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Clementine orange

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Everything posted by Clementine orange

  1. It's because you put them on a pedestal. They are just regular people like anybody else. You need to do some visualization exercises. And lose the negative attitude about it. You can't talk to girls because you say and believe that you can't. Start saying and beliving that you CAN.
  2. Woah that's harsh - sympathies. You don't even really have any "closure", that's the tough part - never mind about the break up, you don't really have a reason "why". I'm wondering if there is some mental instability there..... Have you considered (and I recognize that this might be a bad idea) talking to his parents? Maybe a phone call - concerned friend type thing- that might clear things up. Perhaps let some time go by first though. incidentally, I think it was a mistake (though understandable) to try to contact him so many times. It might have backfired and made him even colder. Wild speculation here: Is is possible he was so cold because he _had_ to be? In order to do something (ie: drop you suddenly) that he he didn't really want to. Is there anything big that you can think of that came to a head when he got home. Something he thought he could handle but once he was home it was too much. Being home and/or talking to his parents might have triggered it. Racial or religious differences ("you can't marry her, she's not Catholic/white/black/Italian whatever, what were you thinking boy?") Maybe closet homosexuality. Another woman? Found out his old g/f is pregnant/has his child? I mean there has to be something doesn't there? Otherwise he is basically a psychopath. Sorry. You were only together 6 months right - maybe there are some family things you don't know about. Maybe he is a member of some strict religious sect or something and his family told him he cannot have a future with you. I person doesn't just quit out of the blue like that. I feel you at least deserve an answer. This is very sad Gatorgirl - I feel for you.
  3. She is messing with your head and trying to get a reaction. If someone did this to me then it would backfire. Somethings you really don't want to hear alot about. I would view this as a red flag
  4. Hmmm, that means all men like boobs. Formidable! Hey, newborns like boobs too! It's a majority!!
  5. Sounds like we all need to form a wake-up sex appreciation society Hmmm, trying to think of a snappy name for it....
  6. Sex in the morning - a great way to start the day!! Just keep hittin' that snooze button - if you are late for work and people ask - tell 'em why - that'll shut them up.
  7. If you guys drink then get some alcohol happening - that way you can always claim that you got kinda carried away or something. If you don't drink then blame the moonlight, the dancing, the music whatever. Hell, just tell her that she was so irresistiable there under the street lamp that you couldn't resist kissing her, tell her you just couldn't help yourself. She's got to be flattered at least. Tell her also that you don't want to ruin your friendship. [only say these things if they are actually true though] Don't ask her out on a date, it's pointless now... Brace yourself for if it isn't welcome - plan an exit strategy to keep pride and friendship in tact. I'm not one to encourage alcohol abuse (or moonlight/dancing etc) but it's something that has often worked for me. It is possible that she is wondering what on earth is going on with you... What "man" said on the above posting is spot on - do it or regret it!!!
  8. Um... sounds kinda gay to me (not that there's anything wrong with it). I think that this comes under the heading of "I wouldn't be surprised if..." There is no law that a gay person has to "come out", in fact some like it in. Clementine Orange is "straight but not narrow" if that is any reflection on this posting
  9. A mighty pain to love it is, And 'tis a pain that pain to miss; But of all pains, the greatest pain It is to love, but love in vain. (Abraham Cowley) Ah yes, unrequited love, I know it well...alas
  10. They are called ladder people (though I have heard it to be a "hot" woman thing only - ie: ladder girls) Ladder people because they won't let go of one rung until they have successfully secured the next rung. The human condition.
  11. Ask her if you are the "other man" - ask yourself if you want to be. Ask her if she has any intentions of breaking things off with her boyfriend. If she says not then ask yourself if you are OK with this situation. In others words, get the facts Then follow your conscience.
  12. Classic!! Too funny...sad but true though. You should see what girlfriends come with though!
  13. Wow, now I feel great!!!!!!!! I thought I was mildly heroic by doing that but now I feel [insert smiley face of guy feeling very proud of himself and a little self-esteem boosted] Hey can I use some of you posting girls as a reference?
  14. I once sent a g/f a questionaire type thing I found on the internet - wow was that ever a good idea. She can say on a scale of 1 to 5 if she wants to do whatever. There were 100s of "items/activities" on the list - from mild to spicy. That way if something on the list is kinda "pervy" (for lack of a better word right now) and she is "oh my god, that's horrid" hey - you didn't bring it up - it's on the questionaire only We just worked our way though everything she checked off on the list....The summer of 03 - ahhhh now that was a good summer.. and tiring!!
  15. Glad I could make you laugh Yeah, buying tampons etc is tough enough for a guy, try having to go back to the store and line up at customer service to return them 'cause you bought the wrong kind! Now that's love n' devotion!
  16. The same reason "Tiger Woods" has a golf coach, and Michael Jordan and all sports pros. Yo Yo Ma still practices cello - daily Pablo Picasso took painting lessons from others As far as destiny - no such thing, the fate, no kismit no nothing. I like what George McFly said in "back to the future" George McFly: Lorraine, my density has bought me to you. Lorraine Baines: What? George McFly: Oh, what I meant to say was... Lorraine Baines: Wait a minute, don't I know you from somewhere? George McFly: Yes. Yes. I'm George, George McFly. I'm your density. I mean... your destiny.
  17. [why am I reading this thread....I'm bored at work] All this feminine angst over something that ulitimately,after one becomes sexually active, is rather pleased to have arrive (unless, of course you are actually trying to conceive) An old g/f told me that if there were more female scientists then for sure they would have come up with a solution to better minimize and control "Aunt flow" ps I have actually been sent down to the drugstore to buy tampons and whatnot - more than once even. I've gone, not enthusiastically, but I've done it. Usually I try to bring an empty box with me so as to get the right kind/shape/size/brand etc (discovered that trick the hard way)
  18. do something you don't like doing (like reading subtitles) and then you won't be bored. You are in a box, you need to get out of it. Look around, what is keeping you in the box? - maybe it's words like "I can't" or "I don't like". You got one life to live buddy, how do you want to live it?
  19. Rent the movie "Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain" also known as just Amelie. It's in French but has subtitles. Do what she did.
  20. Some women are like that. Try not to view this from a male perspective, most men are pretty open about personal nakedness etc (plus we like to look at women nakedness). I found out recently that in many women's change rooms (at the gym or swimming pool etc) they actually have cubicles within the changeroom for women to change in. So they are shy even among other women. Weird huh? I expect she will lighten up in time, just keep the compliments coming (but not OTT mind you). I'd say that shower thing you described is a sign that she is easing up.
  21. your welcome - I figure, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Good luck!
  22. The blues ain't nothing but a good man feelin' bad” Leon Redbone Hang in there dude
  23. Yeah, or she is wondering what on earth is your problem? Why aren't you "going for it".
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