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Everything posted by RelaxByWater84

  1. When I was on a certain medication, I didn't want anyone to know. I thought I was enough of a freak already that I didn't want anyone to think of me as more of a freak. Your BF is probably embarrassed that he has to be on medication. I know I was. Just give him time, he'll probably come around.
  2. I had a roommate that insisted that it was her way or the high way. About the AC I know that AC makes me cold no matter at what temperature it is set at so I just put on a sweater. I can't offer any suggestions but, I just wanted to let you know that I've been there and I came through it.
  3. Usually there is one person in the class who will make you feel welcome and give you some advice and all. At least there was in my school. Hope this takes some of the fear away. Keep us posted. Oh when I look at a person's darker skin, I'm usually jealous that they have color and I don't. My friend who was adopted from India will always tease me about her natural tan while I have to spend time in the sun to get mine ohhh that girl. lol.
  4. Hmmm Hope, you have ADD and the coffeeshop is a distraction for you mm. Sorry, I'm ADD as well and I find the whirl of the coffee machine helps to cover the noise of people, I'm just trying to figure it out. I just thought a lot of ADD people think alike. Hmm appears I am wrong. I have noticed that when I study in coffeeshops I do better on my exams.
  5. I had a friend like that and I gave up that friendship because it was too much drama. She would be nice one day and then the next day she wouldn't even look at me. I didn't feel like waiting around for her to decide whether she would be my friend or not. That's how I handled my situation.
  6. Yeah we all were surprised but the doctor said because it is a meal replacement it would be like she was eating two meals at once and also calories are what count when gaining or losing weight. If you want to gain weight eat more calories than what you have been eating. After losing weight due to depression I needed to eat a little more calories than what I had been.
  7. I was like her just letting the world pass me by but, then I really didn't have any close friends. I am smart, but I struggle through math and science. I was at that age struggling in every subject and then my parents sent me to Huntington Learning Center where they teach study skills and tutor in the difficult subjects. A lot of schools do not teach study skills. And I am also ADD so that was a challenge. Hope this helps.
  8. My friend's mom is underweight and her doctor told her to drink Slim Fast with every meal to gain weight and it helped a little. Maybe this will help you.
  9. How about you focus on the parts of your body that you like such as your hair or eyes or your skin. Focus on those and then slowly start to accept your body as it is. Thats what I did. Hope this helps.
  10. I am like you a lot of friends are getting married and are involved in relationships of their own and I've never experienced it. I am a little bitter about that. I try to keep it in but sometimes it comes out. Anywho I was listening to a radio broadcast on a talk radio station and the guy they were interviewing said to get involved in your community, I know you said you are involved in things. He also said to work on the things that would make you a good spouse. Even read books on marriage to help you better understand love and all that. Hope this helps.
  11. What really gets me motivated to study is watching "October Sky." It's a movie that lets me know that with hard work you can make things happen. The main character is from a small town like I am. He wants to get away from it like I want to get away from my town.
  12. I agree with Tigris on telling her parents and you may also want to tell your parents, I think they will appreciate being briefed about what is going on and they could even give you advice. It is a good idea to tell someone older because you never know about people these days, even people you are close to. Hope everything works out for the best.
  13. Well, we are all going to be a minority at some point in our lives, whether its the color of our skin or by our beliefs. Here's a quote from the movie "Gettysburg" "The thing is, you cannot judge a race. Anyman who judges by the group is a pea-wit." I don't have the full quote after this but it's something like you take men one at a time. I've always liked this quote. So thats what I try to do: judge people one at a time. Note: I am not promoting the movie, I just wanted to cite and give credit to the source where I got the quote.
  14. You are focusing on two little bugs that hit your windsheild as you are driving through life. I didn't get a job wanted so I did something different. My brother is moving 11 hours away. These are just aspects of life. You will get a job, usually when you do not get the job you want, you get a better one. Focus on making friends in the area you now live. Hope this helps.
  15. Thanks all. Yeah my friend is immature but she thinks she's more mature than I am cuz she's had sex and all that and I haven't. I'll try the counter-compliment method see how that goes or beat her to the line like say oh, that girl looks great in that dress. Thank-you all sooo much.
  16. I have a friend who makes a lot of catty comments about strangers who we pass by everytime we spend time together. For instance we saw a middle-school aged couple walking around holding hands, I thought they were really cute, she was pretty and he looked he should be in a punk band. My friend made the comment I wonder how long it will be til she finds out shes too pretty to be with him. I was appalled at the comment. Oh and in the mall one girl who had a voluptous figure tried on a red dress, even though I'm straight, I thought she looked hot in it. My friend whispered in my ear that she looked like a big tomato and the girl heard the comment. I was soooo embarrassed for the both of us. I wanted to disappear into the carpet. She is a good friend to me and I want to keep her friendship how do I turn the conversation into positive one? And how do I tell her that her comments are not nice without being catty myself? I don't want to be at that level.
  17. I would suggest you take a break, if you can, when your children go back to school. Even if you can only take a day to sleep in, that helps me. Oh, your husband sounds like my father, he helps out a lot around the house. Props to men who help around the house.
  18. I know people are going to what they are going to do but it still makes me a little sad and let down that one of closest friends didn't invite me to her wedding. I wasn't the only one let down she didn't invite anyone from school. That upset us a lot. No one knew until like 2 months after the fact. I know how you feel.
  19. Well I went from living with four brothers, a mother who is not a drama queen, and a dad who hates gossip to a dorm filled with girls. Major eye opener for me and all the drama which I could do without. I really noticed a difference.
  20. We all have those days. I had one where I offerend someone tea and they said no tea was for stuck up people. And another day my father was 45 minutes late picking me up and couldn't understand why I was upset. I thought he got into a car accident, I was scared. So we all have days like these.
  21. I personally think it's great that you set high goals for yourself and that you achieved them. Congrats. Keep the attitude and work. Future employers will like you.
  22. I agree with RC. If you are living there then follow their rules. It really is easier on all parties if you follow the rules. Then when you do move out you can make your own rules. Its just one of those situations in life that you have to deal with. If you can get along with your parents you can get along with most of your roommates rules. One thing that does puzzle me about your parents is that they wouldn't let you print out your college stuff, my parents would have demanded that I did that.
  23. Well when I think of leadership I think of Jesus. In my opinion Jesus is a great leader. He is humble. He washed His disciples feet. A footwasher back in biblical times was considered a low position, one that you would not give your enemy. Its equivilent today is a janitor. So what makes a leader is one who is willing to "come down" from his or her position and help out when things get a little hectec for their workers. The above is what I picture of a great leader. These are my opinions.
  24. I think it's all in your head. There is such thing as a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example it you think you will not like school, you won't. If you say you will like school, you will. I personally think you fulfilling your own "prophecies".
  25. My mom has always been this way. I found out after I wrote this that she was abused by her mom and that she found cleaning to be thereputic. The reason my mom didn't tell me until she thought it was a good time so I didn't fear being hurt by her. I know she has forgiven her mom for that but I'm wondering if there are still times that she thinks about it and since my room is usually messy she wants to clean it to help her out. I'm thinking now that I was the selfish one for insisting things being my way instead of being an understanding daughter. Sorry it took so long but I was home from school when I wrote about it and it was on dial-up connection and dad needed it for his job so I couldn't write back as I would have liked and then with moving back preparations all this got put on the back burner.
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