't mean you should go out with him again though. OP suggested you ask him to slow down. In the interest of humanity (and female solidarity whatever) you can inform him of this.
  15. We should do a straw poll on how many of us managed (miracle of miracles) to get our ex back into our lives and back into a relationship with us, just like we wanted and whined about for months, only to find that it really isn't that great and wasn't what we really wanted after all. Same old problems exist plus a few extra! This has happened twice to me in my life. I am learning. Someone here once said - it's called a breakup because it is broken.
  16. Thanks, we probably can't have a totally frank discussion about this because of the censorship issue. (not a shot at the moderators - I see their point) I'll try google!!
  17. oooh that's harsh. I suppose a comeback could be "well, you didn't give me much to work with".
  18. Um Dako, are you sure those are words that don't offend women? I'm not sure I can say any of those with a straight face either. Peach might work...not sure about the others. Mind if I steal that word?
  19. Red flag without a doubt. Golden rule: no talking about underwear on first date (in fact don't even bring it up in conversation until she actually removes it). 2 dozen roses on the first date, phone calls everyday!!!! This is guy is desperate!!! or a complete amateur. I'd run like hell. No doubt your running like hell will cause him to bring 3 dozen roses the next girl he takes out - I get the impression he is the "never learn" type. Needy, clingy, controlling - these adjectives come to mind. If there is ever a time play it cool it's on the first date!
  20. Actually this has come up in my life. Can anyone suggest a "polite" or even more playful slang for female genetilia. The scientific name seems so clinical but there are so many offensive ones as well. If necessary, I usually call it whatever she calls it or make vague references with arm or finger waving in the area. Is offensive? It sounds nice. (censored - I mean the cat word) [this post is in good faith and no offence intended]
  21. Yeah, don't ask what you might not want to know - the golden rule. There is a double standard, though I'm not exactly sure why. Is it a cliche that many men can sleep with women with no (or little) emotional attachment yet most women generally require a "relationship" or at least some level emotion? Perhaps this is a myth as well. As for your issue, please ensure that you don't allow this knowledge to colour or damage your relationship. 9 is not a huge number given your ages. It's actually quite small. Be happy she is with you now.
  22. Didn't work for me. I kept getting lost in the crowd. I dont think I was aggressive enough but I would hate it if someone was that aggresive with me. The few I did eventually meet weren't really suitable....or anything like the impression I got from their profile and chats. If you think people lie alot on their resumes, just wait until you hit online dating!!!
  23. Yes Tim Horton's sells coffee - good coffee but it's not a "cafe". It's like a more common kind of coffee shop. I don't think they sell cappachinos etc like Starbucks does. Tim Hortons is an icon up north. In fact someone sent a whole bunch of Tim Horton's coffee over to Afganistan where our (Canadian) soldiers are fighting, to make them feel more at home.
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