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Everything posted by RelaxByWater84

  1. Don't feel too down. I had that happen to me on IM. I would say, "Hey, how are classes and life." She then would put up an away message right after I sent the message out. I eventually deleted her name off my buddy list. I felt that I should do that because she obviously didn't want me in her life and I felt like that would be like evesdropping. Hope it helps knowing that someone else went thru this.
  2. A characterist of ADD/ADHD is that we need a constant challenge to engage our minds. Like when teachers had us do the same concept over and over and over again, we lose interest cuz we know the concept already. We want new stuff all the time. If anything is tedious are too detailed I lose interest early on.
  3. I have ADD as well so I try to keep up with the latest studies and all about it. A recent article came out and it said that people with ADD/ADHD have slower running brains and that caffeine helps the brain move faster. I forget where I found that article, I just remember the information. Don't worry about getting bothered by books and that sort of stuff. In my churches library if I see books in a series are out of order, I have to put them in order. Gosh I can't stand that.
  4. Ok I'm asking this question on behalf of a friend of mine. She does a lot of stage work, she acts. Her characters kiss guys onstage, but off stage she has never been kissed. Some people tell her that she has already been kissed and others say she hasn't been kissed. She's a little confused right now. I was just wondering your thoughts on this.
  5. Get to a doctor ASAP. The last time I coughed up green/brown mucus I ended up having pnemonia. Green means you have an infection. You need a decongestant.
  6. Heck, I'm my own worst critic. But thru the support of my friends here and offline I get a more proper perspective.
  7. I'm sorry you are going through this. I don't think its really anybodies business if you are adopted. One person I know who was adopted got told by his sibling that he was adopted and was really nasty so the person told his sibling that he was chosen and that their parents got stuck with him. But the majority of people I know who were adopted I couldn't tell the difference they all acted like one of their parents. I don't think your managers would have a problem with adoption. Hope everything gets better for you.
  8. Hey I don't think of you as boring. When I first came to ENA I saw you in a pic and you had on your Renassiance(sp?) costum and I thought you were interesting and wanted to get to know you. You probably have more knowledge about that time period than I do. You have a nice, welcoming smile. I noticed your smile first. I feel that you a person a lot of people would want to be around. The world needs someone like you. And you're the person the world needs.
  9. Try writing your thoughts down. It helps with the thinking process when you write things down. I read a study that said when people write their thoughts down they are more calm and happy. Hope this helps.
  10. Don't worry we need more caring people in the world. Maybe you could start your own shelter and give the animals away to kids that want them.
  11. Yeah I do that. It's hard to eat healthy especially when you have roomies who like to eat things high in fat and sugar. It's hard but when I buy grocceries I get a treat such as Oreos and ice cream. A dietician told me that the key to eating healthy is to stave off our cravings by having say four Oreos a week that way you won't overeat when the craving comes in full swing. Hope this helps.
  12. I have an acne problem already and the only thing that works for me is Acne Free and you can at places like Wal Mart and Target. I get those acne spots right before as well and I have found that increasing water intake is a good way to handle it. As an added bonus the extra water seems to help with that annoying problem. Hope this helps.
  13. I know what you mean but early on in life no one knew where to put. I do not have a group. I was considered a silent floater. I'm one of the few lucky ones. Part of me thinks that I would like being in a group, but then I wouldn't be myself. Hope this is what you are talking about.
  14. My brother and his friends like the fact that the girl takes the effort to look nice and practices proper hygiene and all. They like to know that a girl is healthy.
  15. My mom is a speech therapist and she said that some people can lose their accents in a month to two years. A guy I know of from a different country took speech therapy to get rid of his, as he put it. Hope this helps.
  16. You could try taking two Tylenol, that way you could take away the pain. I took that when I ran track and that helped.
  17. Hey I have a big butt as well. One of my friends made a comment, "Wow!! Your butt in really big." So I told her it was it was my "J. Lo look alike booty. She didn't find it too funny. Shes just jealous cuz I have something to keep my pants up. hehe
  18. Hey I'm a pastor's kid and I know situations like this happen in the church. I would go and see the pastor or someone "higher up" in the church to seek advice. Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me if you need more info.
  19. A word of caution here: Watch your heart, the organ, to make sure it is healthy. When people lose weight the walls of their heart can become thinner than before. If something doesn't feel right in that area have a doctor check it out. This something my friend who is a nurse told me and my group of friends when one of them wanted to lose weight.
  20. My friend went through what you are going through now. I was there to listen to all she had to say. What she was to keep quiet about what is going on. Basically she wouldn't speak up until someone asked her. Say her friend said that she kissed 8 guys in one night and that didn't happen, my friend would not try to counter it unless someone asked her if she did and she would say no. That way she looked better and the other girl looked bad. And no one believes anything that the girl says. Hope this helps. You can PM me if you have anymore questions.
  21. I hope everything works out for you and that you can do well and graduate. Good Luck!
  22. Grace, First off let me say you are in my prayers and thoughts. I hope things get better for you. I wish you were here right now, I'd give you a big hug. Since you can't afford the counselor's fee, I would suggest that you look around for a place that offers free counseling. These counselors are not college students, so you don't have to worry about them "testing" on you. They are trained professionals that want to give to the community. A lot of times they are better because their heart is in it for something other than money. Hope this helps. Be praying for you. CoffeeGirl84
  23. I agree with southerngirl Drop him. A question I have for you is why were you willing to overlook the fact that he was married and had a child? I know that when I hear that a guy is married that is a no zone.
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