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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Dont act as if you are so innocent here married1099. Yuo tounched his nuts more then once (even though you pulled away), then you get him a head job. If that isnt cheating i dont know what is.. YOu (for whatever reasons) enjoyed it too. My advice, there is a deeper problem with your hubby and your relationship. YOu should look into it. Your Hubby has the right to know, he really does BUT if you choose to keep quiet wbout this, you will have to accept that one day it MIGHT come up and you MIGHT have to face the consequences then.. If your relationship is going great, shut up and live iwth the guilt. Another advice, end the friendship as he is a threat and a temptation. Good LUCK. i hope for your sake he doesnt find out.
  2. i hate tall guys!!! cos i am shorter then 6" and i am a guy. ggrrrrrgggrrrrrggrrrr
  3. i'll tell her to bugger off. GO crawl back under the rock that you came from. She stepped over you and disrespected you. Nah, i wouldnt even let her finished that someday sentence. I think everything has to be finsihed someway or another. So, in my opinion even though things doesnt need to be "spelt out", it has to be spelt out. I think that i comes with maturity and character. We all make mistakes like that and learn the hard way.
  4. As someone that has been accused of being a momma's boy i will say this in my defences. She is a woman that raised me, feed me, picked me up when i was down, gave me the principles that i have, the educatoin that i needed, the culture, social resposibility the is required in society today, etc. If you come into my life and critisize my mom, you can go to hell as you are critisizing me personally. No i am not perfect noris my mother, but there are ways of doing things. If yo want to be part of the family, you must stand back and observe how that family works and recognise if that family work in a hierarchical way or not. But that being said, if you cannot stand the mother or the mother cant stand you and you have tried your best. You had better let go as your boyfriend will have similar priciples as his family.
  5. life is too short for bullshi!t. When you say "being alone" it sounds like it is so bad. Being alone doesnt mean being single. Being single can mean that you are not 'alone', you build friendships, your self worth and family relationships. There is so much to do out there and so many people to meet! It sounds like you might have low self esteme and it isnt easy to get ot of the situation. I recommend that you get your butt out there and socialise, meet more people. Your will be surprized what this does to your self esteme.!!
  6. pressuring him more will not work. I thihnk you are going to have to understand human behaviour. Pressure doesnt work. Guilt doesnt either.
  7. acceptance is key. BUT you can never totally control your future and what happens. Acceppting that will help with anxiety as for depression, accepting what you can't have help you get over depression.
  8. you are playing a game. STOP IT. be clear where you stand. Nothing pisses anyone off more then being manipulated with silly games. If he doesnt like it. Walk away.
  9. just walk away. He has choosen. YOu know it. It is time to move on. If he wants you back, he will make the choice.
  10. ultimatums arent bad if used properly. The only reason to use an ultimatum if your principles which you feel strongly are being crossed. You are actually at the point of ending the relationship because ot it, so you are giving options. Selfish = YES VERY. but if the person you are with do not agree with principles. Then it had better end. It shouldnt be used as a form of manipulation.
  11. hmmm.i think things are being misunderstood here. I reason i want to know who she is hanging out with is because i want to be able to have something in common, to be able to have conversations with her. To have something in common and to share what is going on in our lives.
  12. with every good things come with the bad things. With every privilege comes responsibility. I dont see arguments, being crowded as a bad thing,it just comes with the relationship.
  13. i'd say go to europe. it is not something that will happen everyday it is an opportunity!! You will see family that u havent seen in a long time. As for money, go there and work. YOu will get more money because of the exchange rate.
  14. if you think are not ready, you aren't. It is one of those things that should trigger alarm bells when you start thinking there is a possibility. When that happens.. It means you aren't ready
  15. HHAHAHAHAHA!!!!.. i am sorry but love is strong but finances,responcibilities and time are even stronger. Funny but sadly true. Yes i have been, it is awfully hard. I have lost so much timebecause of it. So, By choice NO, BUt but my heart doesnt like what my head thinks.
  16. Hmmm, hearing this i personally find it funny. The grass will always be greener on the other side. It suppose to be. Human Nature. THe difference is self control and choices. You make a decision to be with a person or not to be with a person. If the relationship is good just focus on the choices that you made. Even if the grass is green on the other side i personally would rather have what i have then to risk losing everything for a 'what if'. I have seen too many screw ups to not have learnt from this. Everyone gets hurt if there is no self control or self discipline.
  17. that life can be a B!txh.. and you can be a victim or someone that moves on. I was a victim now i choose to be someone that moves on in life. It is too short to dwell. Though at times i need advice from my fellow strangers.
  18. JJRadical.. Ok..control... how do i get to know more about these people that she is meeting? I have a feeling that she misses people out in the conversation. Actually, it isnt a feeling, i KNOW she misses people out. So how do i get the full picture? Really is this a bad thing to want to know the whole picture?
  19. Of course he will bring it up again and again. It isnt obsessive. YOu killed the trust by lieing. It is just that simple. He will bring it up because he is trying to get over it. If you blow it off, it would basically say you dont care about the trust issue that he has with you. Both of you are going to have to talk and work this out.. Good luck.
  20. this subject is very important in a long term relationship. As both of you are very religious with the belief in your faith i think that these 2 religion are mutially exclusive of one another. If both are not willing to give on this subject i would recommend that you end your relationship with him and look for someone more competible. To be honest, if both of you cant even talk about the differences of your religion or your future within each other religion why are you with each other. As you said religion is VERY important toboth of you. As for bringing you children up with both religions and telling them choosem that is a good idea conceptually. But are they going to be Baptised when they are below 5 years? because then, they didnt even choose. that is my opinion.
  21. work place romance always a bad idea. it happened once and it is still haunting you. Y do you think this is going to be different? instead you might be tyhe victim this time.;
  22. if you dont want to meet the guym then at the lest you better bring it up and have a good conversation about it. I dont think it is weird to bring up the idea about getting to know this guy. Odd or not, u want to know what their relationship is like. it is that simple.
  23. yes.. she is leaving and she has step all over you already. Her perspection of yuis as low as it can be. She has already decided. Yo best look after yourself.
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